Ability to translate Django CRM interface into another language
Permissions, Groups, Departments
Django-CRM (client relationship software) is an open source application with web interface.
It is based on the Django Admin site and is written in the Python programming language.
The CRM project consists of the following main applications:
The TASKS application does not require CRM configuration and allows individual users or teams to work with the following objects:
- Tasks / subtasks
- Projects
- Memos (office memos)
Each instance of these objects also has integration with:
- Chat
- Tags
- Remainders
- Files
Notifications within CRM and to Email are also available.
All CRM users have access to this application by default.
Access to the rest of the applications is only available to users with the appropriate roles, such as sales managers, company executives, etc.
To use all the features of these applications, you need to set up CRM integration:
- with your company's websites;
- with your company's mailboxes and sales managers' mailboxes;
- with the service of receiving current exchange rates (if necessary);
- with VoIP telephony service (if necessary).
To deploy the project, you will need: Python and database.
This Python CRM software is developed taking into account compatibility with MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.
Click the Fork button in the upper right corner of the Django CRM GitHub repository's home page. You now have a copy of the repository in your personal GitHub account.
To clone a repository, you must have Git installed on your system and use terminal or cmd.
Clone this GitHub repository:
git clone https://github.com/DjangoCRM/django-crm.git
Or clone your forked GitHub repository:
git clone https://github.com/<YOUR ACCOUNT NAME>/django-crm.git
The project will be cloned into the 'django-crm' folder.
It is recommended to first create a virtual environment:
action | on Unix/macOS | on Windows |
create | python3 -m venv myvenv |
py -m venv myvenv |
activate | source /myvenv/bin/activate |
myvenv\Scripts\activate |
pip install -r requirements.txt
If the project is deployed on a production server, a website server will also be required
(for example, Apache).
Full tutorial here.
Please give this CRM project a star ⭐️ to support its developers!
Click the "Starred" button in the upper right corner of the Django CRM GitHub repository.
Project settings are contained in files settings.py
The main project settings are contained in the file
The syntax of the data in these files must match the syntax of the Python language.
Most of the project settings are Django framework settings.
Their full list is here.
The settings missing in this list are CRM specific settings. Explanations can be found in the comments to them.
Most of the settings can be left at their default values.
The default settings are for running the project on a development server. Change them for the production server.
To start the project for the first time, it is enough to specify the DATABASES
settings in the file
But in the following, you will need to specify at least the EMAIL_HOST
Provide data to connect to the database:
are specified by default for MySQL database. Change them for PostgreSQL- Specify
Detailed instructions here.
In the database, configure the USER
(by default 'crm_user') specified in the DATABASES
to have the right to create and drop databases (running tests will create
and then destroy a separate test database).
- setup the timezone table;
- set the extended encoding:
- charset
- collation
- charset
And also if an aggregation or annotation error occurs when running the tests, you need to change sql_mode to ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY
You'll need the psycopg or psycopg2 package.
Set the timezone to 'UTC' (when USE_TZ is True),
default_transaction_isolation: 'read committed'.
You can configure them directly in postgresql.conf (/etc/postgresql/<version>/main/)
Specify details for connecting to an email account through which CRM will be able to send notifications to users and administrators.
Add the addresses of CRM administrators to the list, so they can receive error logs.
ADMINS = [("<Admin1 name>", "<admin1_box@example.com>"), (...)]
Run the built-in tests:
python manage.py test tests/ --noinput
To fill CRM with initial data, you need to execute the command "setupdata" in the root directory of the project:
python manage.py setupdata
This command will execute migrate
, loaddata
and createsuperuser
As a result, the database will be populated with objects such as
countries, currencies, departments, industries, etc.
Also the superuser will be created.
You will be able to modify them or add your own.
Use the superuser credentials from the output to log into the CRM site.
Don't use this server in anything resembling a production environment (with internet access to the CRM).
It is intended only for use on a personal computer or in a private local network (during development, for example).
python manage.py runserver
In this case, CRM will be available only on your computer on the IP address (localhost) and port 8000.
If you need to provide access to CRM from an intranet (local network), specify the IP address of your network card and port
(but first, specify the CRM website domain).
For example:
python manage.py runserver
Now you have two websites.
Use the superuser credentials to log in.
CRM site for all users:
It's according to the template
and Admin site for administrators (superusers):
can be changed in the file webcrm/settings.py
Do not attempt to access the bare <your CRM host>
address (
This address is not supported.
To protect CRM with a site server (e.g. Apache), a redirect to a fake login page can be placed on this address.
