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Enigma Protocols for Imputation at each site – v1.2

Last update September 20, 2010

Written by Sarah Medland, Derrek Hibar, Alejandro Arias Vasquez, and Jason Stein

Before we start, you need to download and install some required programs (which you may already have). The required programs are: Plink, R, Mach, ssh client, mach2qtl. Links to the download sites are available below. Please address any questions to:

  • Plink can be downloaded here.
  • R can be downloaded here.
  • Mach can be downloaded here.
  • An ssh client can be downloaded here (though there are many to choose from).
  • Download mach2qtl here (run tar -zxvf mach2qtl.tar.gz to decompress the files and then type “make all” in the same directory to build. You will then have an executable called mach2qtl that you should add to your path).

Population substructure checking – paste the code below into a terminal window or shell script

Download the HapMap3 data to your working directory which we will call /enigma/genetics/:

wget ""
wget ""
wget ""

Filter SNPs out from your dataset which do not meet Quality Control criteria (Minor Allele Frequency < 0.01; Genotype Call Rate < 95%; Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium < 1x10-6). Directions assume your data are in binary plink format (bed/bim/fam), if this is not the case try to convert to plink format and contact with questions.

export datafileraw=yourrawdata # replace yourrawdata with the name of the local 
                               #plink file name
plink --bfile $datafileraw --hwe 1e-6 --geno 0.05 --maf 0.01 --make-bed \
--out ${datafileraw}_filtered

Unzip the HM3 genotypes. Prepare the HM3 and the raw genotype data by extracting only snps that are in common between the two genotype data sets - this avoids exhausting the system memory. We are also removing the strand ambiguous snps from the genotyped data set to avoid strand mismatch among these snps. Your genotype files should be filtered to remove markers which do not satisfy the quality control criteria above.

bash # these commands assume you are running bash shell – if you are already 
     #running bash then you don’t need to type this (but it won’t hurt)
cd /enigma/genetics #change directory to a folder with you plink dataset and 
                    #downloaded HM3 files
gunzip *.gz
export datafile=datafile_filtered # replace datafile_filtered with the name of 
                                  #the local plink file name that has been 
                                  #filtered of SNPs not meeting QC criteria (see
awk '{print $2}' HM3.bim > HM3.snplist.txt
plink --bfile $datafile --extract HM3.snplist.txt --make-bed --out local
awk '{ if (($5=="T" && $6=="A")||($5=="A" && $6=="T")||($5=="C" && $6=="G")||\
($5=="G" && $6=="C")) print $2, "ambig" ; else print $2 ;}' $datafile.bim \
| grep -v ambig > local.snplist.txt
plink --bfile HM3 --extract local.snplist.txt --make-bed --out external

Merge the two sets of plink files – In merging the two files plink will check for strand differences. If any strand differences are found plink will crash with the following error (ERROR: Stopping due to mis-matching SNPs -- check +/- strand?)

Ignore warnings regarding different physical positions

plink --bfile local --bmerge external.bed external.bim external.fam --make-bed \
--out MDSfile # this step will take a while (less than 1 hour)

If plink crashed with a strand error (ERROR: Stopping due to mis-matching SNPs -- check +/- strand?) run the following two lines of alternate code

plink --bfile local --flip MDSfile.missnp --make-bed --out flipped
plink --bfile flipped --bmerge external.bed external.bim external.fam \
--make-bed --out MDSfile # this step will take a while (less than 1 hour)

Run the MDS analysis

plink --bfile MDSfile --cluster --mind .05 --mds-plot 4 --extract \
local.snplist.txt --out HM3mds # this step will take a while (approx. 1 day)

Plot the MDS results using R into a file called mdsplot.eps and mdsplot.pdf (Note: type R to start R in unix and q() followed by n to close the R session after the plot has been made)

awk '{print $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7}' >> HM3mds2R.mds HM3mds.mds 
#This formats the plink output into an R compatible format.

mds.cluster = read.table("HM3mds2R.mds", header=T);
ur.num = length(mds.cluster$C1) - 985;
colors = c(rep("red", ur.num), rep("lightblue", 112), rep("brown", 84), 
           rep("yellow", 112), rep("green", 88), rep("purple", 86), 
           rep("orange", 84), rep("grey50", 50), rep("black", 88), 
           rep("darkolivegreen", 49), rep("magenta", 89), rep("darkblue", 143));
postscript(file="mdsplot.eps", paper="special", width=10, height=10, 
           horizontal=FALSE) #Use this file to upload to the ENIGMA website 
                             #since it is better for publication
plot(mds.cluster$C2, mds.cluster$C1, col=colors, ylab="Dimension 1", 
     xlab="Dimension 2")
       c("Your pop.", "CEU", "CHB", "YRI", "TSI", "JPT", "CHD", "MEX", "GIH", 
         "ASW", "LWK", "MKK"), 
       fill=c("red", "lightblue", "brown", "yellow", "green", "purple", 
              "orange", "grey50", "black", "darkolivegreen", "magenta", 
pdf(file="mdsplot.pdf") #Use this file to look at your MDS plot if you do not 
                        #have an EPS viewer (for example if you are working on a
                        #PC and do not have ghostview)
plot(mds.cluster$C2, mds.cluster$C1, col=colors, ylab="Dimension 1", 
     xlab="Dimension 2")
legend("topleft", c("Your pop.", "CEU", "CHB", "YRI", "TSI", "JPT", "CHD", 
       "MEX", "GIH", "ASW", "LWK", "MKK"), fill=c("red", "lightblue", "brown", 
       "yellow", "green", "purple", "orange", "grey50", "black", 
       "darkolivegreen", "magenta", "darkblue"))

Your output will look something like this when viewed either as an EPS file or a PDF file:


If you have any questions about your MDS plot (what to do with outliers, which population to choose for imputation, color-blindness limits your interpretative capabilities, etc.) please email the authors of this protocol (Sarah Medland, Jason Stein, Alejandro Arias Vasquez, and Derrek Hibar) , and the ENIGMA listserv for help and friendly advice.

