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GraphAr C++

This directory contains the code and build system for the GraphAr C++ library.

Building GraphAr C++

System setup

GraphAr C++ uses CMake as a build configuration system. We recommend building out-of-source. If you are not familiar with this terminology:

  • In-source build: cmake is invoked directly from the cpp directory. This can be inflexible when you wish to maintain multiple build environments (e.g. one for debug builds and another for release builds)
  • Out-of-source build: cmake is invoked from another directory, creating an isolated build environment that does not interact with any other build environment. For example, you could create cpp/build-debug and invoke cmake $CMAKE_ARGS .. from this directory

Building requires:

  • A C++17-enabled compiler. On Linux, gcc 7.1 and higher should be sufficient. For MacOS, at least clang 5 is required
  • CMake 3.5 or higher
  • On Linux and macOS, make build utilities
  • Apache Arrow C++ (>= 12.0.0, requires arrow-dev, arrow-dataset, arrow-acero and parquet modules) for Arrow filesystem support. You can refer to Apache Arrow Installation to install the required modules.

Dependencies for optional features:

  • Doxygen (>= 1.8) for generating documentation
  • clang-format-8 for code formatting
  • BGL (>= 1.58)
  • Google Benchmark (>= 1.6.0) for benchmarking
  • Catch2 v3 for unit testing

On Ubuntu/Debian, you can install the required packages with:

sudo apt-get install \
    build-essential \
    cmake \
    libboost-graph-dev \

# Arrow C++ dependencies
wget -c \"$(lsb_release --id --short | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')"/apache-arrow-apt-source-latest-$(lsb_release --codename --short).deb \
    -P /tmp/
sudo apt-get install -y /tmp/apache-arrow-apt-source-latest-$(lsb_release --codename --short).deb
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y libarrow-dev libarrow-dataset-dev libarrow-acero-dev libparquet-dev

On macOS, you can use Homebrew to install the required packages:

brew update && brew bundle --file=cpp/Brewfile


Currently, the Arrow C++ library has disabled ARROW_ORC in the brew formula, so you need to build and install the Arrow C++ library manually (with -DARROW_ORC=True).


All the instructions below assume that you have cloned the GraphAr git repository and navigated to the cpp subdirectory with:

git clone
cd graphar/cpp

Release build:

mkdir build-release
cd build-release
cmake ..
make -j8       # if you have 8 CPU cores, otherwise adjust, use -j`nproc` for all cores

Debug build with unit tests:

mkdir build-debug
cd build-debug
make -j8       # if you have 8 CPU cores, otherwise adjust, use -j`nproc` for all cores

After building, you can run the unit tests with:

git clone testing  # download the testing data
GAR_TEST_DATA=${PWD}/testing ctest

Build with examples, you should build the project with BUILD_EXAMPLES option, then run:

make -j8       # if you have 8 CPU cores, otherwise adjust, use -j`nproc` for all cores
GAR_TEST_DATA=${PWD}/testing ./bgl_example  # run the BGL example

Build with benchmarks, you should build the project with BUILD_BENCHMARKS option, then run:

make -j8       # if you have 8 CPU cores, otherwise adjust, use -j`nproc` for all cores
GAR_TEST_DATA=${PWD}/testing ./graph_info_benchmark  # run the graph info benchmark

Extra Build Options:

  1. -DGRAPHAR_BUILD_STATIC=ON: Build GraphAr as static libraries.
  2. -DUSE_STATIC_ARROW=ON: Link arrow static library to build GraphAr. If set this option, the option GRAPHAR_BUILD_STATIC=ON will be set.

Building with Arrow from source

In case you want to build GraphAr as single static library including all dependencies, we include a apache-arrow.cmake file that allows you to build Arrow and its dependencies from source and link it statically. To do this, you can follow the steps below:

mkdir build-static
cd build-static
make -j8    # if you have 8 CPU cores, otherwise adjust, use -j`nproc` for all cores


After the building, you can install the GraphAr C++ library with:

sudo make install       # run in directory you build, like build-release, build and so on

Generate API document

You should build the project with ENABLE_DOCS option. Then run:

make docs

The API document is generated in the directory docs_doxygen.

Code formatting and linting

To format and lint the code, run:

cmake ..
make graphar-clformat # format the code
make graphar-cpplint   # lint the code

How to use

Please refer to our GraphAr C++ API Reference.