UICollectionView has great API. It provides access to amazing things like compositional layouts, list layout, effective cell reuse, self-sizing and others. However, in some places using UICollectionView becomes boilerplatey and error-prone.
DTCollectionViewManager framework aims to close those gaps by focusing on compile-time safety, elimination of String-based API's, replacing delegate syntax with concrete-type closures, and much more. To find out more, read along!
Two most popular ways of creating UICollectionViewCell's are creating cells from code or from xib file. Both of those API's use String API's in some form:
collectionView.register(PostCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: "PostCell")
let nib = UINib(nibName: "PostCell", bundle: nil)
collectionView.register(nib, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: "PostCell")
It's a common sense to use the same name for xib with cell design and reuseIdentifier, so why not use this as default? Both registration types above are equivalent to following code with DTCollectionViewManager:
Registration methods are also much more expanded, and allow powerful customizations:
manager.register(PostCell.self) { mapping in
// Different xib name
mapping.xibName = "MyPostCell"
// Only use this mapping for Posts in second section
mapping.condition = .section(1)
Registration API's work similarly for supplementary views, allow a configuration handler to be passed, and also serve as a base for delegate event handling.
You can read more about view registration here.
There are a lot of delegate methods on UICollectionView. A lot of them are related to UICollectionViewCell, which is usually provided by delegate method using indexPath. Most of the time you need actual data model from you datasource, not the indexPath provided by collectionView.
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
let post = posts[indexPath.item]
// Push PostDetailController?
If you have an array of models of a single type, it looks fine, but especially with introduction of compositional layouts, and also when your app becomes more complex, chances are you will have much more types of data models, and some type-casting will be required:
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
let post = posts[indexPath.item]
switch post {
case let photoPost as PhotoPost:
// Show photo gallery
case let videoPost as VideoPost:
// Play video full screen
case let textPost as TextPost:
// Push PostDetailController
default: ()
This is just one delegate method, imagine you have several of those - cells might have different sizes, or can support drag&drop, or other things. Your code quickly becomes filled with switches and if statements, unnecessarily multiplying complexity.
DTCollectionViewManager solves this problem by implementing delegate methods as type-safe closures, and providing access to them directly where you register your cell:
manager.register(VideoPostCell.self) { mapping in
mapping.didSelect { cell, model, indexPath in
// cell is of type VideoPostCell, model is VideoPost
mapping.willDisplay { cell, model, indexPath in
// cell is of type VideoPostCell, model is VideoPost
// etc..
All delegate methods are supported, including UICollectionViewDelegate
, UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout
, UICollectionViewDragDelegate
, UICollectionViewDropDelegate
and TVCollectionViewDelegateFullScreenLayout
. Delegate methods, that are not related to cells or supplementary views, are available as closures on DTCollectionViewManager
instance directly:
manager.didEndMultipleSelectionInteraction {
// is equivalent to func collectionViewDidEndMultipleSelectionInteraction(_ collectionView: UICollectionView) delegate method
You can read more about events and how they are implemented here
If you read previous section, and thought to yourself: "Wait, how does the framework know, that VideoPostCell needs VideoPost, and not other type of model?", let's dive in!
Usually with UICollectionView, you have some models, that you need to display. So, in datasource method collectionView(_:cellForItemAt:)
you would typically update all UICollectionViewCell subviews, or just transfer model to cell, so that cell would do it itself.
DTCollectionViewManager standardizes this by introducing ModelTransfer
class VideoPostCell: UICollectionViewCell, ModelTransfer {
func update(with model: VideoPost) {
// update cell
This protocol is used when you register cell with DTCollectionViewManager
instance, inferring mapping between VideoPost
and VideoPostCell
. This is also how delegate closure events have understanding about which cell and model types they execute on.
Although usage of ModelTransfer
protocol is recommended, it's not required. You can register cells without explicitly transferring it's model, which is useful for simple cells(for example UICollectionViewListCell in iOS 14):
manager.register(UICollectionViewListCell.self, for: MenuItem.self) { mapping in
mapping.didSelect { cell, model, indexPath in
// did select menu item \(model) at \(indexPath)
} handler: { cell, model, indexPath in
var content = cell.defaultContentConfiguration()
content.text = model.title
cell.contentConfiguration = content
To find out more about model transfer and model mapping, head on to Mapping.md.
Datasource abstractions for DTCollectionViewManager are extracted into separate framework DTModelStorage
.It abstracts datasources as Storage
protocol, and provides several implementations:
for storing array of arrays of data models in memoryCoreDataStorage
for displaying data models from CoreData, fetched by NSFetchedResultsControllerRealmStorage
for displaying data models from RealmSingleSectionEquatableStorage
for single section diffable datasources, can be used with frameworks like Changeset, Dwifft or another diffing framework of your choiceProxyDiffableDataSourceStorage
for diffable datasources in iOS / tvOS 13
DTCollectionViewManager defaults to using MemoryStorage
, in which case showing array of data models is as simple as:
Configuring diffable datasources for iOS 13 and higher also simplifies following code:
dataSource = UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource
<Section, MountainsController.Mountain>(collectionView: mountainsCollectionView) {
(collectionView: UICollectionView, indexPath: IndexPath,
mountain: MountainsController.Mountain) -> UICollectionViewCell? in
guard let mountainCell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(
withReuseIdentifier: LabelCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as? LabelCell else {
fatalError("Cannot create new cell") }
mountainCell.label.text = mountain.name
return mountainCell
dataSource = manager.configureDiffableDataSource { indexPath, model in
Read more about all datasource abstractions in more detail.
We are all human. We make mistakes. DTCollectionViewManager
attempts to analyze usage of it's API's, and if something is off, it emits anomaly.
By default, anomalies are non-fatal errors, and they are simply logged into console. For example, if you attempt to register an empty Xib for your cell, following will be logged into console:
[DTCollectionViewManager] Attempted to register xib VideoPostCell for VideoPostCell, but this xib does not contain any views."
You can customize behavior of anomalies by setting an anomaly handler, and for example sending any anomalies to your analytics provider. You can also silence any particular anomaly, if you don't think it's emitted correctly, or silence all anomalies altogether, if you choose to.
Read more about anomalies here.
If you are interested in bringing the same approach to UITableView, DTTableViewManager is a framework built with the same principles, and the same interfaces, but tailored specifically for UITableView
There is also much more stuff under the hood: perfomance optimizations for reloading instead of animating when UICollectionView is not visible, trampolining of delegate methods if you need them, enhanced support for Drag&Drop, and more, all of which is described in other documents in Documentation directory.
is stable and used in production by dozens of apps (that I know of). If you use UICollectionView, give it a try, and you will not be disappointed!