- AWS account
- Docker installed
- Docker Image of the Toolkit from the public registry
- Cohere API key
- AWS CLI installed and configured
- Subnets
- Security groups
- Load balancer
- ECS Cluster
- ECS Task definition
- ECS Service Optional requirements:
- Route 53 domain name - if you want to use a custom domain name
- ECR registry to deploy image to
To deploy the Toolkit to AWS ECS, you can follow the steps below:
- The Toolkit Docker image is available on the public registry at
. Optionally, you can push the image to your own ECR registry. To do it do the following:- Build the Image and Tag it with the ECR registry URL:
If your PC is ARM processor based, you can use the following command to build the image to avoid architecture mismatch error:docker build -t cohere-ai/toolkit . -f standalone.Dockerfile docker tag cohere-ai/toolkit <Your ECR registry url>:latest
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t cohere-ai/toolkit . -f standalone.Dockerfile docker tag cohere-ai/toolkit <Your ECR registry url>:latest
- Push the image to the ECR registry:
aws ecr get-login-password --region <Your AWS region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <Your ECR registry url> docker push <Your ECR registry url>:latest
- Create security groups to allow inbound traffic on ports 8000 and 4000 for load balancer.
To do this, go to the EC2 dashboard, select Security Groups, and create a new security group with the following inbound rules:
- Type: Custom TCP Rule, Port Range: 8000, Source: Anywhere IPv4
- Type: Custom TCP Rule, Port Range: 4000, Source: Anywhere IPv4 Please note the security group IDs for later use.
- Create security groups to allow inbound traffic on ports 8000 and 4000 for the ECS instances.
To do this, go to the EC2 dashboard, select Security Groups, and create a new security group with the following inbound rules:
- Type: Custom TCP Rule, Port Range: 8000, Source: Security Group ID of the load balancer security group
- Type: Custom TCP Rule, Port Range: 4000, Source: Security Group ID of the load balancer security group Please note the security group IDs for later use.
- Create a new load balancer with the following settings:
- Type: Application Load Balancer
- Listeners: HTTP:8000, HTTP:4000
- Security Groups: Security Group ID of the load balancer security group created in step 2
- Target Groups: Create a new target group with the following settings:
- API:
- Protocol: HTTP
- Port: 8000
- Health Check Path: /health
- Health Check Port: traffic-port
- Health Check Protocol: HTTP
- Health Check Interval: 30 seconds
- Health Check Timeout: 5 seconds
- Healthy Threshold Count: 5
- Unhealthy Threshold Count: 2
- Target Type: IP addresses
- Protocol Version: HTTP1
- VPC: Default VPC
- Frontend:
- Protocol: HTTP
- Port: 4000
- Health Check Path: /
- Health Check Port: traffic-port
- Health Check Protocol: HTTP
- Health Check Interval: 30 seconds
- Health Check Timeout: 5 seconds
- Healthy Threshold Count: 5
- Unhealthy Threshold Count: 2
- Target Type: IP addresses
- Protocol Version: HTTP1
- VPC: Default VPC Please note the target group ARNs for later use. Please note the load balancer ARN for later use. Please note the load balancer DNS name for later use.
- API:
- Create a new ECS cluster(Fargate) with the following settings:
- Cluster name: ToolkitCluster
- Infrastructure: Fargate Please note the cluster name for later use.
- Create a new ECS Task definition with the following settings:
- Task Definition Name: ToolkitTask
- Launch Type: Fargate
- Operating System: Linux/X86_64
- Task Memory: 8GB
- Task CPU: 4 vCPU
- Task Role: ecsTaskExecutionRole
- Network Mode: awsvpc
- Container Definitions: Add a new container with the following settings:
- Name: ToolkitContainer
- Image: <Your ECR registry url>/toolkit:latest or
- Port Mappings: 8000:8000, 4000:4000
- Environment Variables: COHERE_API_KEY=<Your Cohere API key here>
- Environment Variables: NEXT_PUBLIC_API_HOSTNAME='http://<Your load balancer DNS name>:8000' from step 4 Please note the task definition ARN for later use. Please note the container name for later use.
- Now we need to create a new ECS service using aws cli because the ECS console does not support creating a
service with multiple target groups. To do this follow the steps below:
- Change the
file to include the correct values for your setup.- enter the service name
- enter the cluster name from step 5
- enter target group ARNs from step 4
- enter the container name from step 6
- enter the task definition ARN from step 6
- enter subnets IDs from the default subnets in your VPC
- enter security group IDs from the security groups created in step 3
- Run the following command to create the service:
aws ecs create-service --service-name ToolkitService --region <Your AWS region> --cli-input-json file://ecs_service.json
- Change the
After the service is created, you can access the Toolkit frontend at http://<Your load balancer DNS name>:4000
and the API at http://<Your load balancer DNS name>:8000/docs
Please note you can follow these instructions to deploy the frontend and API separately by creating two separate services and load balancers. .