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Leaflet platform for Collabora Online

This is the client part of Collabora Online.  For the server part, see the
../wsd/README, and install it first.

Build dependencies

npm is provided by the nodejs package.

npm should be at least 2.14, if not 3.x. Use `npm -v` to find the current version.
Upgrade npm (as root):

    npm install -g npm

Another way is to use npm as a user, but set its prefix to a directory where
you have write access. If you want that, you need to have an ~/.npmrc with the
line e.g.


All of the dependency tree is locked in the repository, so there is no need to fetch
data from npm registry at all. An npm install will use the tarballs in node_shrinkwrap/
directory, so build process can move forward even without an internet connection.

To update any of the dependency, process often goes like this:

1.) Change version of the dependency in package.json
2.) Do an `npm update <package_name>', which fetches the new module from npm registry. Make sure that
    only the module that you want to update is updated.
3.) `npm shrinkwrap --dev` to update npm-shrinkwrap.json with newer information. You might see
    that this tool updates path convention of tarballs inside node_shrinkwrap/ also, but this
    should get corrected in next step.
4.) Do `shrinkpack', which should remove the old tarball, add new one, and make appropriate
    changes to npm-shrinkwrap.json (removing path convention changes by step 3).

If you have not installed `shrinkpack' globally using `npm install -g shrinkpack@next', it should be
in node_modules/.bin/shrinkpack, so you can use the binary from there.

If you need to get the sources:
	make libs

To bundle the file sanitize-url.js
	browserify braintree-sanitize-url/index.js --standalone sanitizeUrl > sanitize-url.js


Just do:


Above step would create a non-minified bundle.js and admin-bundle.js without source-maps in dist/ for main browser and admin console

To build with debug-info, i.e with sourcemaps:

    make DEBUG=true

Above will produce source-map files, and, for bundle.js and admin-bundle.js respectively.
It will also link existing bundle.js and admin-bundle.js to their map files by adding a sourceMappingURL to them. While debugging,
these .map files will be fetched from the server if present in dist/, otherwise there is no way to debug while browsing without these
source-map files.

To minify our bundle.js and admin-bundle.js passing a MINIFY=true flag to 'make' will minify it. This can be helpful in production

    make MINIFY=true

'make dist' forces minifying.


To see an example:

* run coolwsd, like:

    ./coolwsd --o:sys_template_path=${SYSTEMPLATE} --o:child_root_path=${ROOTFORJAILS}

Note that this will, by default, set the coolwsd's file server's root to the parent directory of coolwsd,
which means you can access all the files in browser using /browser/ path. It is advised to set
file_server_root_path manually for more control. See wsd/README for more information.

* open dist/cool.html through coolwsd's fileserver


and you should see the document in the browser.
Note that accessing local storage is disabled by default for security reasons. You need to explicitly enable it
with the --o:storage.filesystem[@allow]=true option of coolwsd. In case anything goes wrong, check the coolwsd console for
the debugging output. You might be asked to confirm the certificate if you are using self-signed certificate
for coolwsd.


For faster development you might want to install browser-sync which can reload app in your browsers automatically
after you edit and save the source code (so for .css only):

npm install -g browser-sync

Remember to add '--enable-browsersync' argument for './configure' script and delete `dist` directory.

Run server and start browser-sync:


and in the second terminal:

make sync-[writer|calc|impress]

Your browser will open example document and now you can edit .css files and see the result without server restart.

To run another document use:
browser-sync start --config browsersync-config.js --startPath "browser/96c23f663/cool.html?file_path=file:///path/to/the/file.ods"

Admin Panel

You can do live monitoring of all the user sessions running on coolwsd instance. To access the admin
console you need to ask for admin.html file from coolwsd which resides in dist/admin/admin.html.

For example:


It will ask for username and password which is set by the admin_console options of coolwsd. For example you can
pass --o:admin_console.username=admin --o:admin_console.password=admin in command line, or set these values in
coolwsd.xml. After entering the correct password you should be able to monitor the live documents opened, total
users, memory consumption, document URLs with number of users viewing that document etc. You can also kill the
documents directly from the panel which would result in closing the socket connection to the respective document.

