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File metadata and controls

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PAV Configuration Options

PAV configuration options are found in config.json in the PAV run directory, on the command-line after --config (e.g. --config config_file="..."), or in the CONFIG column in the assembly input table (as key=value pairs, see

The expected type for each parameter is given in brackets after the parameter name. For example, type int would expect to take a string representation of a number (e.g. "12") and translate it to an integer.

Type bool is boolean (True/False) values and is not case sensitive:

  • True: "true", "1", "yes", "t", and "y"
  • False: "false", "0", "no", "f", and "n"
  • Other values generate an error.

Commonly-used configuration options

Base PAV

  • config_file [config.json; string]: The runtime configuration file. This option must be supplied to PAV as a command-line parameter to have an effect (PAV reads the config file when it starts). By default, PAV searches for config.json in the run directory (not the PAV install directory where Snakefile is found). Using this option is not recommended, but it could be used to run different profiles (e.g. a different number of alignment threads). Changing some options after PAV has partially run, such as numbers of batches (see below) may cause variant call dropout or failures.
  • env_source [; string]: Source this file before running shell commands. If this file is present, it is sourced by prepending to all "shell" directives in Snakemake by calling: shell.prefix('set -euo pipefail; source; '). Note that all shell commands evoke BASH strict mode regardless of the (See
  • assembly_table [assemblies.tsv; string]: Assembly table file name (see "Assembly Input").
  • reference [NA; string]: Location of the reference FASTA file, which may be uncompressed or gzip compressed. This parameter is required for all PAV runs.


  • min_trim_tig_len [1000, int]: Ignore contig alignments shorter than this size. This is the number of reference bases the contig covers.
  • aligner [minimap2; string]: PAV supports minimap2 (aligner: minimap2) and LRA (aligner: lra). LRA is under development with the Chaisson lab (USC).


  • inv_region_limit [1200000; int]: When scanning for inversions, the region is expanded until an inversion flanked by clean reference sequence is found. Expansion stops when a full inversion is found, no evidence of an inversion is seen in the region, or expansion hits this limit (number of reference bases covered).

Large inversions

These inversion calls break the alignment into mulitple alignment records. PAV will first try to resolve these through its k-mer density

  • inv_k_size [31; int]: Use k-mers of this size when resolving inversion breakpoints. Contig k-mers are assigned to a reference state (FWD, REV, FWD+REV, NA) by matching k-mers of this size to reference k-mer sets over the same region.
  • lg_batch_count [10; int]: Run large variant detection (variants truncating alignments) in this many batches and run each batch as one job. Improves the speed of large inversion detection in a cluster environment.

Small inversions

Small inversions typically do not cause the aligner to break the contig into multiple records. Instead, it aligns through the inversion leaving signatures of variation behind, but no inversion call. PAV recognizes these signatures, such as SV insertions and deletions in close proximity with the same size and resolves the inversion event. When an inversion is found, the false variants from those signatures are replaced with the inversion call.

Parameters controlling inversion detection for small inversions:

plots for k-mer states (for breakpoint and structure resolution). This parameter is specifically for resolving inversions within aligned contigs (i.e. did not break contig into multiple alignment records).

  • inv_min_expand [1; int]: When searching for inversions, expand the search window at least this many times before giving up on a region. May be used to increase sensitivity for some inversions, but increasing this parameter penalizes performance heavily trying to resolve complex loci where there are no inversions.

Inversion signatures

Signatures of small inversions include:

  1. Matched SV insertions and deletions in close proximity with the same size (i.e. insertion matched with deletion).
  2. Matched indel insertions and deletionsin close proximityd with the same size.
  3. Clusters of SNVs.
  4. Clusters of indels.
  • inv_sig_filter [svindel; string]: Determine which inversion signature patterns PAV should try to resolve into an inversion call. See the four recognized signatures above.
    • single_cluster: Accept signatures from only clustered SNVs or clustered indels. This will cause PAV to search sites and maximize sensitivity for small inversions. There is a steep performance cost, and possibly a sharp increase in false-positive inversions as well. Use this parameter with caution and purpose.
    • svindel: Accept signatures with matched SVs or matched indels.
    • sv: Only accept signatures with matched SVs.
  • inv_sig_merge_flank [500; int]: When searching for clustered SNVs or indels, cluster variants within this many bp.
  • inv_sig_batch_count [60; int]: Batch signature regions into this many batches for the caller and distribute each batch as one job. Improves cluster parallelization, but has no performance effect for non-distributed jobs.
  • inv_sig_insdel_cluster_flank [2; float]: For each insertion, multiply the SV length by this value and search for a matching SV deletion.
  • inv_sig_insdel_merge_flank [2000; int]: Merge clusters within this distance.
  • inv_sig_cluster_svlen_min [4; int]: Discard indels less than this size when searching for clustered signatures.
  • inv_sig_cluster_win [200; int]: Cluster variants within this many bases
  • inv_sig_cluster_win_min [500; int]: Clustered window must reach this size (first clustered variant to last clustered variant).
  • inv_sig_cluster_snv_min [20; int]: Minimum number if SNVs in a window to be considered a SNV-clustered site.
  • inv_sig_cluster_indel_min [10; int]: Minimum number of indels in a window to be considered an indel-clustered site.

