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File metadata and controls

400 lines (308 loc) · 25.9 KB

Input JSON

An input JSON file includes all genomic data files, parameters and metadata for running pipelines. Our pipeline will use default values if they are not defined in an input JSON file. We provide a set of template JSON files: minimum and full. We recommend to use a minimum template instead of full one. A full template includes all parameters of the pipeline with default values defined.

Please read through the following step-by-step instruction to compose a input JSON file.


Pipeline metadata

Parameter Description
chip.title Title for experiment which will be shown in a final HTML report
chip.description Description for experiment which will be shown in a final HTML report

Pipeline parameters

Parameter Default Description
chip.pipeline_type tf tf for TF ChIP-seq, histone for Histone ChIP-seq and control for mapping control FASTQs only. If it is control then chip.align_only is automatically turned on and pipeline will align FASTQs defined in chip.fastqs_repX_RY (where X means control replicate ID and Y is read-end) as controls. For control mode, do not define chip.ctl_fastqs_repX_RY. Pipeline will skip cross-correlation/JSD/GC-bias analysis for control mode.
chip.redact_nodup_bam false Redact filtered/nodup BAM at the end of the filtering step (task filter). Raw BAM from the aligner (task align) will still remain unredacted. Quality metrics on filtered BAM will be calculated before being redacted. However, all downstream analyses (e.g. peak-calling) will be done on the redacted BAM. If you start from nodup BAM then this flag will not be active. BAM will be redacted with ptools. To convert BAM into TAG-ALIGN our pipeline uses bedtools bamtobed to interpret CIGAR string to determine read length but redacted BAM will always have M only in CIGAR string. For example, this flag can introduce slight noise to the analysis since original BAM's read length is number of M - number of I + number of D, which can be different from redacted BAM's read length (number of M only).
chip.align_only false Peak calling and its downstream analyses will be disabled. Useful if you just want to map your FASTQs into filtered BAMs/TAG-ALIGNs and don't want to call peaks on them. Even though chip.pipeline_type does not matter for align only mode, you still need to define it since it is a required parameter in WDL. Define it as tf for such cases.
chip.true_rep_only false Disable pseudo replicate generation and all related analyses

Reference genome

All reference genome specific reference files/parameters can be defined in a single TSV file chip.genome_tsv. However, you can also individally define each file/parameter instead of a TSV file. If both a TSV file and individual parameters are defined, then individual parameters will override those defined in a TSV file. For example, if you define both chip.genome_tsv and chip.blacklist, then chip.blacklist will override that is defined in chip.genome_tsv. This is useful when you want to use your own for a specific parameter while keeping all the other parameters same as original.

Parameter Type Description
chip.genome_tsv File Choose one of the TSV files listed below or build your own
chip.genome_name String Name of genome (e.g. hg38, hg19, ...)
chip.ref_fa File Reference FASTA file
chip.bowtie2_idx_tar File Bowtie2 index TAR file built from FASTA file
chip.bwa_idx_tar File BWA index TAR file built from FASTA file with bwa index
chip.custom_aligner_idx_tar File Index TAR file for a custom aligner. To use a custom aligner, make sure to have "chip.align": "custom" and define "chip.custom_align_py" in your inputt JSON.
chip.chrsz File 2-col chromosome sizes file built from FASTA file with faidx
chip.blacklist File 3-col BED file. Peaks overlapping these regions will be filtered out
chip.blacklist2 File Second blacklist. Two blacklist files (chip.blacklist and chip.blacklist2) will be merged.
chip.gensz String MACS2's genome sizes (hs for human, mm for mouse or sum of 2nd col in chrsz)
chip.mito_chr_name String Name of mitochondrial chromosome (e.g. chrM)
chip.regex_bfilt_peak_chr_name String Perl style reg-ex to keep peaks on selected chromosomes only matching with this pattern (default: chr[\dXY]+. This will keep chr1, chr2, ... chrX and chrY in .bfilt. peaks file. chrM is not included here)

We assume that users run pipeline with Caper. These TSVs work with Caper only since they have URLs instead of local paths or cloud bucket URIs. Caper will automatically download those URLs to a local temporary directory (caper run ... --tmp-dir).