Running the first stage of the imputation

The genotype data need to be written out in merlin format for imputation

  • at this stage you want to drop any snps that are not in the Hapmap reference set
  • you also want to drop any strand ambiguous snps

In the first stage of the imputation process, the genotyped data are compared to the reference data and error rate and recombination files are produced summarising the differences between the two data sets

Randomly select 300 people to be used in the first stage of the imputation process. Create a file (referenceIDs.list ) containing the famID and ID of these individuals (this needs to be a space or tab delimited file) . If your sample is less than 500 people you may want to use all you participants at this stage rather than a subset.

To generate the referenceIDs.list file with randomly selected subjects (unrelated only, if possible) or your whole sample if < 500 subjects, we first need to generate a plink file for manipulation.

plink --bfile local --recodeA --chr 22 --out 4selectsubset

Download and run the randomlysplit.R code (add to your enigma directory):

R --no-save --slave < randomlysplit.R

Split up files by chromosome and put in Merlin compatible format using the subject list outputted by randomlysplit.R

for x in {1..22}
plink --bfile local --extract local.snplist.txt --recode --chr ${x} \
--make-founders --keep referenceIDs.list --out reference${x}
echo "S1 dummy_phenotype" > reference${x}.dat
awk '{print "M", $2}' reference${x}.map >> reference${x}.dat

Download and decompress (tar -zxvf *.tar.gz) the relevant Hapmap3 reference files for your sample and set stage 1 running:

wget ""
wget ""
wget ""

Mach will produce a series of erate and rec files which will be used in stage 2 of the imputation

  • If the program runs out of memory add the –compact command
  • The following commands will produce a series of scripts that can be run sequentially or in parallel. Note: this part of the process can be very slow depending on your sample size and may run for more than one day.
  • If you have a cluster environment, you will have to use the commands tailored to your system to submit to multiple nodes.
  • To run sequentially, after you generate the files:
    for x in {1..22}; do ./compute_mach_chr${x}.sh; done
  • Regardless of computing environment, it is probably best to test run a single script in case you need to make any of the adjustments or do error checking as mentioned above.
  • Mach will automatically check your data file against the reference data before starting the imputation process. After Mach has been running for 20-30 minutes it is a good idea to check the log files which are produced. If errors are present or there are major differences in MAF between the files it is a good idea to fix these and then re-run Mach

Some example MACH log output is given below


export hm3pop=hm3_r2_b36_fwd.CEU #change this so that it reflects the root file 
                                 #name of your hm3 population of interest
export fulldir=/enigma/genetics/ #you will have to edit this to reflect the 
                                 #location of your enigma folder with all of the
                                 #files generated previously
export hapdir=/enigma/genetics/CEU/ #edit this to reflect the location of the 
                                    #folder containing the hap and snp folders 
                                    #from the tar output of your hm3 population
#note: you need to have mach1 in your path for this to work or give the full 
#path to the mach executable in place of “mach1” below.
for ((i=1;i<=22;i++))
echo "mach1 -d ${fulldir}reference"$i".dat -p ${fulldir}reference"$i".ped -s \
${hapdir}snps/${hm3pop}.chr"$i".snps -h \
${hapdir}hap/${hm3pop}.chr"$i".hap.gz --greedy --autoFlip -r 100 -o \
${fulldir}stage1_"$i" > ${fulldir}mach.stage1.c"$i".log" > \
sed -i '1i#!/bin/bash\n\n' ${fulldir}compute_mach_chr"$i".sh
chmod 755 ${fulldir}compute_mach_chr"$i".sh
#Now execute these scripts

Running the second stage of the imputation

(Note this step needs to be done for everyone regardless of the size of your reference sample)

Write out the genotype data for your full sample in merlin format. The files must contain exactly the same snps as used in your reference sample. We will reuse the dat file that was made in the previous step.

for ((i=1;i<=22;i++))
plink --bfile local --extract local.snplist.txt --recode --chr "$i" \
--make-founders --out population"$i"

Run stage 2

  • Note: stage 2 runs much faster than stage1

Mach will produce a series of mldose mlprob mlinfo and mlgeno files – the mlprob and mlgeno files can be zipped and archived. The mldose and mlinfo files will be used for the analysis.

export hm3pop=hm3_r2_b36_fwd.CEU #change this so that it reflects the root file 
                                 #name of your hm3 population of interest
export hapdir=/enigma/genetics/CEU/ #edit this to reflect the location of the 
                                    #folder containing the hap and snp folders 
                                    #from the tar output of your hm3 population
for ((i=1;i<=22;i++))
mach1 -d reference"$i".dat -p population"$i".ped -s \
${hapdir}snps/${hm3pop}.chr"$i".snps -h \
${hapdir}hap/${hm3pop}.chr"$i".hap.gz --greedy --autoFlip --errorMap \
stage1_"$i".erate --crossoverMap stage1_"$i".rec --mle --mldetails -o \
enigmaImp_"$i" > mach.stage2.c"$i".log

Instructions for performing the tests of association, either in family or population-based studies, can be found in a separate protocol.