说明: Permgen(永久代) 属于 JDK1.7 及之前版本的概念; 为了适应Java程序的发展, JDK8以后的版本采用限制更少的 MetaSpace 来代替, 详情请参考下一篇文章: OutOfMemoryError系列(4): Metaspace。
Java applications are only allowed to use a limited amount of memory. The exact amount of memory your particular application can use is specified during application startup. To make things more complex, Java memory is separated into different regions which can be seen in the following figure:
JVM有最大内存限制, 通过修改启动参数可以改变这些值。Java将堆内存划分为多个区域, 如下图所示:
The size of all those regions, including the permgen area, is set during the JVM launch. If you do not set the sizes yourself, platform-specific defaults will be used.
这些区域的最大值, 由JVM启动参数 -Xmx
和 -XX:MaxPermSize
指定. 如果没有明确指定, 则根据平台类型(OS版本+ JVM版本)和物理内存的大小来确定。
The java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space message indicates that the Permanent Generation’s area in memory is exhausted.
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space 错误信息所表达的意思是: 永久代(Permanent Generation) 内存区域已满
To understand the cause for the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space, we would need to understand what this specific memory area is used for.
我们先看看 PermGen 是用来干什么的。
For practical purposes, the permanent generation consists mostly of class declarations loaded and stored into PermGen. This includes the name and fields of the class, methods with the method bytecode, constant pool information, object arrays and type arrays associated with a class and Just In Time compiler optimizations.
在JDK1.7及之前的版本, 永久代(permanent generation) 主要用于存储加载/缓存到内存中的 class 定义, 包括 class 的 名称(name), 字段(fields), 方法(methods)和字节码(method bytecode); 以及常量池(constant pool information); 对象数组(object arrays)/类型数组(type arrays)所关联的 class, 还有 JIT 编译器优化后的class信息等。
From the above definition you can deduce that the PermGen size requirements depend both on the number of classes loaded as well as the size of such class declarations. Therefore we can say that the main cause for the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space is that either too many classes or too big classes are loaded to the permanent generation.
很容易看出, PermGen 的使用量和JVM加载到内存中的 class 数量/大小有关。可以说 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space 的主要原因, 是加载到内存中的 class 数量太多或体积太大。
As we described above, PermGen space usage is strongly correlated with the number of classes loaded into the JVM. The following code serves as the most straightforward example:
我们知道, PermGen 空间的使用量, 与JVM加载的 class 数量有很大关系。下面的代码演示了这种情况:
import javassist.ClassPool;
public class MicroGenerator {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < 100_000_000; i++) {
generate("eu.plumbr.demo.Generated" + i);
public static Class generate(String name) throws Exception {
ClassPool pool = ClassPool.getDefault();
return pool.makeClass(name).toClass();
In this example the source code iterates over a loop and generates classes at runtime. Class generation complexity is being taken care of by the javassist library.
这段代码在 for 循环中, 动态生成了很多class。可以看到, 使用 javassist 工具类生成 class 是非常简单的。
Launching the code above will keep generating new classes and loading their definitions into Permgen space until the space is fully utilized and the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Permgen space is thrown.
执行这段代码, 会生成很多新的 class 并将其加载到内存中, 随着生成的class越来越多,将会占满Permgen空间, 然后抛出 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Permgen space 错误, 当然, 也有可能会抛出其他类型的 OutOfMemoryError。
要快速看到效果, 可以加上适当的JVM启动参数, 如: -Xmx200M -XX:MaxPermSize=16M
说明: 如果在开发时Tomcat产生警告,可以忽略。 生产环境建议不要 redploy,直接关闭/或Kill相关的JVM,然后从头开始启动即可。
For a bit more complex and more realistic example, lets walk you through a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Permgen space error occurring during the application redeploy. When you redeploy an application, you would expect that Garbage Collection will get rid of the previous classloader referencing all the previously loaded classes and it gets replaced with a classloader loading new versions of the classes.
