What's the weather like outside?
This is a simple weather application using the OpenWeatherMap API. By default, the location is set to London, but the user can
search for any city in the world and it will display the weather for today.
This was built with Webpack, SASS, and vanilla JavaScript.
Weather data is from using the free version of OpenWeatherMap API.
- Cloud background: photo by Jason Blackeye on Unsplash
- Sun background: photo by Zwaddi on Unsplash
- Rain background: photo by Joy Stamp on Unsplash
- Snow background: photo by Adam Chang on Unsplash
- Thunderstorm background: photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash
- Smog background: photo by Call Me Fred on Unsplash
- Mist background: photo by Simon Godfrey on Unsplash
- Cloud icon (displayed on the web page tab): created by Icon Home on Flaticon
- Temperature icon: created by FPS Web Agency on Flaticon
- Humidity icon: created by Freepik on Flaticon
- Wind icon: created by Freepik on Flaticon