By default, CRM software is configured to work on a domain "localhost" (ip:
To work on another domain (or IP address), you need to do the following:
- In the SITES section for administrators (superusers):
(ADMIN site) Home > Sites > Sites
Add a CRM site and specify its domain name. - In the file
:- specify its id in the setting
, - add it to the setting
- specify its id in the setting
Django-CRM is actively developing: existing functionality is being improved, new functionality is being added, and bugs are being fixed. In addition, the versions of software used by CRM are updated. Therefore, it is important to set up system updates based on new releases of Django-CRM. Here are some tips on how to do it better:
- To prevent your system settings from being overwritten when you upgrade CRM, it is recommended that you save them in a separate settings file, such as local_settings.py.
In this file, add the line
from .settings import *
and save all your settings. In this way, the default project settings contained in the settings.py file will be overwritten by your settings.
To ensure stable execution of tests when language settings are overridden, add the following code to the end of the file:
LANGUAGES = [('en', ''), ('uk', '')]
Now, specify your settings file when launching CRM.
python manage.py runserver --settings=webcrm.local_settings
- The new release may contain database migration files, so you need to run the migration command.
python manage.py migrate --settings=webcrm.local_settings
- A new release may contain new or modified static files. Therefore, the static files collection command must be run on the production server.
python manage.py collectstatic --settings=webcrm.local_settings
- Provide meaningful comments on the code you are modifying. This will help in case of conflict when merging your project with a new Django-CRM release.
Users can choose the language of the Django-CRM interface.
The list of available languages (LANGUAGES) and the default language (LANGUAGE_CODE) are defined in the file:
Add the desired language, e.g., German:
("de", _("German")),
("en", _("English")),
Save the file.
Run the following command in the terminal in the root directory of the project:
python manage.py makemessages -l de
In the directory
django.po file will appear.
Use the po file editor to translate its contents and create a mo file.
Put the mo file in the same directory.
CRM remembers the user's language choice, so there is no need to change the default language.
Restart CRM.
If the objects you added, such as deal stages, reasons for closing deals, have names in English, these names can also be translated. To do this, perform the above steps again, starting with the "makemessages" command.
More details here.
Many pages have an icon (?) in the upper right corner.
This is a link to a help page.
Many buttons and icons on CRM pages have tooltips that appear when you hover your mouse over them.
After completing the previous steps of this instruction, you can begin adding users. But in order for sales managers to be able to use all the features of Django CRM, they must follow the remaining points of this instruction.
Please review the following sections before adding users.
There are four permissions for users in relation to objects (e.g., Tasks, Deals, etc.):
- add (create),
- view,
- change,
- delete.
Permissions can be assigned to individual users or groups of users.
In relation to a particular object instance, CRM can dynamically change the permissions set for the object type. For example, a user who has permission to modify emails will not be able to modify an email if it is an incoming email.
Groups are a convenient way to assign users a specific set of permissions or attributes. A user can belong to any number of groups. For example, the head of the sales department needs to be added to the "managers", "department heads" groups and the group of the department in which he works (for example, "Global sales").
The "department heads" and "Global sales" groups give their members the appropriate attribute but do not provide any permissions.
The "managers" (sales managers) group provides its members with sets of permissions in relation to such objects as: Request, Deal, Lead, Company, Contact person, etc.
A group that gives its members certain rights is called a role.
The following roles are available:
Role | Description |
chiefs | Company executives |
managers | Sales managers |
operators | Employees who receive commercial requests coming to the company |
superoperators | Operator but with the rights to serve several sales departments |
co-workers | This group is added to all users by default to work with TASKS |
task_operators | Provides permissions to edit Office Memos and Tasks objects owned by other users |
accountants | Provides access to CRM analytics and Payment and Currency objects |
The role of operator is usually performed by secretaries or receptionists.
Sometimes the "big boss" makes mistakes or typos when creating tasks but doesn't have time to fix them.
To fix obvious mistakes, you need the task operator role.
You can view the permission sets for each role here:
(ADMIN site) Home > Authentication and Authorization > Groups
A user can have multiple roles.
For example, if your company does not have an employee who could perform the role of operator, then this role should be given to an employee with the role of sales manager.
It is possible that some combinations of roles can lead to incorrect CRM operation. In this case, you can create several accounts for the user in CRM with different roles.
The Department object contains the name and properties of a specific department.
You need to create a department on the page:
(ADMIN site) Home > Common > Departments
When creating a department, a group with the same name is automatically created.
Please note that creating a group for use as a department without creating a Department object will result in CRM not working correctly.
The following departments are preinstalled in CRM:
- Global sales,
- Local sales,
- Bookkeeping.
