Bot groups are a special derivation of player groups.
A bot owner may create a special group of player-owned bots that are available to employ through the use of the bot command system.
^botgroupaddmember - Adds a member to a bot-group
^botgroupcreate - Creates a bot-group and designates a leader
^botgroupdelete - Deletes a bot-group and releases its members
^botgrouplist - Lists all of your existing bot-groups
^botgroupload - Loads all members of a bot-group
^botgroupremovemember - Removes a bot from its bot-group
Bot-group commands only control features of the bot-group itself. Control of the bots is accomplished through the use of Bot Commands .
usage: (<target_leader>) ^botgroupcreate [group_name] ([leader_name])
- ^botgroupcreate Mybotgroup - Creates a bot-group named 'Mybotgroup' with the selected bot as its leader
- ^botgroupcreate Mybotgroup Jojo - Creates a bot-group named 'Mybotgroup' with the bot 'Jojo' as its leader
Upon creation of the bot-group, a group instance is created on the server and the bot-group is created with its leader added as a member to the database.
usage: (<target_leader>) ^botgroupaddmember [member_name] ([leader_name])
- ^botgroupaddmember Bozo - Adds bot 'Bozo' to the bot-group owned by the selected bot
- ^botgroupaddmember Bozo Jojo - Adds bot 'Bozo' to the bot-group owned by the bot 'Jojo'
Adding a new member updates both the group instance and the database bot-group table.
usage: (<target_member>) ^botgroupremovemember [member_name]
- ^botgroupremovemember - Removes the selected bot from its bot-group
- ^botgroupremovemember Bozo - Removes the bot 'Bozo' from its bot-group
Removing a member updates both the group instance and the database bot-group table.
In the case of a removed bot being the leader of a bot-group, all spawned members of the bot-group are disbanded from their current group and the database entries are removed - see "Deleting a Bot-Group"
usage: ^botgroupdelete [group_name]
- ^botgroupdelete Mybotgroup - Disbands all members of the bot-group named 'Mybotgroup' and removes all database entries
Removing the leader of a bot-group performs the same action as using the botgroupdelete command.
usage: ^botgroupload [group_name]
- ^botgroupload Mybotgroup - Spawns all members of the bot-group named 'Mybotgroup'
usage: ^botgrouplist
- ^botgrouplist - Lists all of the created bot-groups that you own by name