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File metadata and controls

169 lines (164 loc) · 9.29 KB


This is a prometheus exporter for DBMS "Red Database".

Exported metrics

Name Description
db_sizeThe amount of database bytes which are taken to store data.
diff_oldt_ntThe difference between Oldest transaction number and Next transaction number.
active_usersThe amount of active users in a database.
mon_io_statsThe amount of read, written, fetched, marked pages of a database/connections/transactions/statements/calls.
mon_memory_usageInformation about memory usage by database/connections/transactions/statements/calls/cached_queries
mon_databaseInformation about a database:
  • oldest_snapshot: The number of the transaction that was active at the moment when the OAT was started — oldest snapshot transaction (OST)
  • next_transaction: The number of the next transaction, as it stood when the monitoring snapshot was taken
  • oldest_transaction: The number of the oldest [interesting] transaction (OIT)
  • oldest_active: The number of the oldest active transaction (OAT)
  • page_buffers: The number of pages allocated in RAM for the database page cache
  • SQL_dialect: Database SQL Dialect: 1 or 3
  • shutdown_mode: The current shutdown state of the database:
    0 - the database is online
    1 - multi-user shutdown
    2 - single-user shutdown
    3 - full shutdown
  • sweep_interval: sweep interval
  • read_only: Flag indicating whether the database is read-only (value 1) or read-write (value 0)
  • forced_writes: Indicates whether the write mode of the database is set for synchronous write (forced writes ON, value is 1) or asynchronous write (forced writes OFF, value is 0)
  • reserve_space: The flag indicating reserve_space (value 1) or use_all_space (value 0) for filling database pages
  • pages: The number of pages allocated for the database on an external device
  • crypt_page: Number of encrypted pages
mon_attachmentDisplays information about active attachments to the database:
  • server_pid: Server process identifier
  • state: Connection state:
    0 - idle
    1 - active
  • remote_pid: Remote client process identifier
  • character_set_id: Connection character set identifier (see RDB$CHARACTER_SET in system table RDB$TYPES)
  • garbage_collection: Garbage collection flag (as specified in the attachment’s DPB):
    0=not allowed
  • system_flag: Flag that indicates the type of connection:
    0 - normal connection
    1 - system connection
  • repl_waitflush_count: Number of packets sent to reserve databases.
  • repl_waitflush_time: Time (in ms) that the main server waits for a response from backup servers.
mon_transactionReports started transactions:
  • attachment_id: Connection identifier
  • state: Transaction state:
    0 - idle
    1 - active
  • top_transaction: Top-level transaction identifier (number)
  • oldest_transaction: Transaction ID of the oldest [interesting] transaction (OIT)
  • oldest_active: Transaction ID of the oldest active transaction (OAT)
  • isolation_mode: Isolation mode (level):
    0 - consistency (snapshot table stability)
    1 - concurrency (snapshot)
    2 - read committed record version
    3 - read committed no record version
  • lock_timeout: Lock timeout:
    -1 - wait forever
    0 - no waiting
    1 or greater - lock timeout in seconds
  • read_only: Flag indicating whether the transaction is read-only (value 1) or read-write (value 0)
  • auto_commit: Flag indicating whether automatic commit is used for the transaction (value 1) or not (value 0)
  • auto_undo: Flag indicating whether the logging mechanism automatic undo is used for the transaction (value 1) or not (value 0)
mon_statementDisplays statements prepared for execution:
  • attachment_id: Connection identifier
  • transaction_id: Transaction identifier
  • state: Statement state:
    0 - idle
    1 - active
    2 - stalled
mon_call_stackDisplays calls to the stack from queries executing in stored procedures and triggers:
  • statement_id: The identifier of the top-level SQL statement, the one that initiated the chain of calls. Use this identifier to find the records about the active statement in the MON$STATEMENTS table
  • caller_id: The identifier of the calling trigger or stored procedure
  • source_line: The number of the source line in the SQL statement being executed at the moment of the snapshot
  • source_column: The number of the source column in the SQL statement being executed at the moment of the snapshot
system_memory Information about device RAM:
  • used: The amount of used memory by OS and other applications
  • available: The amount of available memory
  • total: The amount of memory which is had by device
system_cpu Information about cpu usage:
  • percent: CPU load
  • frequency: CPU frequency
trace_statements Shows amount of failed and successful statements:
  • OK: amount of successful statements
  • FAIL: amount of failed statements

Exporter configuration file

You need to add a configuration json file beside "" file and name it "exporter_conf" and fill it with a content.
The example of required content is:

  "port": 8000, 
  "login":  "SYSDBA", 
  "password":  "masterkey",
  "RDB_port": 3050,
  "RedDatabase": "/opt/RedDatabase"
  "databases": {
    "[db_nickname]": "localhost:[insert_path_to_database]",
    "[another_db_nickname]": "localhost:[insert_path_to_another_database]"
  "trace": "[insert_path_to_fdbtrace_text]"

Field "port" is the port which will be using by exporter.

Prometheus configuration file

Prometheus can be configured from either a terminal and a configuration file. The most important settings are from which node prometheus scrapes metrics and time between two scrape queries. The example content of prometheus configuration file:

  scrape_interval: 10s # Time between two scrape queries

  - job_name: "RedDatabases"
      - targets: ["localhost:8000"] # A node where exporter is located


You need to install next following libraries to make the exporter work:

  • psutil version 5.9.4 (pip install psutil==5.9.4)
  • firebirdsql version 1.2.2 (pip install firebirdsql==1.2.2)

How to use

  1. Install python, libraries, Prometheus, Grafana, Exporter;
  2. Launch RedDatabase server;
  3. Edit exporter configuration file;
  4. Launch this exporter (python;
  5. Edit Prometheus configuration file;
  6. Launch prometheus;
  7. Launch Grafana (on linux: sudo systemctl start grafana-server). It might be on 3000 port now;
  8. Open browser and insert into address section the next following string "http://localhost:3000/";
  9. Enter login and password to sign in. The string "admin" is default login and password. Grafana make you change default password when you have signed in for the first time;
  10. Make a data source. To do it you must go to left side of screen and find a gear picture (configure section) then click on the "Data sources" subsection. Now click the button "add data source, select Prometheus, insert url path to prometheus (default is "http://localhost:9090/")", click the button "Save & test";
  11. Import dashboards or build your own. To import dashboards you must find the "Dashboards" section at the left side of the screen and click the "+ Import" button. Click the button "Upload JSON file" and select json file of a dashboard, click "Import". To build your own dashboard follow instructions at Grafana official site.
Congratulations! Use dashboards to watch your RedDatabase.