This is a model plugin for Evoplex and is included by default in the software.
It implements Conway's Game of Life cellular automaton.
The model runs in a lattice grid with Moore neighbourhood, i.e., each node interacts with its eight immediate neighbours.
Each node can be in one of two possible states: alive or dead.
At each step in time, each node updates its state based on the following rules:
- If the node is alive and has less than two live neighbors: the node dies, as if by underpopulation.
- If the node is alive and has two or three live neighbors: the node lives on to the next generation.
- If the node is alive and has more than three live neighbors: the node dies, as if by overpopulation.
- If the node is dead and has exactly three live neighbors: the node becomes alive, as if by reproduction.
The figure below shows a screenshot of an experiment in Evoplex using this model.
If you mention this model or the Evoplex software in a publication, please cite it as:
Marcos Cardinot, Colm O'Riordan, & Josephine Griffith. (2018). Evoplex: a powerful multi-agent system for networks. Zenodo.
This plugin is licensed under the MIT License terms.