Interact with the SmartThings public REST API with this Java and Android-compatible client library.
- Java 1.8+
- SmartThings developer account
Include the smartthings-client
Maven dependency:
If you're using Gradle:
dependencies {
compile 'com.smartthings.sdk:smartthings-client:0.0.4-PREVIEW'
If you do not use Maven or Gradle, jars can be downloaded from the central Maven repository.
NOTE: this project is in early stages of development and is feature-incomplete
This library aims to make interacting with the SmartThings API easy and intuitive by providing:
- request/response models
- convenience methods
- handling authorization tokens
If you have feature requests, suggestions, comments, or questions, please feel free to open an issue and start a discussion!
Technologies used
- Code generation v2 by Swagger
- Feign by Netflix OSS (API methods)
- Jackson by FastXML (models)
This client library can be used in Android with SDK 25+
compileSdkVersion 25
buildToolsVersion '25.0.2'
minSdkVersion 14
targetSdkVersion 25
sourceCompatibility 1.8
targetCompatibility 1.8
// Build API client
val api = ApiClient()
// Build a client for Devices
val devicesApi = api.buildClient(
// Get and list all devices with the capability of Switch
val data = it.installData
val devices = devicesApi.getDevices(data.authToken, mapOf("capabilities" to listOf("switch")))
For more information on the SmartThings API reference (request/response expectations) please view the API reference documentation.
// In the context of a SmartApp LIFECYCLE event (INSTALL or UPDATE)
// Build API client
val api = ApiClient()
// Build a client for Subscriptions
val subscriptionsApi = api.buildClient(
val auth = "Bearer ${this.authToken}"
// Clear subscriptions to re-add them
subscriptionsApi.deleteAllSubscriptions(this.installedApp.installedAppId, auth, emptyMap())
// Iterate all devices returned in the InstalledApp's config for key "selectedSwitches"
// That key is defined in Configuration.kt
val devices = this.installedApp.config["selectedSwitches"]
devices?.forEach { switchesConfig ->
if (switchesConfig.valueType == ConfigEntry.ValueTypeEnum.DEVICE) {
val subscriptionRequest = SubscriptionRequest().apply {
sourceType = SubscriptionSource.DEVICE
device = DeviceSubscriptionDetail().apply {
deviceId = switchesConfig.deviceConfig.deviceId
componentId = switchesConfig.deviceConfig.componentId
capability = "switch"
attribute = "switch"
stateChangeOnly = true
value = "*"
// Create subscription for the device
val subscription = subscriptionsApi.saveSubscription(this.installedApp.installedAppId, null, subscriptionRequest)
println("Creating subscription for ${}")
Reference documentation can be found here:
If you are not familiar with SmartThings, we have extensive on-line documentation.
To create and manage your services and devices on SmartThings, create an account in the developer workspace.
The SmartThings Community is a good place share and ask questions.
There is also a SmartThings reddit community where you can read and share information.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
Copyright 2019 SmartThings, Inc.