React / JavaScript application
Blogging site is a full-stack platform displaying various posts, projects and users comments.
- Create account (standard or admin account)
- Google authentication or standard name/email/password sign up
- Manage account (edit user's profile picture/name/email/password + account deletion)
- Content management system (write/edit/delete posts and comments)
- Monitor blog statistics (view number of users/posts/comments)
- Search for posts based on search terms and/or category (+ sort posts based on date)
Caption: Section displaying recent posts.
Caption: User's account management section.
- React
- React Router
- Redux
- Tailwind CSS
- Flowbite React
- Quill (initially used ReactQuill)
- Mongo DB
- Express
- Node.js
- Render
Note: Current live version takes a few minutes to load.
Note: Ctrl+Click (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Click (macOS) the image to open link in a new tab.