- Switching to a Snakemake profile method for setting resources.
- Removed references to numpy primitives (np.int, np.float, etc.)
- Updated submodules (pulled in fixes)
- Index (#CHROM) type for svpoplib.ref.get_df_fai is str.
- Documented flag rules
- Automatically set missing IDs in input BED files for missing IDs
- DipCall VCF parsing parameters
- Split VCF parsing into batches for input that takes a long time to process in one job
- Minor updates to support variant track output
- Added dvpepper (PEPPER-Margin-DeepVariant) and SVIM input VCF parsers.
- Added min_svlen and max_svlen options for VCF input parsers.
- Merging and intersects bring SVs and indels together for the intersect and separate back out after.
- Avoids mis-merging at SV/indel boundaries.
- Added flag rules to run many related operations at once (for each sample in a sample list).
- Subset chromosome option supports multiple chromosomes.
- Added "pavbedhap" variant source for PAV input from each haplotype (not merged at the sample level).
- Added filter pass option for parsing VCFs and controlling which variants are accepted based on the FILTER column.
- Delly input VCF parser.
- Fixed bug with upstream deletions (ALT=* was not ignored)
- SNV format changed to "CHROM-POS-SVTYPE-REFALT" (eliminated dash between REF and ALT). All variant IDs can be split on "-" to obtain 4 fields (note that a ".n" may also be appended to distinguish multiple calls of the same type and at the same location).
- Improved multi-allele VCF handling. Resulting tables now include "VCF_ALT_IDX" to match the alt genotypes each record was retrieved from. Each alternate allele will be separated into a separate record and assigned to samples where VCF_ALT_IDX is in GT.
- Added threads to rules (supports --cores)
- Fixed output format in rule hpref_merge_bed (was not gzipped)
- Moved VCF parsing code to svpoplib (supports svpoplib use as an external library)
- Input VCF parser assumes GT "1/." if the GT field is missing
- Removed GT field for CuteSV (writes "./." causing the parser to drop variants)
- Better support for writing VCF files with no variants (was causing crashes)
- Can input dataframes to merging/intersect svpoplib routines (supports svpoplib use as an external library)
- Fixed parsing Sniffles2 VCFs that are incorrectly formatted with "N" and SEQ in REF/ALT instead of symbolic ALTs
- Bug in ID de-duplication code
- Sorting RMSK annotations
- Fixed bugs processing chromosome names containing a "." when de-duplicating variant IDs
- Removed verbose output from merging (now optional)
- Fixed pavlib functions PAV uses that cause numeric chromosome problems.
- Set ply submodule version to 3.10
- Alt-map retains CIGAR operations
- Alt-DUP calls inner-variants (SV/indel INS/DEL & SNVs) from duplications using the alt-map CIGAR
- CCRE annotations needed to be sorted.
- VCF input support for DeepVariant and multiallelic sites.
- Moved Sniffles and SVIM-asm input parsers to the VCF parser framework (no longer custom parsers, not needed).
- Variant FASTA files get FAI.
- Added altdup for remapping INS as DUPs (allows DUP version to be treated as a separate callset - i.e. merging, intersects, annotations)
- Merging handles multi-allelic sites better.
- Flexible merging parameter backend.
- Revived VCF writer for standard BED files.
- VCF: SVLEN header had the incorrect data type.
- Dropped "expand" support for merging
- Dropped "MERGE_AC" and "MERGE_AF" columns. These are not true AC and AF calculations without confident genotypes, which depends heavily on the input callset. A future version might consider GT if present.
- Added "MERGE_N". Counts the number of samples supporting a variant.
- Changed default merging parameters
- Updated pipeline documentation
- Added kanapy as a submodule
Added "match" option to nr strategy. Value is a comma-separated string where fields may be missing or empty to accept the default parameter (e.g. "match=0.75"). Fields:
- SCORE_PROP [0.8]: Alignment score must be this proportion of the max where max is the score if all bases match (MATCH * max_length(A, B))
- MATCH [2.0]: Alignment match score.
- MISMATCH [-1.0]: Alignment mismatch score.
- GAP-OPEN [-5]: Alignment gap-open score.
- GAP-EXTEND [-0.5]: Alignment gap-extend score.
- MAP-LIMIT [500000]: Use Jaccard distance if the largest of the two sequences is larger that this size. Similarity is still SCORE_PROP.
- JACCARD-KMER [9]: Jaccard k-mer size.
Merge strategy "nrid" was removed. Replace with "nr:refalt" to do exact matches over position requiring REF and ALT to match.
Merge strategy "fam" was removed. This was an NR strategy that added columns for inheritance. This annotation should be done outside SV-Pop.