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Protocol For Association Testing Using Related Subjects

Written by Miguel E. Rentería, Derrek Hibar, Alejandro Arias Vasquez, Jason Stein and Sarah Medland

Before we start, you need to download and install some required programs (which you may already have). The required programs are: R, ssh client, mach2qtl. Links to the download sites are available below. Please address any questions to:

  • R can be downloaded here.
  • An ssh client can be downloaded here (though there are many to choose from).
  • Download mach2qtl here (run tar -zxvf mach2qtl.tar.gz to decompress the files and then type “make all” in the same directory to build. You will then have an executable called mach2qtl that you should add to your path.)

The following protocol can be split into three general categories based on cohort type. If you have a sample of unrelated, healthy subjects please follow the directions under Method A. If you have a sample of unrelated subjects with a mix of healthy controls and diagnosed patients please follow Method B. If you have a sample of related individuals, please follow Method C.

Method C: Protocol for groups with family-based cohorts (healthy subjects)

You will need three files to run the association analysis (described below). We recommend you keep these files in your working directory. Please, make sure to have exactly the same header labels and in the same order as shown below so that the commands used in this protocol need not to be changed:

  • LandRvolumes.csv, which contains your imaging phenotypes (after quality control) for the entire related sample (healthy cohorts only, without patients). Make sure that the SubjectID’s in this file are in the proper format (i.e. that they match the format of the individual subject ID’s given in the IID column of the SubCortCovs_related_nopatients.csv file).
    • Make sure that missing values and individual volume measures that were excluded from the analysis during QC in the LandRvolumes.csv are coded as “NA” without the quotes. Note that we originally suggested marking these values with an “x” in the imaging protocol. The following R scripts handle excluded values better if they are marked with NA. Please do a “find and replace” in your favorite text editor for “x” and replace it with “NA” (again all without quotes).
    • FSL FIRST Users: The ICV values reported in your LandRvolumes.csv file are actually just ratios, in order to convert it to a volume measurement (and make it comparable to the ICV measure given in FreeSurfer) you need to multiply each value by the template volume. If you used the default template in FSL FIRST (most likely this is true of everyone) then multiply each value in the ICV column by 1827243. You can do this easily in a spreadsheet program like Excel or on the Linux command line using awk (remember to save it back as a CSV file).

NOTE (1): Missing values in both files: SubCortCovs_related_nopatients.csv and LandRvolumes.csv must be coded as “NA” (without the quotation marks → “ “).

SubjID Lthal Rthal Lcaud Rcaud Lput Rput Lpal Rpal Lhippo Rhippo Lamyg Ramyg Laccumb Raccumb ICV
  • SubCortCovs_related_nopatients.csv A spreadsheet generated using Excel or your favourite spreadsheet program, which contains the following columns: Family ID, Individual ID, paternal ID, maternal ID, age, sex and dummy covariates: i.e. a covariate to control for different MR acquisitions, if applicable. Remember also that this part of the protocol is for cohorts with healthy subjects only. Save this spreadsheet as a comma delimited (.csv) text file called SubCortCovs_related_nopatients.csv. The spreadsheet should look like this:
FID IID PID MID Age Sex Dummy1 Dummy2…
Fam1 Subj1 paternalID1 maternalID1
Fam2 Subj1 paternalID1 maternalID2

NOTE (2): Sex must be specified as follows: (Males=1, Females=2), and “FID” and “IID” should be named exactly the same in all files.

  • The third file is HM3mds2R.mds.csv (a spreadsheet containing the following columns: individual ID (IID), 4 MDS components (C1, C2, C3 and C4), and PLINK’s assigned solution code (SOL).
Fam1 Subj1
Fam2 Subj2

NOTE (3): If you have no dummy covariates (or more than 1 dummy covariate) the commands below should still work (just add the extra dummy covariates to the end, where indicated below).

These three files: LandRvolumes.csv, SubCortCovs_related_nopatients.csv and HM3mds2R.mds.csv will be read into R to generate PED and DAT files that will be used for association with merlin-offline.