API & events

# See /browser/reference.html for a better formatted documentation. #
# See /wsd/ for the HTTP API documentation.               #

    - API:, [backward])
    - events:
        map.on('search', function (e) {}) (currently only fired when no search result is found) where:
            + e.originalPhrase = the phrase that has been searched for
            + e.count = number of results
            + e.results = [SearchResult], where SearchResult = {part: part, rectangles: [Bounds]}

    - API:
    - events:
        map.on('zoomend zoomlevelschange', function)

Edit, view, readOnly:
    - API:
        map.setPermission('edit' | 'view' | 'readonly')
    - events:
        map.on('updatepermission', function (e) {}) where:
            + e.perm == 'edit' | 'view' | 'readonly'

Buttons like Bold, Italic, Strike through etc.
    - API:
        map.toggleCommandState('.uno:' + 'Bold' | 'Italic' | 'Underline' | 'Strikeout' |
            'LeftPara' | 'CenterPara' | 'RightPara' | 'JustifyPara' |
            'IncrementIndent' | 'DecrementIndent'
    - events:
        map.on('commandstatechanged', function (e) {}) where:
            + e.commandName == '.uno:' + 'Bold' | 'Italic' | 'StyleApply' | 'CharFontName' | 'FontHeight' etc.
            + e.state = 'true' | 'false'
            + e.state = fontName | fontSize | styleName
        map.on('commandresult', function (e) {}) where:
            + e.commandName == '.uno:' + 'Bold' | 'Italic' | 'StyleApply' | 'CharFontName' | 'FontHeight' etc.
            + e.success = true | false | undefined

Parts (like slides in presentation, or sheets in spreadsheets):
    - API:
        map.setPart('next' | 'prev' | partNumber)
        map.getPreview(id, index, maxWidth, maxHeight, [options], forAllClients)
            + id = the ID of the request so that the response can be identified
            + index = the part / page 's number
            + maxWidth / maxHeight = max dimensions so that the ratio is preserved
            + options = {autoUpdate: <boolean>, broadcast: <boolean>} -
	      + autoUpdate - boolean, automatically updates the previews
	      + broadcast - boolean, whether the response (a preview of a slide) should be sent to all clients
                viewing the same presentation
        map.getCustomPreview(id, part, width, height, tilePosX, tilePosY, tileWidth, tileHeight, [options])
            + id = the ID of the request so that the response can be identified
            + part = the part containing the desired preview
            + width / height = the preview's size in pixels
            + tilePosX / tilePosY = the rectangles's starting position in twips
            + tileWidth / tileHeight = the rectangle's dimension in twips
            + options = {autoUpdate: true} - automatically updates the previews
            + id = the preview's id

    - events:
        map.on('updateparts', function (e) {}) where:
            + e.selectedPart is the current part
            + == the number of parts that the document has
            + e.docType == 'text' | 'spreadsheet' | 'presentation' | 'drawing' | 'other'
            + [e.partNames] if present, part names (e.g. sheet names)
        map.on('tilepreview', function (e) {}) where:
            + e.tile - the preview image
            + - the preview id
            + e.width - width of the image
            + e.height - height of the image
            + [e.part] - if the preview is for a part
            + e.docType

Statusindicator (when the document is loading):
    - events
        map.on('statusindicator', function (e) {}) where:
            + e.statusType = 'start' | 'setvalue' | 'finish' | 'coolloaded' | 'alltilesloaded'
            + e.value == a value from 0 to 100 indicating the status
              if the statusType is 'setvalue
            + 'coolloaded' is fired when the JS code is initialized and the document
                load request is sent and we're waiting for the tiles
            + 'alltilesloaded' is fired when all newly requested (empty tiles) have been loaded
                it is not fired during pre-fetching and during editing

    - API:
        map.saveAs(url, [format, options])
        map.downloadAs(name, [format, options])

