A full-stack app built with Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and EJS.
This is a user-friendly note-taking application that allows users to create multiple lists and add tasks to those lists. Built to practice integrating Node.js with MongoDB and emphasizing a sleek and responsive UI across different devices.
- Node.js
- Express
- MongoDB
- Create New Task Lists: Organize your tasks into different lists.
- Manage Tasks: Add, edit, and delete tasks effortlessly.
- Task Completion: Mark tasks as completed and track your progress.
- Edit List Names: Customize the names of your task lists for better organization.
- Responsive Design: Access your tasks on devices of all sizes.
npm install
Set the connection URI in .env
npm start
The app will run on port 3000
- Add user accounts
- Authentication
- Implement drag-and-drop reordering of tasks
- Add priority levels for tasks
- Improve form validation