canmatrix/ : Definitions should be imported with disassembling not as complete string
canmatrix/ wrong bits are used if signal is not
canmatrix/ Well, ..., this is the first attempt to export a arxml-file; I did this without reading any spec; recievers of signals are missing : insert Speed - if possible : TRANSFER-PROPERTY: PENDING??? : TRANSFER-PROPERTY: PENDING???
canmatrix/ : support for extended frames ( :
canmatrix/ Well, ..., this is the first attempt to import a arxml-file; I did this without reading any spec; : use diagAddress for frame-classification
canmatrix/ support for: VERSION, NS, BS_, SIG_VALTYPE_, BA_DEF_REL == BA_DEF_??, BA_DEF_DEF_REL_ = BA_DEF_DEF_ ??
canmatrix/ support for [START_PARAM_NODE_RX_SIG] support for [START_PARAM_NODE_TX_MSG]
canmatrix/ baudrate missing name save defaults for CAN-Simulation missing LabelGroup not supported
canmatrix/ : the signalname should be unique. If same signal-name is used in different mux-ids, the signal-name should be unified. maybe this is an dbc-export-issue not an sym-import-issue : I don't know what to do with the "/p"-Options in the signal-definition : what is the differenze between SEND and SENDRECEIVE ? : support for title example: Title="some title" /p ???
test/ : support testing of xlsx : support testing of xlsx : be more specific: OSError: [Errno 17] File exists: 'converted/from_arxml' : ebroecker#9