Includes in the source file should go in the following order:
- System includes and standard headers
- Diligent Engine interface headers
- Header for the base object implementation, if any
- Headers of the object implementations
- Other headers required by this header file
// DeviceContextD3D12Impl.hpp
// 1 - System includes and standard headers
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
// 2 - System includes and standard headers
#include "DeviceContextD3D12.h"
// 3 - Header for the base object implementation
#include "DeviceContextNextGenBase.hpp"
// 4 - Headers of the object implementations
#include "BufferD3D12Impl.hpp"
#include "TextureD3D12Impl.hpp"
#include "QueryD3D12Impl.hpp"
#include "FramebufferD3D12Impl.hpp"
#include "RenderPassD3D12Impl.hpp"
#include "PipelineStateD3D12Impl.hpp"
#include "D3D12DynamicHeap.hpp"
#include "BottomLevelASD3D12Impl.hpp"
#include "TopLevelASD3D12Impl.hpp"
// 5 - Other headers
#include "D3D12DynamicHeap.hpp"
Includes in the source file should go in the following order:
- Precompiled header (if any)
- The source file's header
- System includes and standard headers
- Diligent Engine interface headers
- Headers of the object implementations
- Other headers required by this source file
// DeviceContextD3D12Impl.cpp
// 1 - Precompiled header
#include "pch.h"
// 2 - The source file's header
#include "DeviceContextD3D12Impl.hpp"
// 3 - System includes and standard headers
#include <sstream>
// 4 - Interface headers
#include "RenderDeviceD3D12.hpp"
#include "DeviceContextD3D12.hpp"
// 5 - Headers of the object implementations
#include "RenderDeviceD3D12Impl.hpp" // Render device always goes first, if any
#include "PipelineStateD3D12Impl.hpp"
#include "TextureD3D12Impl.hpp"
#include "BufferD3D12Impl.hpp"
#include "FenceD3D12Impl.hpp"
#include "ShaderBindingTableD3D12Impl.hpp"
#include "ShaderResourceBindingD3D12Impl.hpp"
#include "CommandListD3D12Impl.hpp"
// 6 - Other headers required by this source file
#include "CommandContext.hpp"
#include "D3D12TypeConversions.hpp"
#include "d3dx12_win.h"
#include "D3D12DynamicHeap.hpp"
#include "DXGITypeConversions.hpp"
When there is more than one header in each group, it is recommended to separate the groups with blank lines.