Updated deps
Added ability to make MessageSocket send non-important; fixed bug
Swapped out lock library to get reentrancy
Message header is now like [len, (len ^ -1).reverse()] . Maybe this oughtta be a major version increment? That feels weird, though.
Added some checks and options for robustness. Also fixed some fatal bugs.
Checksum bugfix
Tweaks to possibly consolidate packets
Message header is now like [length, length ^ -1], for checksum
Trying again
Fixed a pointless error
Tweaked docs and added clearOldScans
blocked forever if all connections failed; no longer.
Fixed broadcast disconnection handling
Ok, maybe NOW the disconnect handling is correct?
Fixed a few unawaited futures
Added autoping, and I think I made disconnection detection more robust, so, 1.0.0 now
Fixed some bugs in the examples; I think they all work, now
Most of it works - I think raw sockets may not work, and I'm working out some bugginess possibly relating to Android.