This is a PWA to help users find and attend classes.
There are some env variables that need to be set for this app to work. Note that these variables are all prefixed with VUE_APP_ to ensure that the Vue CLI will pass them in during the build process.
The values needed are
- VUE_APP_apiUrl
- Base URL of the API server
- VUE_APP_Algoliasearch_ID
- ID of the Algolia Search project
- VUE_APP_Algoliasearch_Key_SearchOnly
- Search only API key for algolia
- Used to create the stripe object with the "loadStripe" method
# Install all dependencies, including devDependencies, for development use
npm install
# Install only the project dependencies
npm install --production
npm run serve
npm run build
# Run local server over HTTP
npm run local:http
# Run local server over HTTPS, generating cert first
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -nodes -x509 -days 3650 -keyout ./dist/key.pem -out ./dist/cert.pem
npm run local:https
npm run test
npm run lint
- Firebase hosting has been configured to serve index.html for all routes ensuring it behaves like a proper S.P.A even though we are not using history mode for our SPA.