Excute commands inside the folder of the repository.
Command | Description |
heroku login |
Log in Heroku. |
heroku create name |
Create app en heroku. |
heroku logs --tail |
Print app logs. |
git push heroku master |
Push app to Heroku. |
heroku open |
Open the app in the browser. |
heroku local web |
Run app locally. |
heroku pg:psql |
Enter to PosgreSQL in Heroku. |
heroku pg:backups:capture --app name |
Create a db backup. |
heroku pg:backups --app name |
Print all app backups. |
heroku pg:backups:restore b101 DATABASE_URL --app name |
Restore a backup. |
Using Ruby on Rails & Rake
- Create a
withweb:bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb
within it. - Log in Heroku.
- Create Heroku app.
- Set language.
- Push to Heroku.
- Migrate database.
- Open the app.
Command | Description |
heroku buildpacks:set -a name heroku/ruby |
Set name app language. |
heroku run rake db:migrate |
Run migrations in Heroku. |
heroku run rake db:seed |
Run app seed in Heroku. |
heroku git:remote -a name |
Set the app inside a Git repository. |
Similar steps (check Heroku documentation).
Command | Description |
heroku buildpacks:set -a name heroku/nodejs |
Set name app language. |
git subtree push --prefix path heroku master |
To deploy a subdirectory with a Node.js app (original info). path is the route to the app folder. |
heroku run sequelize db:migrate |
Run migrations in Heroku (similar use to Sequelize). |