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Contributing to dbt-trino

Getting the code

How to contribute?

You can contribute to dbt-trino by forking the dbt-trino repository. For a detailed overview on forking, check out the GitHub docs on forking. In short, you will need to:

  1. Fork the dbt-trino repository
  2. Clone your fork locally
  3. Check out a new branch for your proposed changes
  4. Push changes to your fork
  5. Open a pull request against starburstdata/dbt-trino from your forked repository

Setting up an environment

There are some tools that will be helpful to you in developing locally. While this is the list relevant for dbt-trino development, many of these tools are used commonly across open-source python projects.


These are the tools used in dbt-trino development and testing:

  • tox to manage virtualenvs across python versions. We currently target the latest patch releases for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10
  • pytest to define, discover, and run tests
  • flake8 for code linting
  • black for code formatting
  • isort for sorting imports
  • mypy for static type checking
  • pre-commit to easily run those checks
  • changie to create changelog entries, without merge conflicts
  • make to run multiple setup or test steps in combination. Don't worry too much, nobody really understands how make works, and our Makefile aims to be super simple.
  • GitHub Actions for automating tests and checks, once a PR is pushed to the dbt-trino repository

A deep understanding of these tools in not required to effectively contribute to dbt-trino, but we recommend checking out the attached documentation if you're interested in learning more about each one.

Virtual environments

We strongly recommend using virtual environments when developing code in dbt-trino. We recommend creating this virtualenv in the root of the dbt-trino repository. To create a new virtualenv, run:

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

This will create and activate a new Python virtual environment.

Docker and docker-compose

Docker and docker-compose are both used in testing. Specific instructions for you OS can be found here.

Running dbt-trino in development


First make sure that you set up your virtualenv as described in Setting up an environment. Also ensure you have the latest version of pip installed with pip install --upgrade pip. Next, install dbt-trino (and its dependencies) with:

pip install -r dev_requirements.txt
pip install -e .

When installed in this way, any changes you make to your local copy of the source code will be reflected immediately in your next dbt run.

Running dbt-trino

With your virtualenv activated, the dbt script should point back to the source code you've cloned on your machine. You can verify this by running which dbt. This command should show you a path to an executable in your virtualenv.

Configure your profile as necessary to connect to your target databases. It may be a good idea to add a new profile pointing to a local Trino instance if appropriate.


Once you're able to manually test that your code change is working as expected, it's important to run existing automated tests, as well as adding some new ones. These tests will ensure that:

  • Your code changes do not unexpectedly break other established functionality
  • Your code changes can handle all known edge cases
  • The functionality you're adding will keep working in the future

Initial setup

To be able to run the tests locally you will need a Trino or Starburst instance.

# to start Trino
make start-trino
# to start Starburst
make start-starburst

Test commands

There are a few methods for running tests locally.


There are multiple targets in the Makefile to run common test suites and code checks, most notably:

# Runs integration tests on Trino
make dbt-trino-tests
# Runs integration tests on Starburst
make dbt-starburst-tests

These make targets assume you have a local installation of a recent version of tox for unit/integration testing and pre-commit for code quality checks, unless you use choose a Docker container to run tests. Run make help for more info.


pre-commit takes care of running all code-checks for formatting and linting. Run make dev to install pre-commit in your local environment. Once this is done you can use any of the linter-based make targets as well as a git pre-commit hook that will ensure proper formatting and linting.


tox takes care of managing virtualenvs and install dependencies in order to run tests. You can also run tests in parallel, for example, you can run unit tests for Python 3.7, Python 3.8, Python 3.9, and Python 3.10 checks in parallel with tox -p. Also, you can run unit tests for specific python versions with tox -e py37. The configuration for these tests in located in tox.ini.


Finally, you can also run a specific test or group of tests using pytest directly. With a virtualenv active and dev dependencies installed you can do things like:

# run all unit tests in a file
python3 -m pytest tests/unit/
# run a specific unit test
python3 -m pytest tests/unit/
# run integration tests
python3 -m pytest tests/functional

See pytest usage docs for an overview of useful command-line options.

The catalog in the dbt profile can be setup through pytest markers, if no marker has been specified the memory catalog is used.

For example if you want to set the dbt profile to connect to the Delta Lake catalog, annotate your test with, (supported markers are postgresql, delta or iceberg).
def test_run_seed_test(self, project):

Adding CHANGELOG Entry

We use changie to generate CHANGELOG entries. Note: Do not edit the directly. Your modifications will be lost.

Follow the steps to install changie for your system.

Once changie is installed and your PR is created, simply run changie new and changie will walk you through the process of creating a changelog entry. Commit the file that's created and your changelog entry is complete!

You don't need to worry about which dbt-trino version your change will go into. Just create the changelog entry with changie, and open your PR against the master branch.

Submitting a Pull Request

A dbt-trino maintainer will review your PR. They may suggest code revision for style or clarity, or request that you add unit or integration test(s). These are good things! We believe that, with a little bit of help, anyone can contribute high-quality code.

Automated tests run via GitHub Actions. If you're a first-time contributor, all tests (including code checks and unit tests) will require a maintainer to approve. Changes in the dbt-trino repository trigger integration tests against Trino and Starburst.

Once all tests are passing and your PR has been approved, a dbt-trino maintainer will merge your changes into the master branch. And that's it! Happy developing 🎉