You can rename them or add new ones.
(ADMIN site) Home > Authentication and Authorization > Users
To allow user access to the CRM website, check the following check-boxes:
Active and Staff status.
If there is no suitable role for a user, then the set of permissions for him can be set individually. All users must be added to their department group. The only exceptions are company managers (users with the "chiefs" roles). For superusers (CRM administrators), assigning a department is optional.
A User profile is automatically created for each user. You can specify additional data in the User profile.
(ADMIN site) Home > Common > User profiles
This profile will be available to all CRM users at:
(CRM site) Home > Common > User profiles
CRM may contain commercial information or confidential information. Therefore, a user's access to applications and objects is determined by his role (set of rights).
The rights can be permanent or dynamic.
For example, if a company has two sales departments, sales managers can always see only objects (Requests, Deals, Reports, etc.) related to their department.
Dynamic rights can depend on many factors. For example, the value of filters. Even company managers or CRM administrators who can see all objects will not be able to see an object belonging to a department different from the current one selected in the department filter. To see this object, you need to select the corresponding department in the filter or select the "all" value.
Before starting to work in Django CRM, users should be informed about the following:
- It is important to familiarize yourself with the user guide to learn the CRM more easily.
- Many CRM pages have a button to go to the help page - (?). It is located in the upper right corner. Help pages should be read.
- Many page elements such as buttons, icons, links have tooltips. To do this, you need to hover the mouse cursor over them.
It is also important for the administrator to help users to master the CRM.
Help pages are dynamic. Their content depends on the user's role.
Users who are assigned rights individually (without a role assignment) will not be able to access the help page. Such users should be instructed to work in CRM by the administrator.
In Django CRM you can add commercial requests ("Requests") in manual, automatic and semi-automatic mode.
In manual mode, you must press the "ADD REQUESTS" button at:
Home > Crm > Requests
and fill out the form.
Requests coming from forms on your company's website are automatically created (if configured accordingly).
In a semi-automatic mode, requests are created by sales managers or operators when importing emails received to their mail into CRM.
To do this, you need to specify the details of their mail accounts in CRM to ensure CRM access to these accounts.
CRM automatically assigns the owner of the imported request to the owner of the email account.
(ADMIN) Home > Crm > Lead Sources
For marketing purposes, each "Request", "Lead", "Contact" and "Company" has a link to the corresponding "Lead Source".
Each Lead Source is identified by the value of its UUID field, which is generated automatically when a new Lead Source is added to the CRM.
For convenience, CRM has a number of pre-defined "Leads Sources". These can be edited.
Each "Lead Source" has a link to a "Department". Therefore, each department can have its own set of lead sources.
The "Form template name" and "Success page template name" fields are only populated when adding a custom iframe form.
The "Email" field is only specified in the "Lead Source" of your website. You need to specify the Email value indicated on your site.
CRM can automatically receive data from forms on your company's websites and, based on it, create commercial requests in the database. To do this, you need to configure the site to send POST form data via a request to CRM. Or use CRM forms by adding them to sites via iframe.
Your site can pass the values of the following form fields to CRM by POST request:
Form field | Description |
name |
CharField (max_length=200, required) |
email |
EmailField / CharField (max_length=254, required) |
subject |
CharField (max_length=200, required) |
phone |
CharField (max_length=200, required) |
company |
CharField (max_length=200, required) |
message |
TextField |
country |
CharField (max_length=40) |
city |
CharField (max_length=40) |
leadsource_token |
UUIDField (required, hidden input) |
The value of the "leadsource_token" field must match the value of the "UUID" field of the corresponding (selected by you) "Leadsource".
(ADMIN site) Home > Crm > Lead Sources
Url for POST request:
Place an iframe string in the HTML code of a website page.
Here is an example of a simple string:
<iframe src="<url>" style="width: 600px;height: 450px;"></iframe>
url must follow the format:
where uuid is the values of the "UUID" field of the selected "Lead Source".
CRM form has built-in reCAPTCHA v3 protection.
To activate it, specify the values of keys received during registration on this service:
GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY = ''<your site key>"
GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY = ''<your secret key>"
CRM form has a built-in ability to geolocate the country and city of the counterparty (site visitor) by its IP. For this purpose, GeoIP2 module is used.
To activate its work:
- save the MaxMind files of the city and country databases (GeoLite2-Country.mmdb and GeoLite2-City.mmdb) to the media/geodb directory;
- set GEOIP = True in the file
You can change the style of a preset form or add forms with different styles to fit on different pages of the site or on different sites.
