is a Webpack loader that allows you share the values of your Sass files with your javascript when using webpack.
This module is a fork of sass-values-loader
npm install --save-dev sass-vars-to-js-loader node-sass
or if you use yarn
yarn add --dev sass-vars-to-js-loader node-sass
as a peer dependency you need to install node-sass
if you don't have it already
Assuming you have a scss file like this, called style.scss
$bool: true;
$color: red;
$list: (1,2,3);
$number: 1;
$map: (key: 2, key2: true);
$null-value: null; // `$null` would break
$string: 'string value';
$ms: 500ms;
$sec: 10s;
.myclass {
color: $color;
in your JavaScript file (wherever you need the values from Sass), you can do this:
import styles from './style.scss';
import vars from '!!sass-vars-to-js-loader!./style.scss';
console.log(vars.bool) // true
console.log(vars.color) // { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1, rgba: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0)' }
console.log(vars.list) // [1,2,3]
console.log(vars.number) // 1
console.log( // { key: 2, key2: true }
console.log(vars.nullValue) // null
console.log(vars.string) // 'string value'
console.log( // 500
console.log(vars.sec) // 10
console.log(styles.a) // The css modules classname
You should call this plugin explicitly when you want to gather the variables of a file instead of adding it to your Webpack config, so that you won't change how your stylesheets are loaded.
You can, however, clean up the syntax. First, add an alias in your Webpack config file:
// ...
resolveLoader: {
alias: {
'sass-to-js': 'sass-vars-to-js-loader',
// ...
now you can use the plugin in your scripts like this:
import vars from '!!sass-to-js!./style.scss';
Variable names are converted to camelCase by default, but can be preserved in their original format with this setting.
$some-time: 500ms,
import styles from './style.scss';
import camelCasedVars from '!!sass-vars-to-js-loader!./style.scss';
import preservedVars from '!!sass-vars-to-js-loader?preserveKeys=true!./style.scss';
console.log(camelCasedVars) // { someTime: 500 }
console.log(preservedVars) // { 'some-time': 500 }
The loader works in two phases.
- Transform the original Sass file (using scss-parser and query-ast), so that this:
$my_var: 20 + 10;
becomes this:
$my_var: export_var(20 + 10);
This is done as the last step, so all the full Sass syntax should be supported.
- The Sass code is fed through node-sass, while registering the custom
function. During compilationnode-sass
will call the function with the resolved value and we can capture it then.
This way Sass does the resolution of the final values, even if they are computed via functions or if they depend on imported files.
Other projects attempting to let you export variable values from Sass to JS suffer from some or all of the following problems.
- Using regexp to read Sass line-by-line, so that the Sass syntax is not actually parsed
- Not working with Webpack 2.
- Not supporting lists, maps, multi-line values or @imports
- Not supporting the full range different types and units that Sass offers
- Not resolving the final computed values of variables used in the file