This repo that contains all the Maps used by Eric Zimmerman's EvtxECmd.
- EvtxECmd Maps Ideas - Development roadmap for EvtxECmd Maps. Please feel free to contribute by adding ideas or by finishing tasks in the
To Do
column. Any help is appreciated!
Author: Eric Zimmerman (
d Directory to process that contains evtx files. This or -f is required
f File to process. This or -d is required
csv Directory to save CSV formatted results to.
csvf File name to save CSV formatted results to. When present, overrides default name
json Directory to save JSON formatted results to.
jsonf File name to save JSON formatted results to. When present, overrides default name
xml Directory to save XML formatted results to.
xmlf File name to save XML formatted results to. When present, overrides default name
dt The custom date/time format to use when displaying time stamps. Default is: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fffffff
inc List of Event IDs to process. All others are ignored. Overrides --exc Format is 4624,4625,5410
exc List of Event IDs to IGNORE. All others are included. Format is 4624,4625,5410
sd Start date for including events (UTC). Anything OLDER than this is dropped. Format should match --dt
ed End date for including events (UTC). Anything NEWER than this is dropped. Format should match --dt
fj When true, export all available data when using --json. Default is FALSE.
tdt The number of seconds to use for time discrepancy detection. Default is 1 second
met When true, show metrics about processed event log. Default is TRUE.
maps The path where event maps are located. Defaults to 'Maps' folder where program was executed
vss Process all Volume Shadow Copies that exist on drive specified by -f or -d . Default is FALSE
dedupe Deduplicate -f or -d & VSCs based on SHA-1. First file found wins. Default is TRUE
sync If true, the latest maps from are downloaded and local maps updated. Default is FALSE
debug Show debug information during processing
trace Show trace information during processing
Examples: EvtxECmd.exe -f "C:\Temp\Application.evtx" --csv "c:\temp\out" --csvf MyOutputFile.csv
EvtxECmd.exe -f "C:\Temp\Application.evtx" --csv "c:\temp\out"
EvtxECmd.exe -f "C:\Temp\Application.evtx" --json "c:\temp\jsonout"
Short options (single letter) are prefixed with a single dash. Long commands are prefixed with two dashes
This project contains both the core parsing engine as well as a command line front end that uses it.
For documentation on creating maps, check out the README in the Maps directory.
Use the Guide to learn how to make maps from the Template provided.
Enhancing Event Log Analysis with EvtxEcmd using KAPE
All of Eric Zimmerman's tools can be downloaded here.
Open Source Development funding and support provided by the following contributors:
- SANS Institute and SANS DFIR.
- Tines