We currently provide TSV files for 4 genomes as shown in the below table. You can download/build them on your local computer. You can also build a genome database for your own genome.

Genome URL

For DNAnexus CLI (AWS project):

Genome DX URI
hg38 dx://project-BKpvFg00VBPV975PgJ6Q03v6:pipeline-genome-data/genome_tsv/v4/hg38.dx.tsv
mm10 dx://project-BKpvFg00VBPV975PgJ6Q03v6:pipeline-genome-data/genome_tsv/v4/mm10.dx.tsv

For DNAnexus CLI (Azure project):

Genome DX URI
hg38 dx://project-F6K911Q9xyfgJ36JFzv03Z5J:pipeline-genome-data/genome_tsv/v4/hg38.dx_azure.tsv
mm10 dx://project-F6K911Q9xyfgJ36JFzv03Z5J:pipeline-genome-data/genome_tsv/v4/mm10.dx_azure.tsv

For DNAnexus Web UI (AWS project): Choose one of the following TSV file on

Genome File name
hg38 hg38.dx.tsv
mm10 mm10.dx.tsv

For DNAnexus Web UI (Azure project): Choose one of the following TSV file on

Genome File name
hg38 hg38.dx_azure.tsv
mm10 mm10.dx_azure.tsv

Additional information about each genome:

Genome Source built from
hg38 ENCODE GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set_GCA_000001405
mm10 ENCODE mm10_no_alt_analysis_set_ENCODE
hg19 UCSC GRCh37/hg19
mm9 UCSC mm9, NCBI Build 37

How to download genome database

  1. Choose GENOME from hg19, hg38, mm9 and mm10 and specify a destination directory.
    $ bash genome/ [GENOME] [DESTINATION_DIR]
  2. Find a TSV file on the destination directory and use it for "chip.genome_tsv" in your input JSON.

Input genomic data

Choose endedness of your dataset first.

Parameter Description
chip.paired_end Boolean to define endedness for ALL IP replicates. This will override per-replicate definition in chip.paired_ends
chip.ctl_paired_end Boolean to define endedness for ALL control replicates. This will override per-replicate definition in chip.ctl_paired_ends
chip.paired_ends Array of Boolean to define endedness for each replicate
chip.ctl_paired_ends Array of Boolean to define endedness for each control replicate

Define chip.paired_end and chip.ctl_paired_end if all replicates (or control replicates) in your dataset has the same endedness. You can also individually define endedness for each replicate and control replicate. For example, rep1, rep2 are PE and rep3 is SE. control rep1 is SE and control rep2 is PE.

    "chip.paired_ends" : [true, true, false],
    "chip.ctl_paired_ends" : [false, true]

Pipeline can start from any of the following data type (FASTQ, BAM, NODUP_BAM and TAG-ALIGN).

Parameter Description
chip.fastqs_repX_R1 Array of R1 FASTQ files for replicate X. These files will be merged into one FASTQ file for rep X.
chip.fastqs_repX_R2 Array of R2 FASTQ files for replicate X. These files will be merged into one FASTQ file for rep X. Do not define for single ended dataset.
chip.bams Array of BAM file for each replicate. (e.g. ["rep1.bam", "rep2.bam", ...])
chip.nodup_bams Array of filtered/deduped BAM file for each replicate.
chip.tas Array of TAG-ALIGN file for each replicate.