To add a new form, place the HTML template for that form and the successful form submission message template at the following location:
Save the names of these files in the "Form template name" and "Success page template name" fields of the selected "Lead Source" in the following format:
"crm/<file name>.html"
(ADMIN) Home > Mass mail > Email Accounts
Mail accounts must be set up for users with the roles "Operator", "Super Operator" and "Manager" (Sales Manager). This will allow the following to be realized:
- Users will be able to send emails from CRM through their email account.
- CRM will have access to the user's account and will be able to import and link to Deals letters sent not from CRM (if there is a corresponding ticket in the letters).
- Users will be able to import requests from email into CRM.
- When performing a newsletter, CRM will be able to send emails through the user's account on the user's behalf.
One user can have several accounts, but sending work emails from CRM will be done only through the account marked as "Main".
Mass mailing can be sent through all accounts marked "Massmail".
The mark "Do import" should be made for accounts through which managers conduct business correspondence or for accounts specified on the company's website, as they may receive requests from customers.
The "Email app password" field value is specified for those accounts where you can set a password for applications. In this case, CRM will use it when logging in to the user account.
This section displays statistics and service information of CRM activity in this account.
Here you need to specify the account owner and its department.
The other fields are described in detail in the "Settings" section of Django documentation.
Django CRM uses an IMAP4 protocol client to allow users to view, import and delete emails in their email account.
Unfortunately, the operation of the IMAP4 client depends on the mail service. Because not all email services strictly adhere to the IMAP4 protocol.
In some cases, changing CRM settings will not help. You need to either make changes to the code or change the service provider. For example, if the service does not support IMAP4 or only supports some commands.
CRM settings related to IMAP4 client operation are in the file:
In most cases, they do not need to be changed.
In some cases, to access the CRM to the Gmail account, you will need to configure in the Gmail account access for third -party applications and once pass two -factor authentication.
The procedure is not simple. Therefore, first, make sure that without its passage CRM will really not get access to your account.
Google APIs use the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication and authorization.
Visit the Google API Console. Create "OAuth 2.0 Client IDs" settings
for "Web application" to specify the Authorized redirect URI in the format:
And also get the credentials OAuth 2.0 "CLIENT_ID" and "CLIENT_SECRET". Save them in the project settings
Then on the desired "Email Account" page
(ADMIN) Home > Mass mail > Email Accounts
In the upper right corner, click the button "Get or update a refresh token".
CRM will open the authorization page. After successful authorization, the "Refresh token" value will be received and CRM will get access to this account.
Please note that to receive a refresh token, the CRM must be running on a server that supports the HTTPS scheme.
The refresh token can also be obtained separately from the CRM, for example, using curl.
Add categories of your company's products, goods or services.
(ADMIN) Home > Crm > Product categories
Add your company's products, services or goods
(this can be done later by sales managers).
(ADMIN) Home > Crm > Products
Since CRM uses currencies for marketing purposes, users can change the exchange rates themselves.
But it is also possible to configure CRM to automatically receive accurate exchange rates from a bank or other service in your country.
To do this, you need to create a backend file, put it in the directory
You can use already existing backends as a basis.
Then in the settings file, specify the name of the backend class in the setting
Please do not use this application to send spam!
The Massmail application requires:
- the existence of contact persons (recipients) in the database;
- configured email accounts for sales managers (marked "Massmail");
The application provides recipients with an opportunity to unsubscribe from mailings.
In order not to disclose the address of your CRM (on the Internet), it is necessary to create a page on your company's website, where users who clicked the "unsubscribe" button will be forwarded. This page should show a message that the user unsubscribed successfully.
The address of this page should be specified in the settings (massmail/settings.py)
UNSUBSCRIBE_URL = 'https://<www.your_site.com>/unsubscribe'
Each message template must contain the UNSUBSCRIBE button with this url.
A properly configured application allows you to make calls directly from Django CRM. This application allows you to integrate CRM with the services of VoIP provider ZADARMA. But it can also be used to create integration files with other providers.
It is necessary to receive from the provider (zadarma.com) and to specify in voip/settings.py file the following values: SECRET_ZADARMA_KEY, SECRET_ZADARMA. FORWARD settings are specified independently, but only if you have a second instance of working CRM (for example, for a subsidiary company).
Then add Connections objects for users in the
(ADMIN) Home > Voip > Connections
To connect to a different provider, you must create new files for it
backend (voip/backends) and (voip/views).
And also add provider data to the VOIP list in the file
Django CRM has the ability to send messages via messengers. Such as
Viber, WhatsApp, Skype. To do this, these applications must be installed on the user's device.