The following R script assumes your files are all kept in the same folder, which is also the working directory of R.

getwd() #Check that you are in the correct directory
SubCort <- read.table("LandRvolumes.csv", 
                      colClasses=c("character", rep("numeric",15)), 
                      sep=",", header=T); #Read in the phenotypes file
Covs <- read.table("SubCortCovs_related_nopatients.csv", 
                   colClasses=c(rep("character",4), rep("numeric",3)), 
                   sep=",", header=T); #Read in the covariates file
SubCort$IID = SubCort$SubjID #This just renames a column for easier merging
SubCort$SubjID = NULL
SubCortCovs <- merge(SubCort, Covs, by="IID"); #Merge into a single dataframe

SubCortCovs$AgeSq <- SubCortCovs$Age*SubCortCovs$Age; #add an age^2 term
SubCortCovs$Mthal <- 
    rowMeans(SubCortCovs[,c("Lthal","Rthal")]); #calculate mean Thalamus
SubCortCovs$Mcaud <- 
    rowMeans(SubCortCovs[,c("Lcaud","Rcaud")]); #calculate mean Caudate
SubCortCovs$Mput <- 
    rowMeans(SubCortCovs[,c("Lput","Rput")]); #calculate mean Putamen
SubCortCovs$Mpal <- 
    rowMeans(SubCortCovs[,c("Lpal","Rpal")]); #calculate mean Pallidum
SubCortCovs$Mhippo <- 
    rowMeans(SubCortCovs[,c("Lhippo","Rhippo")]); #calculate mean Hippocampus
SubCortCovs$Mamyg <- 
    rowMeans(SubCortCovs[,c("Lamyg","Ramyg")]); #calculate mean Amygdala
SubCortCovs$Maccumb <- 
    rowMeans(SubCortCovs[,c("Laccumb","Raccumb")]); #calculate mean Accumbens

mds.cluster <- read.csv("HM3mds2R.mds.csv", header=T); #Read in the MDS 
mds.cluster$SOL <- NULL; #Remove the “SOL” column in the MDS components since 
                         #this is not a covariate to be included
merged_temp <- merge(SubCortCovs, mds.cluster, by=c("FID", "IID")); #Merge the 
                                                                    #MDS and 

merged_ordered <- merged_temp[,c("FID", "IID", "PID", "MID", "Sex", "Lthal", 
                                 "Lcaud", "Lput", "Lpal", "Lhippo", "Lamyg", 
                                 "Laccumb", "Rthal", "Rcaud", "Rput", "Rpal", 
                                 "Rhippo", "Ramyg", "Raccumb", "Mthal", "Mcaud",
                                 "Mput", "Mpal", "Mhippo", "Mamyg", "Maccumb", 
                                 "ICV", "Age", "AgeSq", "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4")]
#Create data frame with left, and right and average volumes, and all relevant 
#covariates. Please ADD the names of dummy covariates for different 
#scanners/acquisitions, if you have any. For instance (see below):
#merged_ordered <- merged_temp[,c("FID", "IID", "PID", "MID", "Sex", "Lthal",
#                                 "Lcaud", "Lput", "Lpal", "Lhippo", "Lamyg", 
#                                 "Laccumb", "Rthal","Rcaud", "Rput", "Rpal", 
#                                 "Rhippo", "Ramyg", "Raccumb", "Mthal","Mcaud",
#                                 "Mput", "Mpal", "Mhippo", "Mamyg", "Maccumb", 
#                                 "ICV", "Age", "AgeSq", "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4",
#                                 "Dummy1", "Dummy2"...)]

numcovs <- length(colnames(merged_ordered))-26; #Number of Covariates(ICV, age, 
                                                #age2, population stratification
                                                #(4 MDS components), dummy 
                                                #covariate for different 

merged_ordered[,1:(26+numcovs)][[,1:(26+numcovs)])] <- 
    "x" #recode "NAs" into "x", to comply with required association format

## * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ##
##Create three PED files containing 21 traits (7 x Left, 7 x Right and 7 x Mean 
##Hemispheric Volumes): Males-Only, Females-Only and Males+Females combined.
## * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ##

merged_MF_ordered <- merged_ordered; #Create a Males+Females variable

merged_MF_ordered$Sex -> 
    merged_MF_ordered$SexPED; #Rename Sex column as SexPED Variable

merged_MF_ordered$SexPED -> merged_MF_ordered$Sex; #Create a SexCOV Variable
merged_MF_ordered$Sex[merged_MF_ordered$Sex==1] <- 
    0; #recode males from "1" into "0", in the sex covariate.
merged_MF_ordered$Sex[merged_MF_ordered$Sex==2] <- 
    1; #recode females from "2" into "1", in the sex covariate.

merged_MF_ordered <- merged_MF_ordered[,c("FID", "IID", "PID", "MID", "SexPED", 
                                          "Lthal", "Lcaud", "Lput", "Lpal", 
                                          "Lhippo", "Lamyg", "Laccumb", "Rthal",
                                          "Rcaud", "Rput", "Rpal", "Rhippo", 
                                          "Ramyg", "Raccumb", "Mthal", "Mcaud", 
                                          "Mput", "Mpal", "Mhippo", "Mamyg", 
                                          "Maccumb", "ICV", "Age", "Sex", 
                                          "AgeSq", "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4")] 
#Create an ordered data frame with left and hemisphere volumes, as well as mean 
#volumes and covariates. If you have additional dummy covariates to accommodate 
#different scanners you will need to modify this command in order to work 
#properly. For an example, see below:
#merged_ordered <- merged_temp[,c("FID", "IID", "PID", "MID", "SexPED", "Lthal",
#                                 "Lcaud", "Lput", "Lpal", "Lhippo", "Lamyg", 
#                                 "Laccumb", "Rthal","Rcaud", "Rput", "Rpal", 
#                                 "Rhippo", "Ramyg", "Raccumb", "Mthal","Mcaud",
#                                 "Mput", "Mpal", "Mhippo", "Mamyg", "Maccumb", 
#                                 "ICV", "Age", "Sex", "AgeSq", "C1", "C2", 
#                                 "C3", "C4", "Dummy1", "Dummy2"...)]

write.table(merged_MF_ordered, "Combined_subcortCov_NP.ped", quote=F, 
            col.names=F, row.names=F); #Write out Combined_subcortCov_NP.ped 

##Males+Females combined DAT file - Without ICV
            quote=F); # Generate a DAT file that skips ICV

##Males+Females combined DAT file - With ICV
            quote=F); # Generate a DAT file that includes ICV as a covariate

merged_M_Ordered <- subset(merged_ordered, Sex==1); #Create a MALES ONLY subset[1:26],
#Create a pedfile variable containing Males-only.

            row.names=F); #Write out Males_subcortCov_NP.ped file

merged_F_Ordered <- 
    subset(merged_ordered, Sex==2); #Create a FEMALES ONLY subset[1:26],
#Create a pedfile variable containing Females-only.

            row.names=F); #Write out Females_subcortCov_NP.ped file

## * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ##
##Create two DAT files: With and without ICV as a Covariate including ALL 
##Volumes, Left, Right and Mean##
## * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ##

##Without ICV
            quote=F); # Generate a DAT file that skips ICV

##With ICV
            quote=F); # Generate a DAT file that includes ICV as a covariate

Now, check the files you just produced to make sure they have the correct information. There was a lot of text manipulation we just did, so please make sure to look at the files you created to see if they have the correct number of subjects, correct columns, and correct .dat files. Please refer to the examples given in Methods A and B.


You should now have 2 phenotypic PED files (Males-only, Females-only) and 2 DAT files (with and without ICV in as a covariate). You will use these files to run association with a software package of your choice. We provide here, a protocol to generate scripts to conduct genome-wide association using MERLIN-offline, but if you decide to use a different software package, please contact us at to discuss output format requirements.

