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Table of Contents

  1. Software Installation
    1. Operating System
      1. Tent1Pi
      2. LightingPi
      3. Tent2Pi
  2. Hardware Installation Guide
    1. Focus adjustment
    2. Waterproofing the cameras
    3. Installing the cameras in the tents
      1. Installing the aluminium mounts
      2. Clamping the cameras
    4. Raspberry Pi <-> Camera connection
    5. Lighting Setup

It is reccommended follow the following steps IN ORDER.

Software Installation

Operating System

  • The setup has only been tested with Raspberry Pi OS 32-bit on a Rpi4B (the version at the time of writing this guide is:

  • Follow this guide to install your desired OS version.

  • Be sure to enable the SSH daemon and test that you are able to remotely log in to each pi using the password you chose during install.

    sudo systemctl enable sshd.service
  • Please also enable autologin (desktop/TTY) at least for 1.1.3

    For 1.1.1 and 1.1.3, you must verify whether the cameras are functioning using this guide (might require a monitor and keyboard connected using a micro-HDMI cable).

  • Copy all the (required) scripts from this repository inside a new directory "~/scripts" on each pi.

  • Ensure that the latest version of wiringpi is installed on 1.1.1 and 1.1.3.

    cd /tmp
    sudo dpkg -i wiringpi-latest.deb

    You might have to install wget:

    sudo apt install wget
  • Install imagemagick on 1.1.1 and 1.1.3.

    sudo apt install imagemagick
  • This folder contains all the scripts required for taking images. Briefly summarized, the main scripts are:

    1. : Library used for taking images using the Arducam Multicamera Board V2.2. This script is based on

      To change the way images are captured, you can create/edit the camera preset commands FULL, PREVIEW and LOW. More specifically, you must change --awbgain whenever the colour of the lights inside the tents is changed. This is used to manually change the colour balance of the images.

    2., and are the currently relevant scripts for taking images.

    3. and are used to control the lights.

  • Ensure that these scripts are executable

    chmod 755 <path to file>.sh
  • Note down the IP address of all raspberry pis.

    ip a | grep wlan


Tent1Pi will be connected to the cameras 1A, 1B and 1C in Tent1.

  1. Ensure that is functional.


The LightingPi uses a reverse engineered RGB5050 remote configuration to control the RGB5050 lights in the tents.

  1. Wiring the KY005/KY-022

    Refer to this manual for general instructions, however, Lots of stuff there about the installation and initial configuration is OUTDATED. Use this guide instead (last tested 12.12.2022).

    Generally, connect 5V and GND on either the KY-022 (when reverse engineering a remote) or the KY005 (When using the rpi as a spoof of the remote) to a 5V/GND pin on the raspberry pi respectively.

    Connect GPIO pin 17 OR 18 on the raspberrypi to the KY-022/KY005 respectively, depending on which one is needed. The KY-022 is only needed for reverse engineering the remote, and is not needed later.

    1. KY-005/KY-022 Configuration

      in /boot/config.txt: uncomment the following lines, and customize the pins accordingly, then REBOOT

      dtoverlay=gpio-ir,gpio_pin=17	 # for receiving data
      dtoverlay=gpio-ir-tx,gpio_pin=18   # for sending commands
      1. KY-022 Only

        Test that the receiver is working:

        sudo apt update
        sudo apt install ir-keytable
        sudo ir-keytable -c -p all -t

        Then use some IR remote to send events to the IR receiver. The events should be displayed if all connections are correct.

  2. Installing Lirc

    • State "LOGGED" from [2022-08-18 Thu 14:12]
      As of today, lirc0 defaults to the transmitter, and lirc1 is the receiver

      sudo apt install lirc

    For setting up lirc for future IR transmitters Edit /etc/lirc/lircoptions.conf and change the appropriate lines to the following, and REBOOT:

    driver	=	default
    device	=	/dev/lirc0

    For the receiver,

    sudo systemctl stop lircd.service
    sudo mode2 -d /dev/lirc1
  3. IR Remote Reverse Engineering

    irrecord -d /dev/lirc1 ~/IR-Codes-RGB5050-remote.conf

    When prompted, you can use key codes from the following:

    irrecord -l 

    Copy the file to /etc/lirc/lircd.conf, after backing up the original.

  4. IR Remote spoofing

    1. To view available commands,

      irsend LIST <name of the remote set in lircd.conf> ""
    2. To send a signal ONCE

      irsend SEND_ONCE <name of the remote set in lircd.conf> <name of command>
    3. To start sending a signal continuously

      irsend SEND_START <name of the remote set in lircd.conf> <name of command>
    4. To stop sending the previous continuous signal

      irsend SEND_STOP <name of the remote set in lircd.conf> <name of command>
  5. Current lircd config

    The currently configured /etc/lirc/lircd.conf file is as follows:

