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Development environment

There are several ways to set up your development server and environment. Basically, you only need a running php server that uses the /public folder and an sql database connected to it. There are some tips how to achieve that (and even more) below.

Developing on the cloud with gitpod (for starters or for slow machines)

  1. Ask for access to our gitpod organization
  2. Go to projects, and go to the bracnhes under the Mars project. Create a new workspace for your branch and open it in the browser or VS Code locally.
  3. You will see three terminals. One for the server, one for npm, and one for the database. You can close the last two once the scripts are finished, but you still need to run php artisan migrate:fresh --seed to get the DB seeded. The site is served at http://localhost:8000 (or check the first few lines server logs).
  4. Use with care, we have 50 hours of free usage per month.

Universal (using Docker - recommended)

This setup uses Docker to run the app and the database, therefore it is very easy to set up on any platform that supports Docker (Linux, Windows via WSL2, etc.). This setup is also recommended if you don't want to install PHP and other dependencies on your host machine, or if you already have a different (incompatible) version of PHP installed.

The instructions can be found in the docker-dev-setup/ file.

Universal (using VS Code dev containers - recommended)

  1. Clone Mars: git clone
  2. Install Composer and run composer install in the project directory.
  3. You need to install Docker (and WSL2 on Windows). See requirements here.
  4. You need to install VS code
  5. You need to install the Remote Development extension pack in VS code.
  6. Open the project in VS code. Copy the .env.example file to .env and run php artisan key:generate. Set DB_HOST to mysql in .env file.
  7. VS code should notice that the project is configured to use dev containers and will promt you if you want to use it. Click yes, and you're all done!

Note: to regenerate the docker configuration, use php artisan sail:install --devcontainer


For OS X, Valet gives a pretty smooth experience. Easy to download, easy to configure.

Windows and Linux

For Windows and Linux the project has an example Laravel Homestead configuration which can be used for local development.

With these steps you should be able to run Mars on your machine:

  1. Clone Mars: git clone
  2. Install Vagrant and VirtualBox. (Or other virtualization platforms supported by Vagrant. Don't forget to reconfigure the provider in the steps below if you do so.)
  3. Follow the instructions in the First steps section:
    • vagrant box add laravel/homestead
    • git clone from a folder where you want to set up Homestead
    • go into this new directory
    • git checkout release
    • init.bat (bash on Linux)
  4. Set up Homestead: Copy and rename Homestead.yaml.example from this repository to Homestead.yaml in the Homestead directory (overwrite if needed). Modify this file by changing folders: - map: /your/local/path/to/mars .
  5. Create ssh keys to ~/.ssh/ and ~/.ssh/homestead_rsa. (You can use something like ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "".)
  6. On Windows add the mars.local host entry to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.
  7. Go to your Homestead directory and Run vagrant up and vagrant ssh to set up and enter your virtual machine.
  8. In the project root (cd mars) run composer install
  9. Set up Mars: Copy and rename .env.example to .env, and change these settings: DB_DATABASE=homestead DB_USERNAME=homestead DB_PASSWORD=secret APP_URL=http://mars.local.
  10. Run the following commands:
  • Run php artisan migrate:fresh --seed.
  • Run php artisan key:generate.
  • Run npm install to install JS related dependencies.
  • Run npm run dev to create the CSS and JS files in the public directory.
  1. The project should be running at mars.local.

Optional steps

  • You can add your personal access token from GitHub to use the GitHub API (eg. bug reports are sent through this). You can generate a token here. You have to check the 'public_repo' scope.
  • If you want to test emails, change MAIL_TEST_ADMIN to your email (after seeding, you will be able to log in to the admin user with this email address) and set your email credentials (MAIL_USERNAME and MAIL_PASSWORD) - you might have to enable third party access to your email account.
  • If you are working with uploaded files, run php artisan storage:link to make the uploads available by their paths in the url.

For everyday use

Most of the above setup is a one-time thing to do. However, whenever you start working on based on a newer version, you will have to run the following commands:

  • npm run dev: In case of recent UI changes (ie. JS or CSS), this will generate the new assets from webpack.mix.js. For frontend developers, npm watch might be useful -- it does the same, but also updates on change.
  • php artisan migrate:fresh --seed: This will migrate everything from scratch (useful if you work on changes in parallel) and seeds the database (so it basically resets the database).

You can log in to our seeded admin user with email MAIL_TEST_ADMIN ( by default - you can find this in your .env file) and with password asdasdasd. A regular account is available via the email address and the same password. See database/seeds/UsersTableSeeder.php for more predefined users.

IDE integration

Visual Studio Code (vsc, vscode)

  • If you are on Windows, make sure to use the WSL plugin and follow its instructions
  • This section is a stub, feel free to contribute


  • Create a run configuration for php artisan serve:
    • Create a new Shell Script run configuration under Run / Edit Configurations
    • Set an appropriate name, select "Script text" and paste the following: php artisan serve --host=
    • Now you can just click the run button to start the development server
    • Feel free to repeat this step for other commands you frequently use, e.g. database migrations
  • Add support for Laravel Eloquent:
    • Generate IDE helper files: run php artisan clear-compiled && php artisan ide-helper:refresh
    • In PHPStorm click on: File / Invalidate caches / Invalidate and Restart (this step might not be needed)
    • Now self::where(...), @mixin \Eloquent, etc. shouldn't get marked as errors
  • Add advanced support for Laravel:
  • Database integration:
    • Add a new MySQL data source with the credentials found in the .env file
    • Install the 3rd party Laravel Query plugin
    • Now auto-completion and validation will be available for model columns in queries among other features
  • Excluding libraries and automatically generated files/folders from indexing and search:
    • Open a .gitignore file and agree to exclude the files/folders that are excluded from version control
    • Manually exclude the following folders: storage/debugbar, storage/framework, storage/logs
    • Now you should see less irrelevant search results and warnings

Alternative: running Docker from terminal with Sail

This method is known to work under Linux (Ubuntu 20.04, to be precise). Maybe it also works with WSL2.

The steps:

  1. Follow the points under "Universal" until step 3 (here are Docker installation instructions).
  2. Add your user to the docker group: sudo groupadd docker && sudo usermod -aG docker $USER. This will ensure you can manage Docker without sudo later. (Note: this might be a bit unsafe. But this is the way it worked for me.)
  3. In .env, update APP_URL to http://localhost:8080.
  4. Add these lines:
  1. Still in .env, rewrite DB_HOST from the given IP to mysql.
  2. Run ./vendor/bin/sail up.
  3. Open another terminal. Before seeding, add the correct privilege to Laravel's user in MySQL by running:
docker exec -it mars-mysql-1 mysql --password -e "SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1;"
  1. Run ./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate:fresh --seed. (Other Artisan commands need to be executed similarly.)
  2. Now you can test the site at http://localhost:8080.
  3. Instead of SSH, you can use docker exec -it mars-laravel.test-1 bash.
  4. And to access MySQL, run docker exec -it mars-mysql-1 mysql --user=mars --password mars (change the container name, the username and the database name if needed; the latter two are in .env) and log in with the password (also found in .env).