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Digest Service

Digest Service is a Telegram bot for group chats combined with website. The main functionality of the service is to collect messages with the #digest tag in Telegram chats and display them using the /digest command. In addition, the bot has other features e.g. it can subscribe users to various information channels and show quotes of currencies and precious metals.

Digest Service Telegram bot

The main technologies, libraries, and frameworks on which Digest Service was created:

  1. Java/JVM language and platform by Oracle Corporation.

  2. Spring Boot by Pivotal Software (now VMWare) and its frameworks.

  3. Java Telegram Bot API library by @pengrad for Telegram bot implementation.

Digest Service website

The Digest Service website allows you to see all the digests left by users in the main Telegram chat. In addition, the website has a search through digests, some statistics and special APIs. An example of the "MotoFan.Ru news in Telegram group!" website that was launched using the Digest Service.

Digest Service control panel

A special control module allows administrators to manage the Digest Service, delete or fix digests, send messages on behalf of the Telegram bot, change some settings, etc.


  1. Java Runtime Environment 8+ for running or Java Development Kit 8+ for building application (tested with JRE/JDK 8).
  2. PostgreSQL database.
  3. Nginx web server (optional).

Build & Test & Run

For example, on Linux:

  1. Install JDK 8+ via your system package manager.

  2. Clone the Digest Service source code via Git:

    cd ~/Deploy/
    git clone <this repository url> DigestService
  3. Build standalone JAR package via Gradle Build Tool wrapper:

    cd ~/Deploy/DigestService
    ./gradlew clean
    ./gradlew bootJar
  4. Build standalone JAR package and run all tests (optional, database installation required):

    cd ~/Deploy/DigestService
    ./gradlew clean
    DB_CONNECTION=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/<database name> DB_USERNAME=<username> DB_PASSWORD=<password> HOST=//localhost:8080/ TG_TOKEN=<token> TG_CHAT=<chat id> PROTECT=false ./gradlew build
  5. Run the Digest Service application (optional, database installation required):

    cd ~/Deploy/DigestService
    DB_CONNECTION=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/<database name> DB_USERNAME=<username> DB_PASSWORD=<password> HOST=//localhost:8080/ TG_TOKEN=<token> TG_CHAT=<chat id> PROTECT=false java -jar build/libs/digest-service-<version>.jar

Note: You may need to change the max_connections variable in the data/postgresql.conf file to 300-500 then restart PostgreSQL service.


For example, on fresh and clean CentOS 7 Linux distribution:

  1. Enable EPEL repository for CentOS 7:

    sudo yum -y install epel-release
  2. Install necessary and optional packages, apply settings, and update system:

    sudo su
    passwd root # Set root superuser password.
    yum -y upgrade
    yum -y install vim git logrotate openssh deltarpm yum-utils p7zip p7zip-plugins
    timedatectl set-timezone "Europe/Moscow"
    cd ~/
    git clone <this repository url> DigestService
  3. Install and create PostgreSQL database:

    sudo yum -y install postgresql-server postgresql-contrib
    sudo postgresql-setup initdb # CentOS 8 command: postgresql-setup --initdb --unit postgresql
    sudo systemctl start postgresql
    sudo systemctl enable postgresql
    sudo -i -u postgres
    vim data/pg_hba.conf # Replace "ident" to "md5" or "scram-sha-256" on modern (=>10.x) PostgreSQL versions.
    createdb digest
    createuser --interactive # user, n, n, n.
    ALTER USER user WITH PASSWORD 'password';
    # Show all databases and users.
    # Show all tables.
    psql digest
    pg_dump digest > /tmp/digest-service.sql # Optional. BackUp database.
    psql digest < /tmp/digest-service.sql # Optional. Restore database.
    sudo systemctl restart postgresql
  4. Install Java Runtime Environment and test application running:

    sudo yum -y install java-1.8.0-openjdk # JRE or just "java" package.
    sudo yum -y install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel # Optional JDK package.
    sudo yum -y install dejavu-sans-mono-fonts # Optional fonts for proper text/html to image rendering.
    scp ~/Deploy/DigestService/build/libs/digest-service-<version>.jar <username>@<host-address>:/home/<username> # Run this command on build host.
    sudo mv ~/digest-service-<version>.jar /srv/
    DB_CONNECTION=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/digest DB_USERNAME=user DB_PASSWORD=password HOST=// TG_TOKEN=<token> TG_CHAT=<chat id> PROTECT=false java -jar /srv/digest-service-<version>.jar
  5. Daemonize Digest Service application via systemd Service Manager:

    cd ~/DigestService/
    sudo cp util/digest.service /etc/systemd/system
    sudo EDITOR=vim systemctl edit digest
    Environment=TG_CHAT=<chat id>
    cat /etc/systemd/system/digest.service.d/override.conf
    sudo chmod 0600 /etc/systemd/system/digest.service.d/override.conf
    cat /etc/systemd/system/digest.service.d/override.conf
    sudo systemctl enable digest
    sudo systemctl start digest
    sudo systemctl stop digest # Stop Digest Service application.
    journalctl -u digest # Show Digest Service logs.
    journalctl -fu digest # Show Digest Service logs dynamically.
  6. Install Nginx server and Certbot (optional):

    sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-service=http
    sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-service=https
    sudo firewall-cmd --reload
    sudo yum -y install nginx certbot python2-certbot-nginx
    sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1
    sudo reboot
    sudo systemctl start nginx
    sudo certbot certonly --nginx
    echo "0 0,12 * * * root python -c 'import random; import time; time.sleep(random.random() * 3600)' && certbot renew -q" | sudo tee -a /etc/crontab > /dev/null
    cd ~/DigestService/
    sudo cp util/nginx/digest.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/
    sudo vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/digest.conf # Change "" address to yours e.g. ":%s/digest\.exlmoto\.ru/test\.exlmoto\.ru/g".
    sudo systemctl restart nginx
    sudo systemctl enable nginx
  7. Add administrator profiles (optional) and finish deployment:

    Go to the /obey/ page with "password" password and any username to enter control module. Then add some administrator profiles to the Member database table and restart Digest Service with PROTECT=true environment variable:

    sudo EDITOR=vim systemctl edit digest
    cat /etc/systemd/system/digest.service.d/override.conf
    sudo chmod 0600 /etc/systemd/system/digest.service.d/override.conf
    cat /etc/systemd/system/digest.service.d/override.conf
    sudo systemctl restart digest

    Now you can sign in to the control module only with an administrator profiles information.

    Note: You can use the ID of your main Telegram chat as a parameter for TG_CHAT property and your host url for HOST property instead of "" address. Please use the /subscribe command to get ID of the Telegram chat.

  8. Restart the server after completing the Digest Service configuration and deployment.

Configuration Files

  1. is main configuration file for the Digest Service application. Please see document for descriptions of various Digest Service properties.
  2. digest.service is systemd unit file for the Digest Service application.
  3. digest.conf is Nginx web server config file for the Digest Service website.

Additional Information

  1. The Digest Bot project is old JavaScript implementation of the similar Telegram bot.
  2. Please read "Digest Service and Telegram Bot Commands Cheat Sheet" (in Russian and English) manual for more information about Telegram bot commands and Digest Service features.
  3. Please read "Creating Digest Service" (in Russian) article for more information about creating the Digest Service project.