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Cheeseness edited this page Feb 23, 2014 · 15 revisions

General Git Guide

This needs writing! :D

Start with a general workflow here, and use headings below to explain what's involved. Link to GitHub and git-scm resources (or anything else that's particularly helpful) to avoid getting too deep in here, but still try to give a high level understanding of what's going on.


Forking and Cloning

Committing Changes

Pulling, Fetch/Merging and Pushing

Pull Requests


Bad Golf Community Edition Specific Notes

23rd of February history changes

If you have forked after the 23rd of February, specifically after 4bd119a714441c46483768fd59a88bd246163b25, you can safely ignore this.

Similarly if you haven't pulled since before 82af6a751edcba4235e154bb38daef7ed97a28a4, you can ignore it too.

Due to accidental commits of large files which belonged in the asset sources repository, we've made things a bit awkward for everybody with downstream forks. Though the files were removed (even before they were pushed to the repository), they still exist in the git history, increasing its size unnecessarily. Through this process, we were able to nearly half the repository size.

Unfortunately, this is going to break pull requests and require you to re-make any commits which haven't made it upstream (or use git cherry-pick and create patches to manually apply if you're up to doing that). Anybody with knowledge of a simpler workflow for navigating this sort of thing is welcome to chime in!

The following assumes you have an "remote" called upstream as described at the first section of this page.

git stash (if you have any uncommitted changes)

git rebase <branchname> --onto 82af6a751edcba4235e154bb38daef7ed97a28a4 (If working from a local branch replace with the branch's name, otherwise remove it)

git pull upstream master

git push

git stash pop (if you stashed uncommitted changes before)

From there, continue working as normal! Grumbliness about this situation can be thrown in Cheeseness' direction <3