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158 lines (94 loc) · 2.56 KB

bindings -> global function

constant as 0-arity func (unary) multiparam?

autocurrying support / polyfunc support other type support

indirect function call

func creation:

global func def(with inner index) -> upload in table

use table idx instead of variable (and... typesearch?)


global vs local comparsion.

lexical environment

\x. (\y. x)

\x. i32 \x y. x.


twice = \a. (\f. \x. f (f x))(\x. a).

// problems i've ever met

  • parser comb (hanwritten) vs peg(generated)
  • ast def(mvar, pvar) - how precise
  • ast def - i need macros(cons-adt) (editor level macro)
  • tip: Naming things(Prefix for keywords)
  • typecheck: WeakMap use case
  • type equation
  • variable-with-init-exp
  • currying - HOF - closure
  • polyfuncs //// v2

Numeric/Arithmetic -> just as usual

Abs / App / Variable / Binding / Global

  1. naming convention.

(original name)(lambda depth)(parameter_type)

'->' translated to '2'

  1. constant bindings

with init exp -> 0-arity func wrap *

constant -> just constant (opt)

  1. functions

issues : currying / HoF / PolyF

=> indirect call / environments

func val -> funcref, saturated in call site.

\x. x

funcref -> \x. x

\y. \x. x

\y. (funcref -> \x. x)

\f. f (f 1)

indirect_call sig ...args env funcref

sig infer -> just like type check


func def : arg context#i32(pointer) ret

free var -> use env
bound -> use arg (local.get)

context.get envref string <-- first, depend on js api. next, use standalone api.
context.alloc[type] envref string val[type] ~ envref
context.start ~ envref.

context as linked list


[64bit] for data -> i32 (index) -> i32(next)

funcPointer : i32(f table pointer) / i32(context pointer)

context : vec128 (val i64 / before(outer) i32 / reserved i32)

;; polyfunc compile

if, def, then

abst -> type split typevar as constant per stage, n * m

else, exp, withapp -> getFullySaturatedType ~ free type var? error!

a -> a

diff a initiate?

a unboxed to...

parametric poly only... boxed? <-- memory loss?

boxedval -> boxedval... (like funcref) poly call -> boxed poly out -> unboxed

poly func impl : poly var as boxed a -> a

functype argtype rettype
mono mono mono
poly mono mono
poly mono poly
poly poly poly
poly poly mono

polytypevar stays polytype in it's scope monotypevar boxed polytype when enter polyfunc, unboxed when exit.

M -> a (i64 conv) a -> M (i64 conv) a -> a (both conv)

convkit with specialization

((a -> a) -> a) -> a -> a