Issue 47 ONIX 3.0 output for OAPEN is also compliant with DOAB requirements.
The DOAB (Directory of Open Access Books) is a discovery service for Open Access monographs, a joint project of [[OAPEN]], OpenEdition, CNRS and Aix-Marseille Université.
- Preferred metadata format: through custom form with the following fields
- Other supported formats: [[XLSX]], [[ONIX 3.0]], [[ONIX 2.1]]
- File transfer: Browser
- Cover file: URL
- Content files: URL
- Chapter support: No
DOAB upload requirements are provided on their website and in a list of required metadata
OA books in the [[OAPEN]] repository are automatically indexed in the [[DOAB]] provided they are published under a free to share license. [[DOAB]] in turn feeds into [[Library Hub Discover]].
DOAB would prefer to ingest data from Thoth via an [[OAI-PMH]] feed. Upon metadata retrieval the book will typically be live on DOAB within 5 working days.