For controls:

Parameter Description
chip.ctl_fastqs_repX_R1 Array of R1 FASTQ files for control replicate X. These files will be merged into one FASTQ file for rep X.
chip.ctl_fastqs_repX_R2 Array of R2 FASTQ files for control replicate X. These files will be merged into one FASTQ file for rep X. Do not define for single ended dataset.
chip.ctl_bams Array of BAM file for each control replicate. (e.g. ["ctl_rep1.bam", "ctl_rep2.bam", ...])
chip.ctl_nodup_bams Array of filtered/deduped BAM file for each control replicate.
chip.ctl_tas Array of TAG-ALIGN file for each control replicate.

You can mix up different data types for individual replicate/control replicate. For example, pipeline can start from FASTQs for rep1 and rep3, BAMs for rep2, NODUP_BAMs for rep4 and TAG-ALIGNs for rep5. You can define similarly for control replicates.

    "chip.fastqs_rep1_R1" : ["rep1.fastq.gz"],
    "chip.fastqs_rep3_R1" : ["rep3.fastq.gz"],
    "chip.bams" : [null, "rep2.bam", null, null, null],
    "chip.nodup_bams" : [null, null, null, "rep4.nodup.bam", null],
    "chip.tas" : [null, null, null, null, "rep5.tagAlign.gz"]

Optional mapping parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
chip.aligner String bowtie2 Currently supported aligners: bwa, bowtie2, custom. To use your own custom aligner, see the below parameter chip.custom_align_py.
chip.crop_length Int 0 Crop FASTQs with Trimmomatic (using parameters CROP). 0: cropping disabled.
chip.crop_length_tol Int 2 Trimmomatic's MINLEN will be set as chip.crop_length - abs(chip.crop_length_tol) where reads shorter than MINLEN will be removed, hence not included in output BAM files and all downstream analyses.
chip.trimmomatic_phred_score_format String auto Base encoding (format) for phred score in FASTQs. Choices: auto, phred33 or phred64 (without hyphen). This is used for Trimmomatic only. It is auto by default, which means that Trimmomatic automatically detect it from FASTQs. Otherwise -phred33 or -phred64 will be passed to the Trimmomatic command line. Use this parameter if you get an error Error: Unable to detect quality encoding in Trimmomatic.
chip.use_bwa_mem_for_pe Boolean false For chip.aligner as bwa and PE datasets only, use bwa mem instead of bwa aln. If read length of R1 FASTQ is shorter than chip.bwa_mem_read_len_limit (70 by default) then bwa aln will be used instead.
chip.bwa_mem_read_len_limit Int 70 For chip.aligner as bwa and PE dataset only, R1 FASTQ's read length limit for bwa mem.
chip.use_bowtie2_local_mode Boolean false Use bowtie2's local mode (adding --local to bowtie2 command line). If not defined, the default mode (end-to-end) will be used.
chip.custom_align_py File Python script for your custom aligner. See details about how to use a custom aligner

Optional filtering parameters

Parameter Default Description
chip.mapq_thresh 30 Threshold for mapped reads quality (samtools view -q). If not defined, automatically determined according to aligner.
chip.dup_marker picard Choose a dup marker between picard and sambamba. picard is recommended, use sambamba only when picard fails.
chip.no_dup_removal false Skip dup removal in a BAM filtering stage.

Optional subsampling parameters

Parameter Default Description
chip.subsample_reads 0 Subsample reads (0: no subsampling). For PE dataset, this is not a number of read pairs but number of reads. Subsampled reads will be used for all downsteam analyses including peak-calling. Subsampling is done during BAM to TAG-ALIGN conversion. Output TAG-ALIGN and all donwsteam analyses like peak-calling will be affected.
chip.ctl_subsample_reads 0 Subsample control reads (not number of read pairs). For PE dataset, this is not a number of read pairs but number of reads. Subsampling is done during BAM to TAG-ALIGN conversion. Output control TAG-ALIGN and all donwsteam analyses like peak-calling will be affected.
chip.xcor_subsample_reads 15000000 Subsample reads for cross-corr. analysis only (0: no subsampling). Subsampled reads will be used for cross-corr. analysis only
chip.ctl_depth_limit 200000000 Hard limit for automatic subsampling control. For PE dataset, this is not a number of read pairs but number of reads. This is different from manual control subsampling controlled by chip.xcor_subsample_reads. This is an additional subsampling for controls in a peak-calling task.
chip.exp_ctl_depth_ratio_limit 5.0 For each experiment replicate, corresponding chosen control will be subsampled if control's read is deeper than replicate's multiplied by this number.

