Tag: JavaScript
Write an asynchronous trendingStocks
function that takes in a required integer n
and returns data about the top n
US-based stocks by market cap.
Specifically, the function should return an array containing n
objects, and each object should have 6 own properties: "name", "symbol", "price", "market-cap", "52-week-high", and "52-week-low". These objects should contain the data of the top n
US-based stocks by market-cap.
You have been provided 3 different APIs (a symbols API, a prices API, and a market-cap API), each of which returns different stock-related data:
The symbols API returns a JSON-formatted array of objects, each representing one of the 500 top US-based stocks by market-cap. Each object has 2 keys: "name", and "symbol". These symbols are the same symbols used in the prices and market-cap APIs. For example, the return value of this API might look like this:
"symbol": "GOOG",
"name": "Alphabet Inc Class C"
The prices API takes one query parameter called symbols
. This value should be a JSON stringified array of requested stock symbols. For example: a request to this API would look like this:
The prices API returns a JSON formatted array of objects, each representing one of the requested stocks from the query parameter. Each object has 4 keys: "52-week-high", "52-week-low", "price", and "symbol". These are the same keys required for the objects in the return array, excluding the name and market-cap. For example, the return value of this API might look like this:
"symbol": "GOOG",
"price": 1001.52,
"52-week-low": 803.1903,
"52-week-high": 1186.89,
The market-caps API returns a JSON formatted array of objects, each representing one of the 500 top US-based stocks by market-cap. Each object has 2 keys: "market-cap", and "symbol". These symbols are the same symbols as used in the symbols and prices APIs. For example, the return value of this API might look like this:
"symbol": "GOOG",
"name": 728535558140
Your code should minimize daisy-chained fetch requests as much as possible (i.e. if two requests don't depend on each other's responses, they should not wait for each other). The parameter n
will always be positive and less than or equal to 500.
await trendingStocks(0); // returns []
await trendingStocks(2); /* returns [
"52-week-low": 131.12,
"52-week-high": 180.1,
"market-cap": 809508034020,
"name": "Apple Inc.",
"price": 155.15,
"symbol": "AAPL",
"52-week-low": 824.3,
"52-week-high": 1198,
"market-cap": 733823966137,
"name": "Alphabet Inc Class A",
"price": 1007.71,
"symbol": "GOOGL",
] */