下面的情形更常见,在重新部署web应用时, 很可能会引起 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Permgen space 错误. 按道理说, redeploy 时, Tomcat之类的容器会使用新的 classloader 来加载新的 class, 让垃圾收集器 将之前的 classloader (连同加载的class一起)清理掉,。
Unfortunately many 3rd party libraries and poor handling of resources such as threads, JDBC drivers or filesystem handles makes unloading the previously used classloader impossible. This in turn means that during each redeploy all the previous versions of your classes will still reside in PermGen generating tens of megabytes of garbage during each redeploy.
但实际情况可能并不乐观, 很多第三方库, 以及某些受限的共享资源, 如 thread, JDBC驱动, 以及文件系统句柄(handles), 都会导致不能彻底卸载之前的 classloader. 那么在 redeploy 时, 之前的class仍然驻留在PermGen中, 每次重新部署都会产生几十MB,甚至上百MB的垃圾。
Let’s imagine an example application that connects to a relational database using JDBC drivers. When the application is started, the initializing code loads the JDBC driver to connect to the database. Corresponding to the specification, the JDBC driver registers itself with java.sql.DriverManager. This registration includes storing a reference to an instance of the driver inside a static field of DriverManager.
假设某个应用在启动时, 通过初始化代码加载JDBC驱动连接数据库. 根据JDBC规范, 驱动会将自身注册到 java.sql.DriverManager, 也就是将自身的一个实例(instance) 添加到 DriverManager 中的一个 static 域。
Now, when the application is undeployed from the application server, java.sql.DriverManager will still hold that reference. We end up having a live reference to the driver class which in turn holds reference to the instance of java.lang.Classloader used to load the application. This in turn means that the Garbage Collection Algorithms are not able to reclaim the space.
那么, 当应用从容器中卸载时, java.sql.DriverManager 依然持有 JDBC实例(Tomcat经常会发出警告), 而JDBC驱动实例又持有 java.lang.Classloader 实例, 那么 垃圾收集器 也就没办法回收对应的内存空间。
And that instance of java.lang.ClassLoader still references all classes of the application, usually occupying tens of megabytes in PermGen. Which means that it would take just a handful of redeploys to fill a typically sized PermGen and get the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space error message in your logs.
而 java.lang.ClassLoader 实例持有着其加载的所有 class, 通常是几十/上百 MB的内存。可以看到, redeploy时会占用另一块差不多大小的 PermGen 空间, 多次 redeploy 之后, 就会造成 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space 错误, 在日志文件中, 你应该会看到相关的错误信息。
When the OutOfMemoryError due to PermGen exhaustion is triggered during the application launch, the solution is simple. The application just needs more room to load all the classes to the PermGen area so we just need to increase its size. To do so, alter your application launch configuration and add (or increase if present) the -XX:MaxPermSize parameter similar to the following example:
在程序启动时, 如果 PermGen 耗尽而产生 OutOfMemoryError 错误, 那很容易解决. 增加 PermGen 的大小, 让程序拥有更多的内存来加载 class 即可. 修改 -XX:MaxPermSize 启动参数, 类似下面这样:
java -XX:MaxPermSize=512m com.yourcompany.YourClass
The above configuration will tell the JVM that PermGen is allowed to grow up to 512MB before it can start complaining in the form of OutOfMemoryError.
以上配置允许JVM使用的最大 PermGen 空间为 512MB
, 如果还不够, 就会抛出 OutOfMemoryError。
For those who cannot use Plumbr or decide not to, alternatives are also available. For this, you should proceed with heap dump analysis – take the heap dump after a redeploy with a command similar to this one:
我们可以进行堆转储分析(heap dump analysis) —— 在 redeploy 之后, 执行堆转储, 类似下面这样:
jmap -dump:format=b,file=dump.hprof <process-id>
Then open the dump with your favourite heap dump analyzer (Eclipse MAT is a good tool for that). In the analyzer, you can look for duplicate classes, especially those loading your application classes. From there, you need to progress to all classloaders to find the currently active classloader.