Optional cross-correlation analysis parameters

Parameter Default Description
chip.xcor_trim_bp 50 Trim R1 fastq for cross-correlation analysis only. Trimmed fastqs will not be used for any other analyses
chip.use_filt_pe_ta_for_xcor false Use filtered PE BAM/TAG-ALIGN for cross-correlation analysis ignoring the above trimmed R1 fastq
chip.xcor_exclusion_range_min -500 Exclusion minimum for cross-corr. analysis. See description for -x=<min>:<max> for details. Make sure that it's consistent with default strand shift -s=-500:5:1500 in phantompeakqualtools.
chip.xcor_exclusion_range_max Exclusion minimum for cross-corr. analysis. If not defined default value of max(read length + 10, 50) for TF and max(read_len + 10, 100) for histone are used.

Optional control parameters

Parameter Default Description
chip.always_use_pooled_ctl true Choosing an appropriate control for each replicate. Always use a pooled control to compare with each replicate. If a single control is given then use it.
chip.ctl_depth_ratio 1.2 If ratio of depth between controls is higher than this. then always use a pooled control for all replicates.

Optional peak-calling parameters

Parameter Default Description
chip.peak_caller spp for tf type
macs2 for histone type
spp or macs2. spp requires control
macs2 can work without controls
chip.cap_num_peak 500000 (macs2), 300000 (spp) Cap number of peaks called.
chip.pval_thresh 0.01 P-value threshold for peak-caller MACS2 (macs2 callpeak -p).
chip.idr_thresh 0.05 IDR (irreproducible discovery rate) threshold.
chip.fdr_thresh 0.01 FDR threshold for peak-caller SPP (run_spp.R -fdr=).

Optional pipeline flags

Parameter Default Description
chip.enable_jsd true Enable deeptools fingerprint (JS distance)
chip.enable_gc_bias true Enable GC bias calculation
chip.enable_count_signal_track false Enable count signal track generation

Optional parameter for fragment length

Our pipeline automatically estimate fragment lengths (required for TF ChIP-Seq) from cross-correlation (task xcor) anaylses, but chip.fraglen will override those estimated ones. Use this if your pipeline fails due to invalid (negative) fragment length estimated from the cross-correlation analysis.

Parameter Type Description
chip.fraglen Array[Int] Fragment length for each replicate.

Other optional parameters

Parameter Default Description
chip.filter_chrs [] (empty array of string) Array of chromosome names to be filtered out from a final (filtered/nodup) BAM. No chromosomes are filtered out by default.
chip.pseudoreplication_random_seed 0 Random seed (positive integer) used for pseudo-replication (shuffling reads in TAG-ALIGN and then split it into two). If 0 then TAG-ALIGN file's size (in bytes) is used for random seed.

Resource parameters

WARNING: It is recommened not to change the following parameters unless you get resource-related errors for a certain task and you want to increase resources for such task. The following parameters are provided for users who want to run our pipeline with Caper's local on HPCs and 2).

Resources defined here are PER REPLICATE. Therefore, total number of cores will be MAX(chip.align_cpu x NUMBER_OF_REPLICATES, chip.call_peak_cpu x 2 x NUMBER_OF_REPLICATES) because align and call_peak (especially for spp) are bottlenecking tasks of the pipeline. Use this total number of cores if you manually qsub or sbatch your job (using local mode of Caper). disk_factor is used for Google Cloud and DNAnexus only.

Different resource multipliers are used for different chip.aligner and chip.peak_caller.