Density resolution parameters

In a region that is being scanned for an inversion, PAV knows the reference locus, the matching contig locus, and the reference orientation (i.e. if the contig was reverse complemented when it was mapped).

PAV first extracts a list of k-mers from the scanned contig region. Over the matching reference region, it gets a set of k-mers that match the contig k-mers and a set of k-mers that match the reverse-complemented contig k-mers.

Each contig k-mer is then assigned a state:

  • FWD: Contig k-mer matches a reference k-mer in the same orientation.
  • REV: Contig k-mer matches a reference k-mer if it is reverse-complemented.
  • FWDREV: Contig k-mer and it's reverse complement both match reference k-mers.
    • Common inside inverted repeats flanking NAHR-driven inversions.
  • NA: K-mer does not match a reference k-mer in the region.

PAV then removes any k-mers with an NA state and re-numbers them contiguously. This allows the following steps to be less biased by variation that emerged within the inversion since the inversion event or contcurrently with the inversion event. For example, an MEI insertion in the inversion will not cause inversion detection to fail. PAV stores the original k-mer coordinates, which are restored later.

PAV then generates a density function for each state (FWD, REV, FWDREV) and applies it to the contig k-mers. Density is computed and scaled between 0 and 1 (max value for any k-mer is 1). Using the smoothed density, PAV determines the internal structure of the inversion by setting breakpoins where the maximum state changes. For example, a typical inversion flanked by inverted repeats will traverse through states (FWD > FWDREV > REV > FWDREV > FWD). If PAV sees this pattern, it sets outer breakpoints at the FWD/FWDREV transition and inner breakpoints at the FWDREV/REV transitions. Note that some inversions generated by other mechanisms will not have FWDREV states, and the inner/outer breakpoints will be set to the same location where FWD transitions to either FWDREV or REV on each side. PAV requires max states tho be FWD on each side and REV occuring at least once inside the locus to call an inversion. Very complex patterns are sometimes seen inside, such as multiple FWDREV/REV transitions (common in MEI-dense loci).

Once PAV sees the necessary state transitions, it moves back to the original contig coordinates (recall that NA states were removed for density computations), annotates the inner and outer breakpoints in both reference and contig space, and emits the inversion call.

Because computing density values is very compute heavy, PAV implements an interpolation scheme to avoid computing densities for each location in the contig. By default, it computes every 20th k-mer density and interpolates the values between them. If the maximum state changes or if there is a significant change in the density within the interpolated region, the actual density is computed for each k-mer in the window.

A parameter, srs_list is a list of lists in the JSON configuration file. It can be used to allow PAV to search for very large inversions while fine-tuning the interpolation distance. Generally, larger inversions can tolerate more interpolation, however, it is possible that small changes in structure would be missed. We have observed little gains in our own work trying to tune this way, but it can be helpful if the reference and sample are significantly diverged.

Each element in srs_list is a pair of region length and interpolation distance. See example below.

  • srs_list [None; list of lists]: Set a dynamic smoothing limits based on the size of the region being scanned. Larger regions with interpolate over larger distances.

    "srs_list": [ [0, 20], [20000, 40], [60000, 80], [100000, 120], [500000, 400], [800000, 600] ],

In this example, a region up to 20 kbp will compute denisty on every 20th k-mer, a region from 20 kbp up to 60 kbp will compute every 40th k-mer, and so on. If the first record does not start with 0, then it is automatically extended down to 0 (e.g. if the first element is "[100, 20]", it is the same as "[0, 20]"). The last window size is extended up to infinity (e.g. a 1 Mbp inversion in the example above would compute density for every 600th k-mer).

Recall that PAV will fill actual density values if it sees a state change or a large change in state, so large values for the second parameter will give diminishing returns.

