Releases: Ekryd/sortpom
The predefined sort order is now according to the recommended pom order (as decided in 2008). Blank lines in the POM are now kept by default. If dependencies are sorted by SCOPE, then imported bom-files will be sorted towards the top. THIS IS A BREAKING CHANGE!
Added support for sortDependencyExclusions to sort dependency exclusions by groupId and/or artifactId
v2.14.1 Bug fix
Fix sorting of dependencies and plugins if artifactId or groupId contains a line break
Released version 2.14.0 that adds support for indentSchemaLocation to break apart the long project declaration line at the top of the pom
Released version 2.13.1 that adds support for sortExecutions (to sort executions) and verifyFailOn (to have the option of a strict verify goal)
The release management system failed halfway through. Use 2.13.1 instead
Released version 2.12.0 that adds support to remove the space before self-closing xml tags.
Released version 2.11.0 that adds support to retain the file creation time of a sorted pom file.
Eclipse users will not get 'Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration' error anymore.
Updated the default order to match Maven xsd. The parent element will get artifactId and groupId switched