To use merlin-offline to analyse 1KGP imputed data you will need to download and unzip the merlin source code, download an edited version of one of the files, and compile the program using the following code - we recommend you compile this program in your personal bin directory:

wget ""
tar -zxvf merlin-1.1.2.tar.gz
cd merlin-1.1.2/libsrc
wget ""
mv PedigreeGlobals.cpp.1 PedigreeGlobals.cpp
cd ../
make all

(Note: this version of the PedigreeGlobals file has been edited to accept 3 additional allele codes D (deletions), I (insertions) and R (reference) to allow for the analysis of structural variation.)

Parallelly, you will need to convert your mach2qtl imputation files to a format suitable for MERLIN-offline. For this purpose, we recommend you use the mach2merlin tool, developed by Sarah Medland. You can find the program and the instructions here.

To correctly model relatedness and zygosity (if required) you will also need to provide a ped file that ‘links’ the family. This file has 6 columns - FID IID PID MID Sex and Zygosity.

Non twin individuals have a Zygosity code 0. If you have data from twins, assign each identical pair of twins in the family an odd number (ie the first set of MZ twins would both have a 1 for zygosity, a second set would have 3 for both twins) and each non-identical twin pair an even number (ie the first set of DZ twins would both have a 2 for zygosity, a second set would have 4 for both twins).

The ped file needs to contain data for all genotyped individuals who have phenotypes and also all non-genotyped individuals who are named as parents. For example if we had phenotypes and genotyped for the following individuals:

111 03 01 02 1 2
111 04 01 02 2 2

then we would also need to include their parents in the connecting ped file ie

111 01 0 0 1 0
111 02 0 0 2 0

This information is used to correct for the relatedness between individuals 111-03 and 111-04. This file can be made using the following code. Please note you will need to update the zygosity information for your participants by hand:

awk '{print $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, "0"}' Combined_subcortCov_NP.ped > temp
awk '{print $1, $3, "0 0 1 0"}' Combined_subcortCov_NP.ped >> temp
awk '{print $1, $4, "0 0 2 0"}' Combined_subcortCov_NP.ped >> temp
sort temp | uniq > connecting.ped
echo "Z zygosity" > connecting.dat

After you have completed both MERLIN installation and file conversion, move on to the stage of script generation below.

Replace italicized portions below to customise for your data. This code will generate a script called that you need to tailor to your server/queuing system. The aim is to run association commands in as many chromosome chunks in parallel as possible. The files being generated will be zipped as they are produced to help preserve space.

echo "#Merlin-offline association" >
echo "#Merlin-offline association" >

#give the directory to the Merlin-format converted output from Mach/minimac

#give the dir to the ped and dat files just created

#give abbreviated name of your sample, no spaces in the name (i.e. ADNI)