    # Please take the time to finish this file as described in
    # and make it available to others by sending it to
    # <>
    # This config file was automatically generated
    # using lirc-0.10.1(default) on Thu Aug 18 12:47:46 2022
    # Command line used: -d /dev/lirc1 /home/mushr/IR-codes-RGB5050-remote.conf
    # Kernel version (uname -r): 5.15.56-v7l+
    # Remote name (as of config file): RGB5050remote
    # Brand of remote device, the thing you hold in your hand:
    # Remote device model nr:
    # Remote device info url:
    # Does remote device has a bundled capture device e. g., a
    #     usb dongle? :
    # For bundled USB devices: usb vendor id, product id
    #     and device string (use dmesg or lsusb):
    # Type of device controlled
    #     (TV, VCR, Audio, DVD, Satellite, Cable, HTPC, ...) :
    # Device(s) controlled by this remote:
    begin remote
      name  RGB5050remote
      bits           24
      eps            30
      aeps          100
      header       9059  4411
      one           647  1577
      zero          647   481
      ptrail        645
      repeat       9050  2157
      pre_data_bits   8
      pre_data       0x0
      gap          107539
      toggle_bit_mask 0x0
      frequency    38000
          begin codes
    	  KEY_POWER2               0xF7C03F 0x000000
    	  KEY_POWER                0xF740BF 0x000000
    	  KEY_BRIGHTNESSDOWN       0xF7807F 0x000000
    	  KEY_BRIGHTNESSUP         0xF700FF 0x000000
    	  KEY_PROG1                0xF7E01F 0x000000
    	  KEY_BLUE                 0xF7609F 0x000000
    	  KEY_GREEN                0xF7A05F 0x000000
    	  KEY_RED                  0xF720DF 0x000000
    	  KEY_YELLOW               0xF7906F 0x000000
          end codes
    end remote


Tent1Pi will be connected to the cameras 1A, 1B and 1C in Tent1, and also needs to be able to connect to 1.1.1 and 1.1.2

While logged in to this pi,

  1. Generate an ssh key. e.g,

    ssh-keygen -t ed25519
  2. Use ssh-copy-id to be able to access the other pis. e.g,

    ssh-copy-id ~/ssh/ed25519 pi@<ip address of Tent1Pi>
    ssh-copy-id ~/ssh/ed25519 pi@<ip address of LightingPi>
  3. In, you must change the IP addresses and usernames of 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 in order for this script to function correctly.

  4. Create a file "tucloud.txt" in the same folder with the credentials for the tucloud account as follows:

    machine login <username> password <password>

    Custom keys also work.

  5. Ensure that the system time is accurate, as the time is used to name the image files.

  6. With 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 also configured correctly, test the script without any arguments.

  7. Create a cronjob for running this script periodically.

    crontab -e

    For example, this line will take an image every 15 minutes.

    */15    *       *       *       *       /home/pi/scripts/
  8. Enable the user crontab as follows (this is the reason autologin is necessary):

    systemctl --user enable cron.service
  9. Software installation is complete.

Hardware Installation Guide

Focus adjustment

  1. Please refer to this official guide for attaching the lens to the HQ camera board.

  2. Measure the desired focal length needed for the cameras.

  3. The backfocus adjustment and lens focus adjustment must be calibrated manually for each camera based on the desired focus length. This process is repetitive (trial and error), and would require taking multiple images, hence depends upon 1.

  4. You can start a live preview for individual cameras using the script. (Run python3 -h for details)

Waterproofing the cameras

There are two 3d printed partsused per camera.

  • The Grey part is used to hold the lens inside the dome case. (Only fits the 120° Wide angle lens). It must be secured with a bit of duct tape along it's edges (to create a spongy, but more tight fit) inside the Camera Dome Case, aligning the holes for the lens to capture images through. A small strip of cardboard might be required to fit this inside the dome case. It is important that this part is tightly secured.

  • The Green part keeps the camera board and lens in place at a 90° angle. The purpose of the 90° angle placement is to maximize the vertical field of view of the captured images, since the tents are more tall than they are wide.

  • The HQ camera board should be mounted so that the 200cm flex cable exits the camera board at a 90° angle. (Here is a nice guide for connecting the cable to the camera board) PS: Be very careful with the black connector. It is possible to damage it in such a way that it does not hold the ribbon cable anymore. For the same reason, do not pull too much on the ribbon cable while it is connected.

  • (Optional) A small silica gel pack can be fit right behind the camera board to prevent accidental spillage.

  • Use a plastic sheet to waterproof the rest of the camera board from the outside (with a healthy amount of duct tape :). Connect one side of the 200cm flex cable before sealing it (for obvious reasons).

  • It is important to not fold/damage the cable in any way.

Installing the cameras in the tents

Installing the aluminium mounts

Two aluminium mounts (L=Long & S=short) are used (per tent) to mount the center facing camera (1.B & 2.B).

  1. The aluminium mounts are currently mounted to the tents using zip ties.

  2. They are already screwed in together (thanks to Johannes!)

  3. Mount L needs to be hung vertically, (relatively) in the center of each tent. The angle does not have to be perfect.

  4. Mount S needs to be zip tied to either the left or the right side of the tent. PS: It can be beneficial to keep both zip ties a bit loose, to be able to move them around while changing camera angles.

  5. Mount S would probably have to be duct-taped to the side of the tent to keep it in place.

Clamping the cameras

  1. Loosen the ball and socket joint of the clamp.
  2. Screw in the clamp to the bottom of the Dome Case. (Do this outside the tent, since a bit of rubber residue tends to rub off when doing this.)
  3. With the ball and socket joint still slightly loose (but still holding the dome case firmly), clamp the setup to any desired location. You might have to experiment a little bit to get the camera lens as far away from the mushrooms inside the tent as possible.
  4. Once a desired angle is reached, tighten the ball and socket joint using the screw.

Raspberry Pi <-> Camera connection

  1. Thread the ribbon cables through any desired port (tent port).

  2. Connect the Multicamera board ports "A", "B" and "C" to the ribbon cables connected to the camera housing labelled "X.A", "X.B", "X.C".

    Here, X is either 1 or 2 depending on which tent the camera housing is in.

  3. There is a visual hardware assembly guide in drawer "#2".

  4. Power on the raspberry pi.

Lighting Setup

  • Make sure that the RGB5050 lights are set to "yellow".

  • The RGB5050 receiver should also be positioned to be able to receive signals from 1.1.2.