Summary of all parameters


  • aligner [minimap2]
  • min_trim_tig_len [1000]
  • redundant_callset [False]: Allow multiple haplotypes in one assembly. This option turns off trimming reference bases from alignments unless two alignment records are from the same contig. Can increase false calls, especially for small variants, but should not eliminate haplotypic variation in an assembly that is not separated into two FASTA files.
  • chrom_cluster [False]
  • minimap2_params [-x asm20 -m 10000 -z 10000,50 -r 50000 --end-bonus=100 -O 5,56 -E 4,1 -B 5]: Alignment parameters used to run minimap2


  • merge_ins [param merge_svindel]: Override default merging parameters for SV/indel insertions (INS).
  • merge_del [param merge_svindel]: Override default merging parameters for SV/indel deletions (DEL).
  • merge_inv [param merge_svindel]: Override default merging parameters for SV/indel inversions (INV).
  • merge_svindel [nr::exact:ro(0.5):szro(0.5,200):match]: Override default merging parameters for INS, DEL, INV
  • merge_snv [nrsnv:exact]: Override default merging parameters for SNVs
  • inv_min [300]: Minimum inversion size.
  • inv_max [2000000]: Maximum inversion size.
  • inv_inner ["filter_core"]: Controls how variants within inversions are filtered. Balanced inversions often generate false variant calls from alignment artifacts (false SNVs, indels, and SVs), especially in the uniquely-inverted core (between inverted repeats). The default value "filter_core" drops all variants in the uniquely-inverted center of inversion calls if the inversion was identified by flagging the site on patterns of false variant calls (not applied if the alignment splits over the inverted site producing Fwd-Rev-Fwd alignment pattern). Value "filter" will drop all variants inside all inversions (including the uniquely-inverted core and inverted repeats), and value "no_filter" will not apply any filtering based on intersections with inversions. To support configurations from before PAV 3.0, this parameter may also be a boolean value where True is interpreted as "no_filter" and False is "filter". If True, allow small variant calls inside inversions. Variants will be in reference orientation, but some could be the result of poor alignments around inversion breakpoints. This parameter is ignored if "redundant_callset" is set.

Call - INV

  • inv_k_size [31]: K-mer size for inversion density.
  • inv_region_limit [None]: Before an inversion is resolved, it is comes from a region with inversion signatures. If the region exceeds this size, then stop searching for an inversion.
  • inv_min_expand [1]: Expand the search region up to this many times when searching for an inversion and finding only forward-oriented k-mers.
  • inv_sig_merge_flank [500]: When searching for inversion signatures, merge windows within this distance.
  • inv_sig_batch_count [60]: Split inversion signature regions into this many batches. Each batch is resolved in a separate job.
  • inv_sig_filter [svindel; string]: Determine which inversion signature patterns PAV should try to resolve into an inversion call. See the four recognized signatures above.
    • single_cluster: Accept signatures from only clustered SNVs or clustered indels. This will cause PAV to search sites and maximize sensitivity for small inversions. There is a steep performance cost, and possibly a sharp increase in false-positive inversions as well. Use this parameter with caution and purpose.
    • svindel: Accept signatures with matched SVs or matched indels.
    • sv: Only accept signatures with matched SVs.
  • inv_sig_merge_flank [500; int]: When searching for clustered SNVs or indels, cluster variants within this many bp.
  • inv_sig_batch_count [60; int]: Batch signature regions into this many batches for the caller and distribute each batch as one job. Improves cluster parallelization, but has no performance effect for non-distributed jobs.
  • inv_sig_insdel_cluster_flank [2; float]: For each insertion, multiply the SV length by this value and search for a matching SV deletion.
  • inv_sig_insdel_merge_flank [2000; int]: Merge clusters within this distance.
  • inv_sig_cluster_svlen_min [4; int]: Discard indels less than this size when searching for clustered signatures.
  • inv_sig_cluster_win [200; int]: Cluster variants within this many bases
  • inv_sig_cluster_win_min [500; int]: Clustered window must reach this size (first clustered variant to last clustered variant).
  • inv_sig_cluster_snv_min [20; int]: Minimum number if SNVs in a window to be considered a SNV-clustered site.
  • inv_sig_cluster_indel_min [10; int]: Minimum number of indels in a window to be considered an indel-clustered site.

Call - Large SV

  • inv_k_size [31]: K-mer size for inversion density.
  • inv_region_limit [None]
  • lg_batch_count [10]

Pipeline control

  • ignore_env_file [False: boolean]: Set to True to tell PAV to ignore the environment file ("" by default). This option is not intended to be used directly, it is set by the container entry point to avoid accidentally polluting the container's environment for shell commands.