The EiffelArtifactDeployedEvent is to declare that an artifact has been deployed into an environment.
Type: String
Required: No
Description: A URI where further information can be obtained, if applicable.
Required: Yes
Legal targets: EiffelArtifactCreatedEvent
Multiple allowed: No
Description: Identifies the artifact that was deployed
Required: No
Legal targets: Any
Multiple allowed: Yes
Description: Identifies a cause of the event occurring. SHOULD not be used in conjunction with CONTEXT: individual events providing CAUSE within a larger context gives rise to ambiguity. It is instead recommended to let the root event of the context declare CAUSE.
Required: No
Legal targets: EiffelActivityTriggeredEvent
Multiple allowed: No
Description: Identifies the activity of which the event constitutes a part. SHOULD not be used in conjunction with CAUSE, see above. Note that multiple layers may be modeled using CONTEXT, e.g. an activity being part of another activity.
Required: No
Legal targets: EiffelFlowContextDefinedEvent
Multiple allowed: Yes
Description: Identifies the flow context of the event: which is the continuous integration and delivery flow in which this occurred - e.g. which product, project, track or version this is applicable to.
Type: String
Format: UUID
Required: Yes
Description: The unique identity of the event, generated at event creation.
Type: String
Format: An event type name
Required: Yes
Description: The type of event. This field is required by the recipient of the event, as each event type has a specific meaning and a specific set of members in the data and links objects.
Type: String
Format: Semantic Versioning 2.0.0
Required: Yes
Description: The version of the event type. This field is required by the recipient of the event to interpret the contents. Please see Versioning for more information.
Type: Integer
Format: Milliseconds since epoch.
Required: Yes
Description: The event creation timestamp.
Type: String[]
Format: Free text
Required: No
Description: Any tags or keywords associated with the events, for searchability purposes.
Type: Object
Required: No
Description: A description of the source of the event. This object is primarily for traceability purposes, and while optional, some form of identification of the source is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. It offers multiple methods of identifying the source of the event, techniques which may be select from based on the technology domain and needs in any particular use case.
Type: String
Format: Free text
Required: No
Description: Identifies the domain that produced an event. A domain is an infrastructure topological concept, which may or may not corresponds to an organization or product structures. A good example would be Java packages notation, ex. com.mycompany.product.component or Also, keep in mind that all names are more or less prone to change. Particularly, it is recommended to avoid organizational names or site names, as organizations tend to be volatile and development is easily relocated. Relatively speaking, product and component names tend to be more stable and are therefore encouraged, while code names may be an option. You need to decide what is the most sensible option in your case.
Type: String
Format: Hostname
Required: No
Description: The hostname of the event sender.
Type: String
Format: Free text
Required: No
Description: The name of the event sender.
Type: String
Format: purl specification
Required: No
Description: The identity of the serializer software used to construct the event, in purl format.
Type: String
Format: URI
Required: No
Description: The URI of, related to or describing the event sender.
Type: Object
Required: No
Description: An optional object for enclosing security related information, particularly supporting data integrity. See Security for further information.
Type: String
Format: Distinguished Name
Required: Yes
Description: The identity of the author of the event. This property is intended to enable the recipient to identify the author of the event contents and/or look up the appropriate public key for decrypting the value and thereby verifying author identity and data integrity.
Type: Object
Required: No
Description: An optional object for enabling information integrity protection via cryptographic signing. To generate a correct object:
- Generate the entire event, but with the value set to an empty string.
- Serialize the event on Canonical JSON Form.
- Generate the signature using the algorithm.
- Set the value to the resulting signature while maintaining Canonical JSON Form. To verify the integrity of the event, the consumer then resets to an empty string and ensures Canonical JSON Form before verifying the signature.
Type: String
Format: A valid JWA RFC 7518 alg parameter value, excluding "none"
Required: Yes
Description: The cryptographic algorithm used to digitally sign the event. If no signing is performed, the SHALL be omitted rather than setting to "none".
Type: String
Required: Yes
Description: The signature produced by the signing algorithm.
Type: String
Required: No
Description: The producer of the event may include the relevant public key for convenience, rather than relying a separate key distribution mechanism. Note that this property, along with the rest of the event, is encompassed by the integrity protection offered via
Type: Object[]
Required: No
Description: An optional object for enabling verification of intact event sequences in a distributed environment, thereby protecting against data loss, race conditions and replay attacks. It allows event publishers to state the order in which they produce a certain set of events. In other words, it cannot provide any global guarantees as to event sequencing, but rather per-publisher guarantees. Every object in the array represents a named sequence of which this event forms a part. For every event including a given named sequence, the publisher SHALL increment by 1. The first event produced in a given named sequence SHALL numbered 1.
Type: String
Required: Yes
Description: The name of the sequence. There MUST not be two identical values in the same event.
Type: Integer
Required: Yes
Description: The number of the event within the named sequence.
Version | Introduced in | Changes |
2.0.0 | edition-agen | Introduced purl identifiers & Improved information integrity protection |
1.0.0 | Initial version. |