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1 Presentation

CacheSim is a tool to evaluate the performance of various classical caching algorithms on small edge devices. The tool implements nine caching algorithms including FIFO, LRU, LFU, 2Q, ARC, LIRS, CLOCK-Pro and TinyLFU.

2 Configuration

2.1 Environment

  • Device: Odroid-c4
  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
  • Processor: Cortex-A55
  • Memory: 3.6 GiB
  • Storage: SD, eMMC

Note: VMware are not recommended, code may report errors.

2.2 Requirements

  • C++: 17 or later
  • Python 3.7 or later
  • Storage: Any two flash devices with performance differences
  • C++ Package: uuid-dev

3 Quick Start with sample for Code Debugging on PC(Optional)

Refer to this section if you want to debug your code on a PC and not for actual edge device cache testing. If you don't need it, then skip this section.

  1. Check trace

Ensure that the trace data is located in the directory CacheSim/trace and that trace is at the same level as src. Create the directory trace if it does not exist.

cd CacheSim
sudo rm -rf trace
mkdir trace

Copy the CacheSim/sample/125MB folder to the CacheSim/trace directory if you want to test the nocache and ycsb modes, or copy the CacheSim/sample/real_trace_3 folder to the trace directory if you want to test the real and montecarlo mode.

cp -r sample/125MB trace


cp -r sample/real_trace_3 trace
  1. Compile

Make sure you're in a linux environment. Then compile.

cd CacheSim/src
sudo g++ -g -std=c++17 -o main main.cpp -luuid
  1. Run
sudo ./main <run_mode>

Note: run_mode includes nocache, ycsb, real and montecarlo.

4 Preparation

4.1 Partitioning and Formatting eMMC

Note: eMMC here can be the better performing of the two types of flash memory.

  1. List all available disk partitions on the system
fdisk -l
  1. Create disk partitions
fdisk /dev/mmcblk0

Enter the following commands in sequence

  1. Format the newly created partition /dev/mmcblk0p1 as ext4 file system
mkfs -t ext4 /dev/mmcblk0p1

5 Getting started

5.1 Configure per boot

5.1.1 Setting the real system time if not networked

sudo date -s "YYYY-YY-DD HH:mm:ss"

5.1.2 Mount eMMC

  1. View all disks recognized by the system
fdisk -l
  1. Temporarily mount eMMC to /mnt/eMMC
sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt/eMMC
  1. Check disk mounts

5.2 Do each test

5.2.1 Place trace

Place the trace file in the CacheSim\trace directory. Create the directory trace if it does not exist.

Note: Only one set of Trace can be placed at a time。

5.2.2 Run

Power Tester

Start power tester.

Terminal 1

cd CacheSim/scripts/bash

Note: manually conduct Ctrl+C to terminate code at the end of its run in Terminal 2.

Terminal 2

  1. Go to the source code directory
cd CacheSim/src
  1. Compile main.cpp
sudo g++ -std=c++17 -o main main.cpp -luuid

Note: -std=c++17 is for CLOCK-Pro

  1. Execute
sudo ./main <run_mode>

Note: run_mode includes nocache, ycsb, real and montecarlo.

If you want to debug a memory leak, replace the normal run command with the following:

sudo valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --track-origins=yes ./main <run_mode>

5.3 (Optional) Extending CacheSim

In addition, CacheSim has good scalability and supports extending new caching algorithms and designing new test flows. To add a new cache algorithm implementation, follow these steps.

  1. Implement the new caching algorithm in the src/cache/ folder.
  2. Inherit the base class Sl in the src/simulator/ folder, call the new caching algorithm, implement the interfaces of the base class Sl (isCached(), accessKey() and getVictim()).
  3. Add the new caching algorithm to src/utils/policy.h.
  4. Add the new caching algorithm to the runYcsbOnce() and runRealOnce() functions in src/utils/run.h.
  5. (Optional) Write new own test run function in src/utils/run.h and call it in src/main.cpp.

6 Details

6.1 Caching algorithms

The following is a list of code repositories and blogs referenced for caching algorithm implementations.

6.2 Traces

6.2.1 YCSB-KVTracer Traces

For further details, refer to:

6.2.2 Real Traces

  1. Nexus5_Kernel_BIOTracer_traces - Nexus 5 Smartphone Traces

  2. Smartphone Traces

    • Trace sample: mobi.trace.0.txt
    • Cite: Q. Yang, R. Jin, and M. Zhao, “SmartDedup: Optimizing Deduplication for Resource-constrained Devices,” Proceedings of USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC ’19), July 2019.
  3. MobileAppTraces

    • Trace sample: baidutieba-4h.txt
    • Cite: Bo Mao, Suzhen Wu, Hong Jiang, Xiao Chen, and Weijian Yang. Content-aware Trace Collection and I/O Deduplication for Smartphones. In Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Massive Storage Systems and Technology (MSST'17), Santa Clara, CA, USA, May 15-19, 2017.

6.3 Statistics

The main data tested in this project are as follows:

  1. main.cpp
    • Hit ratio
      • Block hit ratio
      • Trace hit ratio
      • Read/Write hit ratio
    • Latency
      • Total time
      • Average time
      • P95/P99 latency
    • Bandwidth = total size / total time
    • Average size = total size / request number
    • Average cpu usage
    • Average memory used
    • Disk read/write
  3. U96P-B power meter
    • Average power
    • Total Energy

7 Citation

If you use CacheSim in your research, please cite our SoftwareX '25 paper.

Liu, J., Chen, Y., & Ding, H. (2025). CacheSim: A cache simulation framework for evaluating caching algorithms on resource-constrained edge devices. SoftwareX, 29, 102018.

8 License

GNU General Public License v3.0