Base class for solvable and needy modded modules in Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes.
public abstract class ModuleScript : KeepCoding.CacheableBehaviour,
Inheritance UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour 🡒 CacheableBehaviour 🡒 ModuleScript
Implements IAwake, IDump, ILog
Properties | |
Bomb | The bomb that this module is in. |
Colorblind | Contains colorblind information. This property will return null in the event that OnColorblindChanged(bool) isn't implemented. |
HasStruck | Determines whether the module has been struck. OnInteractSequence(KMSelectable[], float, int[]) will set this to false when a command is interrupted. |
Id | The Unique Id for the module of this type. |
IgnoredModules | The ignored modules of this module from the Boss Module Manager. |
IsActive | Determines whether the bomb is currently active, and the timer is ticking. |
IsColorblind | Determines whether the module's colorblind mode is enabled. |
IsEditor | Determines whether the application is running from inside unity. |
IsLastInstantiated | Determines whether this module is the last instantiated instance. |
IsNeedyActive | Determines whether the needy is active. |
IsSolved | Determines whether the module has been solved. |
IsVR | Determines whether the game is being played with motion virtual reality. In the Editor, it always returns false. |
LastId | The last Id instantiation for the module of this type. |
Module | Contains either KMBombModule or KMNeedyModule, and allows for running commands through context. |
Modules | Contains every module in the KMBomb that this module is in. |
RuleSeed | The pseudo-random number generator whose number generations are based on the current Rule Seed. |
RuleSeedId | Gets the rule seed number. |
Sounds | Contains an instance for every Sound played by this module using PlaySound(Transform, bool, Sound[]) or any of its overloads. |
TimeLeft | The amount of time left on the bomb, in seconds, rounded down. |
TP | Gets the Twitch Plays UnityEngine.Component attached to this UnityEngine.GameObject. |
Version | The version number of the entire mod. |
Methods | |
Append(Action, Action, Action, Action, Action, Action, Action<float>, Func<int>, Func<float>) | Appends events to this instance's Module, preserving their existing values. |
Assign(Action, Action, Action, Action, Action, Action, Action<float>, Func<int>, Func<float>) | Assigns events to this instance's Module, replacing their existing values. |
Awake() | Sets up base functionality for the module. If you declare this method yourself, make sure to call base.Awake() to ensure that the module initializes correctly, or use OnAwake() instead. |
ButtonEffect(KMSelectable, float, Sound[]) | Handles typical button KMSelectable.OnInteract behaviour. |
Dump<T>(T, bool) | Dumps all information that it can find of the type using reflection. This should only be used to debug. |
Dump(bool, Expression<Func<object>>[]) | Dumps all information about the variables specified. Each element uses the syntax () => varName. This should only be used to debug. |
Dump(Expression<Func<object>>[]) | Dumps all information about the variables specified. Each element uses the syntax () => varName. This should only be used to debug. |
Log<T>(T, LogType) | Logs message, but formats it to be compliant with the Logfile Analyzer. |
Log<T>(T, object[]) | Logs multiple entries, but formats it to be compliant with the Logfile Analyzer. |
LogMultiple(string[]) | Logs multiple entries to the console. |
OnActivate() | Called when the lights turn on. |
OnAwake() | Called when the module instantiates, well before the lights turn on. |
OnColorblindChanged(bool) | Called when colorblind support needs to be updated for the module. |
OnDestroy() | Removes the module from UnityEngine.Application.logMessageReceived. If you declare this method, make sure to call base.OnDestroy() to ensure that the module cleans up correctly. |
OnDestruct() | Called when the module destroys itself, after the bomb unloads. |
OnException(string) | Called when an unhandled exception relating to this module has been thrown. |
OnModuleSolved(ModuleContainer) | Called when any KMBombModule or BombComponent on the current bomb has been solved. |
OnModuleStrike(ModuleContainer) | Called when any module on the current bomb has issued a strike. |
OnNeedyActivate() | Called when the needy activates. |
OnNeedyDeactivate() | Called when the needy deactivates or runs out of time. |
OnTimerTick() | Called when the timer's seconds-digit changes. |
PlaySound(bool, Sound[]) | Plays a sound, the sound source is the game object it is attached to. Requires KMAudio to be assigned. |
PlaySound(Sound[]) | Plays a sound, the sound source is the game object it is attached to. Requires KMAudio to be assigned. |
PlaySound(Transform, bool, Sound[]) | Plays a sound. Requires KMAudio to be assigned. |
PlaySound(Transform, Sound[]) | Plays a sound. Requires KMAudio to be assigned. |
Read<T>(string, string, bool) | Allows you to read a module's data that uses Write<T>(string, T), even from a different assembly. |
Solve(string[]) | Solves the module, and logs all of the parameters. |
Strike(string[]) | Strikes the module, and logs all of the parameters. |
Write<T>(string, T) | Sends information to a static variable such that other modules can access it. |