  • chip.aligner: bowtie2 (default) or bwa.
  • chip.peak_caller: spp (default for TF ChIP-seq: chip.pipeline_type as tf) or macs2 (default for histone ChIP-seq: chip.pipeline_type as histone).

Choose appropriate resource parameters (check suffix of parameter: e.g. _bowtie2_, _spp_) for chosen aligner and peak caller.

For example, if sum of your FASTQs are 20GB then 4GB (base) + chip.align_bowtie2_mem_factor x 20GB = 5GB will be used for align task's instance memory.

If sum of your TAG-ALIGN BEDs (intermediate outputs) are 5GB then 4GB (base) + chip.macs2_signal_track_mem_factor x 5GB = 34GB will be used for macs2_signal_track task's instance memory.

Base memory/disk is 4GB/20GB for most tasks.

Parameter Default Description
chip.align_cpu 6
chip.align_bowtie2_mem_factor 0.15 Multiplied to size of FASTQs to determine required memory. 5.0 + bowtie2_index_file_size + sum(all_fastqs) GB.
chip.align_bwa_mem_factor 1.0 Multiplied to size of FASTQs to determine required memory. 5.0 + bwa_index_file_size + sum(all_fastqs) GB.
chip.align_time_hr 48 Walltime (HPCs only)
chip.align_bowtie2_disk_factor 8.0 Multiplied to size of FASTQs to determine required disk
chip.align_bwa_disk_factor 8.0 Multiplied to size of FASTQs to determine required disk
Parameter Default Description
chip.filter_cpu 4
chip.filter_mem_factor 0.4 Multiplied to size of BAM to determine required memory
chip.filter_time_hr 24 Walltime (HPCs only)
chip.filter_disk_factor 8.0 Multiplied to size of BAM to determine required disk
Parameter Default Description
chip.bam2ta_cpu 2
chip.bam2ta_mem_factor 0.35 Multiplied to size of filtered BAM to determine required memory
chip.bam2ta_time_hr 6 Walltime (HPCs only)
chip.bam2ta_disk_factor 4.0 Multiplied to size of filtered BAM to determine required disk
Parameter Default Description
chip.spr_mem_factor 20.0 Multiplied to size of filtered BAM to determine required memory
chip.spr_disk_factor 30.0 Multiplied to size of filtered BAM to determine required disk
Parameter Default Description
chip.jsd_cpu 4
chip.jsd_mem_factor 0.1 Multiplied to size of filtered BAM to determine required memory
chip.jsd_time_hr 6 Walltime (HPCs only)
chip.jsd_disk_factor 2.0 Multiplied to size of filtered BAM to determine required disk
Parameter Default Description
chip.xcor_cpu 2
chip.xcor_mem_factor 1.0 Multiplied to size of TAG-ALIGN BED to determine required memory
chip.xcor_time_hr 6 Walltime (HPCs only)
chip.xcor_disk_factor 4.5 Multiplied to size of TAG-ALIGN BED to determine required disk
Parameter Default Description
chip.call_peak_cpu 6 Used for both peak callers (spp and macs2). spp is well multithreaded but macs2 is single-threaded. More than 2 is not required for macs2.
chip.call_peak_spp_mem_factor 5.0 Multiplied to size of TAG-ALIGN BED to determine required memory
chip.call_peak_macs2_mem_factor 5.0 Multiplied to size of TAG-ALIGN BED to determine required memory
chip.call_peak_time_hr 24 Walltime (HPCs only)
chip.call_peak_spp_disk_factor 5.0 Multiplied to size of TAG-ALIGN BED to determine required disk
chip.call_peak_macs2_disk_factor 30.0 Multiplied to size of TAG-ALIGN BED to determine required disk
Parameter Default Description
chip.macs2_signal_track_mem_factor 12.0 Multiplied to size of TAG-ALIGN BED to determine required memory
chip.macs2_signal_track_time_hr 24 Walltime (HPCs only)
chip.macs2_signal_track_disk_factor 80.0 Multiplied to size of TAG-ALIGN BED to determine required disk
Parameter Default Description
chip.subsample_ctl_mem_factor 22.0 Multiplied to size of TAG-ALIGN BED to determine required memory
chip.macs2_signal_track_time_hr 24 Walltime (HPCs only)
chip.subsample_ctl_disk_factor 15.0 Multiplied to size of TAG-ALIGN BED to determine required disk