然后通过堆转储分析器(如强悍的 Eclipse MAT)加载 dump 得到的文件。找出重复的类, 特别是类加载器(classloader)对应的 class. 你可能需要比对所有的 classloader, 来找出当前正在使用的那个。
Eclipse MAT 在各个平台都有独立安装包. 大约50MB左右, 官网下载地址: http://www.eclipse.org/mat/downloads.php
For the inactive classloaders, you need to determine the reference blocking them from being Garbage Collected via harvesting the shortest path to GC root from the inactive classloaders. Equipped with this information you will have found the root cause. In case the root cause was in a 3rd party library, you can proceed to Google/StackOverflow to see if this is a known issue to get a patch/workaround. If this was your own code, you need to get rid of the offending reference.
对于不使用的类加载器(inactive classloader), 需要先确定最短路径的 GC root , 看看是哪一个阻止其被 垃圾收集器 所回收. 这样才能找到问题的根源. 如果是第三方库的原因, 那么可以搜索 Google/StackOverflow 来查找解决方案. 如果是自己的代码问题, 则需要在恰当的时机来解除相关引用。
An alternative way for those once again who cannot use Plumbr is also available. First step in such case is to check whether the GC is allowed to unload classes from PermGen. The standard JVM is rather conservative in this regard – classes are born to live forever. So once loaded, classes stay in memory even if no code is using them anymore. This can become a problem when the application creates lots of classes dynamically and the generated classes are not needed for longer periods. In such a case, allowing the JVM to unload class definitions can be helpful. This can be achieved by adding just one configuration parameter to your startup scripts:
如果在运行的过程中发生 OutOfMemoryError, 首先需要确认 GC是否能从PermGen中卸载class。 官方的JVM在这方面是相当的保守(在加载class之后,就一直让其驻留在内存中,即使这个类不再被使用). 但是, 现代的应用程序在运行过程中, 会动态创建大量的class, 而这些class的生命周期基本上都很短暂, 旧版本的JVM 不能很好地处理这些问题。那么我们就需要允许JVM卸载class。使用下面的启动参数:
By default this is set to false and so to enable this you need to explicitly set the following option in Java options. If you enable CMSClassUnloadingEnabled, GC will sweep PermGen too and remove classes which are no longer used. Keep in mind that this option will work only when UseConcMarkSweepGC is also enabled using the below option. So when running ParallelGC or, God forbid, Serial GC, make sure you have set your GC to CMS by specifying:
默认情况下 CMSClassUnloadingEnabled 的值为false
, 所以需要明确指定。 启用以后, GC 将会清理 PermGen, 卸载无用的 class. 当然, 这个选项只有在设置 UseConcMarkSweepGC 时生效。 如果使用了 ParallelGC, 或者 Serial GC 时, 那么需要切换为CMS:
After making sure classes can be unloaded and the issue still persists, you should proceed with heap dump analysis – taking the heap dump with a command similar to following:
如果确定 class 可以被卸载, 假若还存在 OutOfMemoryError, 那就需要进行堆转储分析了, 类似下面这种命令:
jmap -dump:file=dump.hprof,format=b <process-id>
Then opening the dump with your favorite heap dump analyzer (e.g. Eclipse MAT) and progressing to find the most expensive classloaders by the number of classes loaded. From such classloaders, you can proceed to extract the loaded classes and sort such classes by the instances to have the top list of suspects.
然后通过堆转储分析器(如 Eclipse MAT) 加载 heap dump。找出最重的 classloader, 也就是加载 class 数量最多的那个. 通过加载的 class 及对应的实例数量, 比对类加载器, 找出最靠前的部分, 挨个进行分析。
For each suspect, you then need to manually trace the root cause back to your application code that generates such classes.
对于每个有嫌疑的类, 都需要手动跟踪到生成这些类的代码中, 以定位问题。
扩展阅读: 跟OOM:Permgen说再见吧