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- 飞桨论文复现挑战赛(第七期)科学计算 (ID:50 inn-surrogate)
This project reproduces based on the PaddlePaddle framework. The highlights are summarized as follows
- Rather than developing a surrogate for a forward model, we are training directly an inverse surrogate mapping output information of a physical system to an unknown input distributed parameter.
- A generative model based on conditional invertible neural networks (cINN) is developed.
- The cINN is trained to serve as an inverse surrogate model of physical systems governed by PDEs.
- The inverse surrogate model is used for the solution of inverse problems with unknown spatially-dependent parameters.
- The developed method is applied for the estimation of a non-Gaussian permeability field in multiphase flows using limited pressure and saturation data.
- Anantha Padmanabha G, Zabaras N. Solving inverse problems using conditional invertible neural networks[J]. Journal of Computational Physics, 2021, 433: 110194.
Reference GitHub:
The link of aistudio:
The dataset includes 2D and 3D data for this project, which can be downloaded from this link.
The link of the dataset in aistudio:
- 2D data: https://aistudio.baidu.com/aistudio/datasetdetail/166997
- 3D data: https://aistudio.baidu.com/aistudio/datasetdetail/167243
Please refer to Section 4.1 Identification of the permeability field of an oil reservoir in the paper.
The dataset includes train, test, and sample data, in which the train data contains 10000 samples. In the filename, the 1pc, 3pc, and 5pc indicate observations with 1%, 3%, and 5% independent Gaussian noise, respectively.
- 2D model:gpu memory >= 16GB (v100 16g)
- 3D model:gpu memory >= 32GB (v100 32g)
- paddle >= 2.2.0
- matplotlib
- h5py
- scipy
- scikit-learn
conda create -n paddle_env python=3.8
conda install paddlepaddle-gpu==2.3.2 cudatoolkit=11.6 -c https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/cloud/Paddle/ -c conda-forge
conda install scipy h5py matplotlib scikit-learn
The project has built a notebook version for a quick start (the code is from X4Science/INFINITY).
- 2D model:main-2D.ipynb (recommend v100 32g)
- 3D model:main-3d.ipynb (recommend A40 40g)
- Download datasets.
- clone from GitHub,X4Science/INFINITY
- run
cd 2D # or cd 3D
python train.py
|-- 2D # 2D model folder
| |-- args.py # configuration
| |-- models # model folder
| | |-- CouplingBlock.py
| | |-- CouplingOneSide.py
| | |-- Divide_data_model.py
| | |-- Downsample_model.py
| | |-- Permute_data_model.py
| | |-- Unflat_data_model.py
| | |-- conditioning_network.py
| | |-- flat_data_model.py
| | `-- main_model.py
| |-- train.py # training code
| `-- utils # util tools code
| |-- load_data.py
| |-- plot.py
| `-- plot_samples.py
|-- 3D # 3D model folder
| |-- args.py # configuration
| |-- models # model folder
| | |-- CouplingBlock_model.py
| | |-- CouplingOneSide_model.py
| | |-- Divide_data_model.py
| | |-- Downsample_model.py
| | |-- Permute_data_model.py
| | |-- Unflat_data_model.py
| | |-- conditioning_network.py
| | |-- flat_data_model.py
| | `-- main_model.py
| |-- train.py # training code
| `-- utils # util tools code
| |-- error_bars.py
| |-- load_data.py
| `-- plot.py
`-- data # Dataset
|-- 2D_problem_dataset # 2D model
| |-- Config_2_sample_obs_1pc.hdf5
| |-- Config_2_sample_obs_3pc.hdf5
| |-- Config_2_sample_obs_5pc.hdf5
| |-- Config_2_test_obs_1pc.hdf5
| |-- Config_2_test_obs_3pc.hdf5
| |-- Config_2_test_obs_5pc.hdf5
| |-- Config_2_train_obs_1pc.hdf5
| |-- Config_2_train_obs_3pc.hdf5
| `-- Config_2_train_obs_5pc.hdf5
`-- 3D_problem_dataset # 3D model
|-- Config_2_sample_obs_1pc_3D.hdf5
|-- Config_2_sample_obs_3pc_3D.hdf5
|-- Config_2_sample_obs_5pc_3D.hdf5
|-- Config_2_test_obs_1pc_3D.hdf5
|-- Config_2_test_obs_3pc_3D.hdf5
|-- Config_2_test_obs_5pc_3D.hdf5
|-- Config_2_train_obs_1pc_3D.hdf5
|-- Config_2_train_obs_3pc_3D.hdf5
`-- Config_2_train_obs_5pc_3D.hdf5
information | description |
Author | Weiguo Zhu (DrownFish19) |
Date | 2022.10 |
Framework version | paddle 2.3.2 |
Support hardware | GPU、CPU |
Download link | Pre-training models |
Training Time-2D (A40) (6000,8000,10000 samples) | 1.2h,1.6h,2h |
Training Time-3D (A40) (6000,8000,10000 samples) | 5.3h,7,0h,8.75h |
aistudio | notebook |