Here is a list of things that need to be done to complete this project. If you are looking to contribute this is a good place to start. I will migrate to issues on github soon. Just using this for now.
- Add a way to detect mime types for files and then serve them with the correct content type
- Fix navigation bar to be responsive, add a hamburger menu for mobile
- Process requests from the contact form
- Add not found page and use the encore server to serve it
- Add these todos as issues on github
- Write a script to convert Markdown and reStructuredText files to partial HTML files for Karax
- Add any necessary logic to the partials to properly render them in Karax
- Add meeting option for calendly (link or something)
- Integrate the Karax router into the existing Nim router
- Refactor the existing custom Nim router to remove any duplicate functionality
- Test the new Karax router to ensure all existing routes are working correctly
- Add mulitple http servers to serve static files to the browser
- Add the ability to serve using a cdn
- Use caddy as a proxy for these servers
- Change the title of the page when the route changes
- Update features list in
- Add discord as a social media link
- Add a custom flavicon
- Add a way to integrate with google analytics
- Add a way to integrate discord
- Add animation to hamburger menu