- Ctrl+Shift+P to open command palette
- select
Tasks: Run Task
and selectmsfvenom-payload-creating
- input options for payload
- generate payload
direct use +
to init the default zsh shell
and you will got the env defined in env.zsh
and source.zsh
you can do thing like
use meterpreter-handler
to init the msfconsole with the rcfile
use netcat-handler
to init the netcat listener
(you know the 6789 port is default $LPORT in env.zsh
, I just reuse it in revshell.zsh
and victim using payload to reverse its shell
and gain the shell
just replace payload in revshell.zsh
with pwncat-cs
and trigger shell on remote
gain shell with pwncat
and then do anything you need.
use web-delivery
to init the http server in the project folder, default is in the $PROJECT_WEB_DELIVERY
starting http server with
ur can use such function get xss result as well.