If your system/cluster does not allow large memory allocation for Java applications, check the following resource parameters to manually define Java memory. It is NOT RECOMMENDED for most users to change these parameters since pipeline automatically takes 90% of task's memory for Java apps.

There are special parameters to control maximum Java heap memory (e.g. java -Xmx4G) for Java applications (e.g. Picard tools). They are strings including size units. Such string will be directly appended to Java's parameter -Xmx. If these parameters are not defined then pipeline uses 90% of each task's memory.

Parameter Default
chip.filter_picard_java_heap 90% of memory for task chip.filter (dynamic)
chip.align_trimmomatic_java_heap 90% of memory for task chip.align (dynamic)
chip.gc_bias_picard_java_heap 90% of memory for task chip.gc_bias (8GB)

How to use a custom aligner

ENCODE ChIP-Seq pipeline currently supports bwa and bowtie2. In order to use your own aligner you need to define the following parameters first. You can define custom_aligner_idx_tar either in your input JSON file or in your genome TSV file. Such index TAR file should be an uncompressed TAR file without any directory structured.

NOTE: The python script should take --mem-gb, which means total memory in GBs for a job/instance.

Parameter Type Description
chip.custom_aligner_idx_tar File Index TAR file for your custom aligner
chip.custom_align_py File Python script for your custom aligner

Here is a template for

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import argparse

def parse_arguments():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='ENCODE template aligner')
    parser.add_argument('index_prefix_or_tar', type=str,
                        help='Path for prefix (or a tarball .tar) \
                            for reference aligner index. \
                            Tar ball must be packed without compression \
                            and directory by using command line \
                            "tar cvf [TAR] [TAR_PREFIX].*')
    parser.add_argument('fastqs', nargs='+', type=str,
                        help='List of FASTQs (R1 and R2). \
                            FASTQs must be compressed with gzip (with .gz).')
    parser.add_argument('--paired-end', action="store_true",
                        help='Paired-end FASTQs.')
    parser.add_argument('--multimapping', default=4, type=int,
                        help='Multimapping reads')
    parser.add_argument('--mem-gb', type=float,
                        help='Max. memory for samtools sort in GB. '
                        'It should be total memory for this task (not memory per thread).')
    parser.add_argument('--nth', type=int, default=1,
                        help='Number of threads to parallelize.')
    parser.add_argument('--out-dir', default='', type=str,
                            help='Output directory.')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # check if fastqs have correct dimension
    if args.paired_end and len(args.fastqs)!=2:
        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Need 2 fastqs for paired end.')
    if not args.paired_end and len(args.fastqs)!=1:
        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Need 1 fastq for single end.')

    return args

def align(fastq_R1, fastq_R2, ref_index_prefix, multimapping, nth, mem_gb, out_dir):
    basename = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(fastq_R1)[0])
    prefix = os.path.join(out_dir, basename)
    bam = '{}.bam'.format(prefix)

    # map your fastqs somehow
    os.system('touch {}'.format(bam))

    return bam

def main():
    # read params
    args = parse_arguments()

    # unpack index somehow on CWD
    os.system('tar xvf {}'.format(args.index_prefix_or_tar))

    bam = align(args.fastqs[0],
                args.fastqs[1] if args.paired_end else None,

if __name__=='__main__':

IMPORTANT: Your custom python script should generate ONLY one *.bam file. For example, if there are two .bam files then pipeline will just pick the first one in an alphatical order.