#make a folder for the output from Merlin
#Males-only, Females-only
for group in Males Females; do
#with and without ICV as covariate
for cov in w n; do
#loop over chromosomes
for ((i=1; i<=23; i++)); do
# loop over 'chunks'
for ((j=1; j<=15; j++)); do
if test -f ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i".imputed.infer.dat.gz
#Specify the commands, parameters and data files required for association
echo "merlin-offline -m ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i"\
gz -f ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i".imputed.infer.freq.gz \
--pedinfer ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i".imputed.infer.ped.gz \
--datinfer ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i".imputed.infer.dat.gz -p \
${phenodir}/connecting.ped,${phenodir}/"$group"_subcortCov_NP.ped -d
${phenodir}/connecting.dat,${phenodir}/subcort_NoSexCov_NP_"$cov"ICV.dat \
--useCovariates --tabulate --prefix ${merlinout}/${samplename}_"$group"_\
"$cov"_ICV_NP_subcort_chr"$i"_"$j" > ${samplename}_"$group"_"$cov"_ICV_NP_\
subcort_chr"$i"_"$j".out" >>
#Generate a shell script to zip association results files to be uploaded to the 
#ENIGMA server
echo "gzip ${samplename}_"$group"_"$cov"_ICV_NP_subcort_chr"$i"_"$j".tbl" >> \
if [ -f ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i".female.imputed.dose.gz ] && \
[ ${group} == "Females" ]
#Specify the commands, parameters and data files required for association
echo "minx-offline -m ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i".female.imputed.\ -f ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i".female.imputed.infer.\
freq.gz --pedinfer ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i".female.imputed.\
infer.ped.gz --datinfer ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i".female.\
imputed.infer.dat.gz -p ${phenodir}/connecting.ped,${phenodir}/"$group"_\
subcortCov_NP.ped -d ${phenodir}/connecting.dat,${phenodir}/subcort_\
NoSexCov_NP_"$cov"ICV.dat --useCovariates --tabulate --prefix \
${merlinout}/${samplename}_"$group"_"$cov"_ICV_NP_subcort_chr"$i"_"$j" > \
${samplename}_"$group"_"$cov"_ICV_NP_subcort_chr"$i"_"$j".female.out" >> \
#Generate a shell script to zip association results files to be uploaded to the 
#ENIGMA server
echo "gzip ${samplename}_"$group"_"$cov"_ICV_NP_subcort_chr"$i"_"$j".female.\
out" >>
if [ -f ${genodir}/ready4mach."$i".male.imputed.dose.gz ] && \
[ ${group} == "Males" ]
#Specify the commands, parameters and data files required for association
echo "minx-offline -m ${genodir}/ready4mach."$i" -f \
${genodir}/ready4mach."$i".male.imputed.infer.freq.gz --pedinfer \
${genodir}/ready4mach."$i".male.imputed.infer.ped.gz \
--datinfer ${genodir}/ready4mach."$i".male.imputed.infer.dat.gz -p \
${phenodir}/connecting.ped,${phenodir}/"$group"_subcortCov_NP.ped -d \
${phenodir}/connecting.dat,${phenodir}/subcort_NoSexCov_NP_"$cov"ICV.dat \
--useCovariates --tabulate --prefix ${merlinout}/${samplename}_"$group"_\
"$cov"_ICV_NP_subcort_chr"$i"_"$j" > ${samplename}_"$group"_"$cov"_ICV_NP_\
subcort_chr"$i"_"$j".male.out" >>
#Generate a shell script to zip association results files to be uploaded to the
#ENIGMA server
echo "gzip ${samplename}_"$group"_"$cov"_ICV_NP_subcort_chr"$i"_"$j".male.out" \

