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Content Pattern: Node Descriptions

hwahlstrom edited this page Jul 10, 2023 · 3 revisions

Node descriptions briefly describe a node’s function and output. In Dynamo, they appear in two places:

  • In the node tooltip
  • In the documentation browser

Follow these guidelines to ensure consistency and help save time when writing or updating node descriptions.


Descriptions should be one to two sentences. If more info is needed, include it under In Depth in the Documentation Browser.

Sentence case (capitalize the first word of a sentence and any proper nouns). No period at the end.

Language should be as clear and simple as possible. Define acronyms at first mention unless they are known even to non-expert users.

Always prioritize clarity, even if that means deviating from these guidelines.


Do's Don'ts
Start the description with a third-person verb.
  • Example: Determines if one geometry object intersects with another
Don't start with a second-person verb or with any noun.
  • Example: Determine if one geometry object intersects with another
Use "Returns," "Creates," or another descriptive verb instead of "Gets."
  • Example: Returns a Nurbs representation of a surface
Don't use "Get" or "Gets." It's less specific and has several possible translations.
  • Example: Gets a Nurbs representation of the surface
When referring to inputs, use "given" or "input" instead of "specified" or any other terms. Omit "given" or "input" when possible to simplify the description and reduce word count.
  • Example: Deletes the given file
  • Example: Projects a curve along the given projection direction onto given base geometry
You may use "specified" when not directly referring to an input.
  • Example: Writes text content to a file specified by the given path
When referring to inputs, to ensure consistency, don't use "specified" or any other term except "given" or "input." Don't mix "given" and "input" in the same description unless needed for clarity.
  • Example: Deletes the specified file
  • Example: Projects an input curve along a given projection direction onto a specified base geometry
Use "a" or "an" when first referring to an input. Use "the given" or "the input" instead of "a" or "an" as needed for clarity.
  • Example: Sweeps a curve along the path curve
Don't use "this" when first referring to an input.
  • Example: Sweeps this surve along the path curve
When first referring to an output or other noun that's the target of the node operation, use "a" or "an." Only use "the" when pairing it with "input" or "given."
  • Example: Copies a file
  • Example: Copies the given file
When first referring to an output or other noun that's the target of the node operation, don't use "the" on its own.
  • Example: Copies the file
Capitalize the first word of a sentence and any proper nouns such as names and traditionally capitalized nouns.
  • Example: Returns the intersection of two BoundingBoxes
Don't capitalize common geometry objects and concepts unless needed for clarity.
  • Example: Scales non-uniformly around the given Plane
Capitalize Boolean. Capitalize True and False when referring to the output of Booleans.
  • Example: Returns True if the two values are different
  • Example: Converts a string to all uppercase or all lowercase characters based on a Boolean parameter
Don't lowercase Boolean. Don't lowercase True and False when referring to the output of Booleans.
  • Example: Returns true if the two values are different
  • Example: Converts a string to all uppercase characters or all lowercase characters based on a boolean parameter



How To

Dynamo Internals


Python3 Upgrade Work



API and Dynamo Nodes

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