bindings -> global function
constant as 0-arity func (unary) multiparam?
autocurrying support / polyfunc support other type support
indirect function call
func creation:
global func def(with inner index) -> upload in table
use table idx instead of variable (and... typesearch?)
global vs local comparsion.
lexical environment
\x. (\y. x)
\x. i32 \x y. x.
twice = \a. (\f. \x. f (f x))(\x. a).
// problems i've ever met
- parser comb (hanwritten) vs peg(generated)
- ast def(mvar, pvar) - how precise
- ast def - i need macros(cons-adt) (editor level macro)
- tip: Naming things(Prefix for keywords)
- typecheck: WeakMap use case
- type equation
- variable-with-init-exp
- currying - HOF - closure
- polyfuncs //// v2
Numeric/Arithmetic -> just as usual
Abs / App / Variable / Binding / Global
- naming convention.
(original name)(lambda depth)(parameter_type)
'->' translated to '2'
- constant bindings
with init exp -> 0-arity func wrap *
constant -> just constant (opt)
- functions
issues : currying / HoF / PolyF
=> indirect call / environments
func val -> funcref, saturated in call site.
\x. x
funcref -> \x. x
\y. \x. x
\y. (funcref -> \x. x)
\f. f (f 1)
indirect_call sig ...args env funcref
sig infer -> just like type check
func def : arg context#i32(pointer) ret
free var -> use env
bound -> use arg (local.get)
context.get envref string <-- first, depend on js api. next, use standalone api.
context.alloc[type] envref string val[type] ~ envref
context.start ~ envref.
context as linked list
[64bit] for data -> i32 (index) -> i32(next)
funcPointer : i32(f table pointer) / i32(context pointer)
context : vec128 (val i64 / before(outer) i32 / reserved i32)
;; polyfunc compile
if, def, then
abst -> type split typevar as constant per stage, n * m
else, exp, withapp -> getFullySaturatedType ~ free type var? error!
a -> a
diff a initiate?
a unboxed to...
parametric poly only... boxed? <-- memory loss?
boxedval -> boxedval... (like funcref) poly call -> boxed poly out -> unboxed
poly func impl : poly var as boxed a -> a
functype | argtype | rettype |
mono | mono | mono |
poly | mono | mono |
poly | mono | poly |
poly | poly | poly |
poly | poly | mono |
polytypevar stays polytype in it's scope monotypevar boxed polytype when enter polyfunc, unboxed when exit.
M -> a (i64 conv) a -> M (i64 conv) a -> a (both conv)
convkit with specialization
((a -> a) -> a) -> a -> a