#Males-only, Females-only
for group in Males Females; do
#with and without ICV as covariate
for cov in w n; do
#loop over chromosomes
for ((i=1; i<=23; i++)); do
# loop over 'chunks'
for ((j=1; j<=15; j++)); do
if test -f ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i".imputed.infer.dat.gz
#Specify the commands, parameters and data files required for association
echo "merlin-offline -m ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i"\
gz -f ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i".imputed.infer.freq.gz \
--pedinfer ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i".imputed.infer.ped.gz \
--datinfer ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i".imputed.infer.dat.gz -p \
${phenodir}/connecting.ped,${phenodir}/"$group"_subcortCov_NP.ped -d
${phenodir}/connecting.dat,${phenodir}/subcort_NoSexCov_NP_"$cov"ICV.dat \
--useCovariates --tabulate --prefix ${merlinout}/${samplename}_"$group"_"$cov"_\
ICV_NP_subcort_chr"$i"_"$j" > ${samplename}_"$group"_"$cov"_ICV_NP_subcort_\
chr"$i"_"$j".out" >>
#Generate a shell script to zip association results files to be uploaded to the 
#ENIGMA server
echo "gzip ${samplename}_"$group"_"$cov"_ICV_NP_subcort_chr"$i"_"$j".tbl" >> \
if [ -f ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i".female.imputed.dose.gz ] && \
[ ${group} == "Females" ]
#Specify the commands, parameters and data files required for association
echo "minx-offline -m ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i".female.imputed.\ -f ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i".female.imputed.infer.\
freq.gz --pedinfer ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i".female.imputed.\
infer.ped.gz --datinfer ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i".female.\
imputed.infer.dat.gz -p ${phenodir}/connecting.ped,${phenodir}/"$group"_\
subcortCov_NP.ped -d ${phenodir}/connecting.dat,${phenodir}/subcort_\
NoSexCov_NP_"$cov"ICV.dat --useCovariates --tabulate --prefix \
${merlinout}/${samplename}_"$group"_"$cov"_ICV_NP_subcort_chr"$i"_"$j" > \
${samplename}_"$group"_"$cov"_ICV_NP_subcort_chr"$i"_"$j".female.out" >> \
#Generate a shell script to zip association results files to be uploaded to the 
#ENIGMA server
echo "gzip ${samplename}_"$group"_"$cov"_ICV_NP_subcort_chr"$i"_\
"$j".female.out" >>
if [ -f ${genodir}/ready4mach."$i".male.imputed.dose.gz ] && \
[ ${group} == "Males" ]
#Specify the commands, parameters and data files required for association
echo "minx-offline -m ${genodir}/ready4mach."$i" -f \
${genodir}/ready4mach."$i".male.imputed.infer.freq.gz --pedinfer \
${genodir}/ready4mach."$i".male.imputed.infer.ped.gz --datinfer \
${genodir}/ready4mach."$i".male.imputed.infer.dat.gz -p \
${phenodir}/connecting.ped,${phenodir}/"$group"_subcortCov_NP.ped -d \
${phenodir}/connecting.dat,${phenodir}/subcort_NoSexCov_NP_"$cov"ICV.dat \
--useCovariates --tabulate --prefix ${merlinout}/${samplename}_"$group"_\
"$cov"_ICV_NP_subcort_chr"$i"_"$j" > ${samplename}_"$group"_"$cov"_ICV_NP_\
subcort_chr"$i"_"$j".male.out" >>
#Generate a shell script to zip association results files to be uploaded to the 
#ENIGMA server
echo "gzip ${samplename}_"$group"_"$cov"_ICV_NP_subcort_chr"$i"_"$j".male.out" \
#Males-only, Females-only
for group in Combined; do
#with and without ICV as covariate
for cov in w n; do
#loop over chromosomes
for ((i=1; i<=22; i++)); do
# loop over 'chunks'
for ((j=1; j<=15; j++)); do
if test -f ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i".imputed.infer.dat.gz
#Specify the commands, parameters and data files required for association
echo "merlin-offline -m ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i"\
gz -f ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i".imputed.infer.freq.gz \
--pedinfer ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i".imputed.infer.ped.gz \
--datinfer ${genodir}/chunk"$j"-ready4mach."$i".imputed.infer.dat.gz -p \
${phenodir}/connecting.ped,${phenodir}/"$group"_subcortCov_NP.ped -d \
${phenodir}/connecting.dat,${phenodir}/subcort_SexCov_NP_"$cov"ICV.dat \
--useCovariates --tabulate --prefix ${merlinout}/${samplename}_"$group"_\
"$cov"_ICV_NP_subcort_chr"$i"_"$j" > ${samplename}_"$group"_"$cov"_ICV_NP_\
subcort_chr"$i"_"$j".out" >>
#Generate a shell script to zip association results files to be uploaded to the 
#ENIGMA server
echo "gzip ${samplename}_"$group"_"$cov"_ICV_NP_subcort_chr"$i"_"$j".tbl" >> \

The code above will generate two shell script files: “” and “”. Change the permission to make them executable and run “”:

chmod +x
chmod +x

Run the association script:


When association has finished running for all chunks, run the script to compress the results files and save space (this will make it a lot easier and faster to upload them to the ENIGMA server):


Each group has a secure space on the ENIGMA upload server to upload the .info.gz and gzipped association result files. Please contact to obtain upload information for your group’s data.