In this project, I use xUnit and Selenium extentions to do Unit Testings and UITesting. The VSCode Environment was set to satisfy C# Testing and Debugs.
CreditCards.csproj in Azure/CreditCards/CreditCards.csproject creates a website to be tested on.The .csproj file is where you run the project to display the website.
CreditCardWebAppShould.cs and CreditCardApplicationShould.cs in Azure/CreditCards.UITests/* are automated tests with C# and Selenium. In order to run the tests, extensions are required for VSCode to run the tests. Dependencies are .Net Core Test Explorer, .NET v2.1^, Selenium is needed.
DemoHelper.cs's function in Azure/CreditCards.UITests/DemoHelper.cs is called throughout the test code to delay the automated test actions.
Follow the Money
Risk focused Strategy
- Legal Implications/ Requirements
- Reputation of Organization
- Data Corruption
- Security/ Privacy Protection
Features most-used by users
Unique/ differentiating features
Amount of Lower Level Test Coverage
Total Number of features/pages
At least one "Smoke Test" for every page