Theme for Dronecode Gitbook documentation libraries.
This theme contains adds a horizontal top header/menu bar across the top of a Gitbook (3.x) book. The menu contains links to the main dronecode websites, docs and support pages.
To install the theme, add the following text to the target book's book.json
"plugins": [
Optionally, you can also specify a number of other features:
The logo that will be displayed on the root index (language-selector) page. For example:
"variables": { "logo": "./assets/site/some_logo_full.png" },
The logo and url for top left of menu bar. The logo must specify a file location for both large and small versions (though these can be same):
"pluginsConfig": { "theme-dronecode": { "logo": { "logo_large": "../assets/site/logo_large.png", "logo_small": "gitbook-plugin-theme-dronecode/images/dronecode_top_bar_logo_small.png", "url": "" } } }
The logo and url for top left of menu bar (defaults to dronecode logo). The logo must specify a file location for both large and small versions (though these can be same). The images should be transparent.
"pluginsConfig": { "theme-dronecode": { "logo": { "logo_large": "../assets/site/logo_large.png", "logo_small": "../assets/site/logo_small.png", "url": "" } } }
The menu items (defaults to dronecode standard links) The menu is an array of items (displayed left-to-right with big text, small text, and URL)
"pluginsConfig": { "theme-dronecode": { "menu": [ { "url": "", "text": "PX4 BIG", "text_small" : "PX4" }, { "url": "", "text": "Documentation", "text_small" : "Docs" }, { "url": "", "text": "Support", "text_small" : "Help" } ] } }