Scroll (the following are measured in pixels):
    - API:
            + options = An object with members: update (type: Boolean, default: false)
                like {update: true}
        map.scroll(x,y, options)
            + scroll right by 'x' and down by 'y' (or left and up if negative)
        map.scrollDown(y, options)
            + scroll down by 'y' (or up if negative)
        map.scrollRight(x, options)
            + scroll right by 'x' (or left if negative)
        map.scrollTop(y, options)
            + scroll to 'y' offset relative to the beginning of the document
        map.scrollLeft(x, options)
            + scroll to 'x' offset relative to the beginning of the document
            + returns the scroll offset relative to the beginning of the document
            + returns the document's size in pixels
            + returns 'text' | 'spreadsheet' | 'presentation' | 'drawing' | 'other'
    - events
        map.on('docsize', function (e) {}) where:
            + e.x = document width
            + e.y = document height
        map.on('updatescrolloffset', function (e) {}) where:
            + e.x = difference between document's left and current view's left
                (how much has the document been scrolled right)
            + e.y = difference between document's top and current view's top
                (how much has the document been scrolled down)
            - this event is fired when zooming and the current view is maintained but the
                document shrinks or grow OR when the document is panned OR when the container is resized
        map.on('scrollto', function (e) {}) where:
            + e.x = view's left position (so that the cursor/search result is in the center)
            + e.y = view's top position (so that the cursor/search result is in the center)
        map.on('scrollby', function (e) {}) where:
            + e.x = the amount scrolled to the right (or left if negative)
            + e.y = the amount scrolled to the bottom (or top if negative)

Writer pages:
    - API:
        map.getPreview(id, index, maxWidth, maxHeight, [options])
            + id = the ID of the request so that the response can be identified
            + index = the part / page 's number
            + maxWidth / maxHeight = max dimensions so that the ratio is preserved
            + options = {autoUpdate: true} - automatically updates the previews
        map.getCustomPreview(id, part, width, height, tilePosX, tilePosY, tileWidth, tileHeight, [options])
            + id = the ID of the request so that the response can be identified
            + part = the part containing the desired preview
            + width / height = the preview's size in pixels
            + tilePosX / tilePosY = the rectangles's starting position in twips
            + tileWidth / tileHeight = the rectangle's dimension in twips
            + options = {autoUpdate: true} - automatically updates the previews
            + id = the preview's id
            + returns {twips: [Bounds], pixels: [Bounds]}

    - events
        map.on('pagenumberchanged', function (e) {}) where:
            + e.currentPage = the page on which the cursor lies
            + e.pages = number of pages
            + e.docType = document type, should be 'text'

    - events
        map.on('error', function (e) {}) where
            + [e.msg] = a message describing the error
            + [e.cmd] = the command that caused the error
            + [e.kind] = the kind of error

    - events
        map.on('infobar', function (e) {}) where
            + [e.msg] = a message
            + [e.actionlabel] = Label for the action button
            + [e.action] = A link (starting with http).
                           Please extend to allow other actions when needed.

    - api:
            + returns a JSON mapping of all possible values for the command
        map.applyStyle(style, styleFamily)
    - events
        map.on('updatetoolbarcommandvalues', function (e) {}) where
            + e.commandName = '.uno:StyleApply', etc
            + e.commandValues = a JSON mapping of all possible values for the command

    - events
        map.on('print', function (e) {}) where
            + e.url = file download url


Code conventions:

    * files should have unix line terminators (LF)
    * tools to convert files: dos2unix or fromdos

Implementation details

Loading a document:
    The map should have the following options:
        - server address
        - doc - path to the document that will be loaded
        - edit = the initial permission
        - readOnly - whether the document is read only
        - [timestamp] - optionally provided for remote documents

How zooming works:
    The zoom level goes from 1 to 20 (those limits can be changed) and the initial
    level is 10, which represents the 100% zoom level. The zoom factor is 1.2

Controls are added above the map in a div called "controls" is intended to be used as a toolbar.
There is no leaflet method of adding them in a separate div, so for now this is done in the html
document after the map initialization.

To enable scrollbars the map is placed above a div that contains a bigger div of
the document's size (a mock document). So the div under the map gets scrollbars which
are independent of the map's div, thus enabling us to link them to the map as needed.
When the user scrolls, the map is panned by the same amount as it would've been scrolled.
Also, some custom jquery scrollbars are used, to trigger the same scroll events across

Z-index values:
10			map
11			ruler
		under menu
990			sidebar
999			toolbar-up
999			Notebookbar tabs (.ui-tabs.notebookbar)
		menu items
x				menu-nb-hamburger > ul (calculated from jquery.smartmenus.js)
1000			main-menu(desktop-only)
11			toolbar-down
1050			closebuttonwrapper (not being used currently)
		on the top
1105			dialogs
1001			mobile-edit-button
1500			mobile-wizard (with class=menuwizard)
1501			toolbar-hamburger (with class=menuwizard-opened)
2000			vex-overlay
2001			vex dialog (vex-content)