The inference results are provided in the eCAL topic object_detection
as JSON data. The following example show how an object could look like:
"iso_time": "2024-11-05T14:23:07.263719",
// Class labels for each bounding box
"class_ids": [
0.0 // person
// Confidence scores for each box
"confidences": [
0.944169819355011 // confidence person
// Boxes in [x1, y1, x2, y2] format
"xyxy": [
141.6815185546875, // x1
182.14732360839844, // y1
564.3827514648438, // x2
479.19677734375 // y2
Note: The original image size is 480x640 (width x height).
The following table describes the class ids with the corresponding lables:
class_id | label |
0 | person |
1 | bicycle |
2 | car |
3 | motorcycle |
5 | bus |
6 | train |
7 | truck |
9 | traffic light |
11 | stop sign |
12 | parking meter |
Note: There is only pre-defined confidence filter applied. Find the best confidence threshold within your specific application and use-case.