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Chris Skardon edited this page Jul 21, 2015 · 7 revisions

The current pre-release (1.1.0-Tx#) contains a Transactions implementation.

Important Note for Async Users

To use Transactions with async, you need to be compiling agains .NET 4.5.1 or higher, this is because the TransactionScope only started supporting async with 4.5.1

Basic Rules

Use Neo4jClient as you would normally, to execute in a transaction, wrap your calls in a TransactionScope

Committing a transaction

Use the Complete() method on the TransactionScope to commit the transaction. The below code will create two nodes in the database.

using(var scope = new TransactionScope())
    client.Cypher.Create("(n:Tx {Value:'Test'})").ExecuteWithoutResults();
    client.Cypher.Create("(n:Tx {Value:'Test2'})").ExecuteWithoutResults();


Rollback is as simple as just not calling Complete(), the below code will not create anything in the database:

using(var scope = new TransactionScope())
    client.Cypher.Create("(n:Tx {Value:'Test'})").ExecuteWithoutResults();
    client.Cypher.Create("(n:Tx {Value:'Test2'})").ExecuteWithoutResults();
    //No Complete() call, so rolling back
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