This plugin depends on the JMSPaymentCoreBundle_, so you'll need to add this to your kernel as well even if you don't want to use its persistence capabilities.
// YAML ets_payment_ogone: pspid: Your seller id shain: Your SHA-1 IN passphrase shaout: Your SHA-1 OUT passphrase debug: Set it to true for TEST environment utf8: Set it to true to use UTF8 characters in the Ogone requests api: user: Your api user password: Your api password design: tp: title: bgColor: txtColor: tblBgColor: tblTxtColor: buttonBgColor: buttonTxtColor: fontType: logo: redirection: accept_url: decline_url: exception_url: cancel_url: back_url:
API: The User API is not your main user account. You have to create a new user account into Ogone Administration -> Users -> Create new user. Into the creation form you have to select Admin profile and pick the box User "API".
Design: All design data must be written with quotation marks
Logo: According to the Ogone Technical Support, the logo must be located behind a https URL. If you don't have https, you can store your logo into the Ogone Administration. Image hosting is an option so you need to activate it into Configuration -> Account -> Your options (You will find many hosting options depending on your image size). I recommend to contact sales support to know the cost of theses options (They are all available at 0€ only into test environment).
UTF8: By default, Ogone uses ISO character encoding. However, it supports the usage of UTF-8, if the merchant calls the appropriate pages. Also in ogone itself, Technical information/Global security parameters, you have to change the Character encoding to "UTF-8".