- Nettuts
- Nettuts Premium
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- DailyJS
- SmashingMag
- HowToNode
- BadassJS - "A showcase of awesome JavaScript that pushes the boundaries of what's possible on the web"
- JSOO - Examples for interesting JS Projects -because we are interested in everything! :)
- Addy Osmani, Learning JavaScript Design Patterns - O'Reilly - free eBook
- Nicolas Bevacqua, JavaScript Application Design - A Build First Approach
- The Twelve Factor-App
- Trevor Burnham, Async Javascript
- Large Scale JavaScript Application Patterns (Talks by Nicholas Zakas) one, two
- LetsCodeJavascript - Thanks Christian :)
- AuraJS - "Declarative component sugar for event-driven RequireJS apps"
- ScaleApp - "scaleApp is a tiny JavaScript framework for scalable and maintainable One-Page-Applications / Single-Page-Applications. The framework allows you to easily create complex web applications."
- Terrifically - "TerrificJS provides you a Scalable Javascript Architecture, that helps you to modularize your jQuery/Zepto Code in a very intuitive and natural way"
- TodoMVC - "Helping you select an MV* Framework"
- ListOfMinimalFrameworks - Nice collection of minimal frameworks for a range of languages
- MicroJS - Because we hate jQuery and other do-it-all libraries, we can be more selective.
- backbonejs.org
- Addy Osmani, Backbone Fundamentals - O'Reilly - free eBook
- Backbone Tutorials Collection of Tutorials, also as an eBook
- marionettejs.com
- Smashing Mag. - Introduction to Backbone Marionette
- Backbone Rails(http://www.backbonerails.com/) - Series of pragmatic tutorials to build a full stack structured web application (on the basis of Rails)
- Marionette - A Gentle Introduction, Leanpub - development of a full SPA with Marionette
- Nettuts - TDD Terminology
- Nettuts - Testing with Jasmine
- Nettuts - Testing with PhantomJS
- Nettuts - Coffeescript Testing with Mocha
- Mocha Testing Framework
- Chai Assertion Library BDD / TDD Assertion Library für should, expect, assert
- Sinon.JS Spies/Stubs/Mocks
- Jasmine All-in-One BDD Testing Framework
- Yeoman Workflows and generators for scaffolding web applications and modules
- Grunt Task runner for Node
- GulpJS Streaming Build System for Node (the new kid on the block)
- Bower Dependency management for your web components
- Component Package management and build tool on the basis of 'RequireJS'
- RequireJS / AMD
- CommonJS
- Writing Modular JavaScript With AMD, CommonJS & ES Harmony - What is all this module business about?
- coffeescript.org
- Coffeescript Cookbook - kleine Sammlung
- Alex MacCaw, The Little Book on CoffeeScript, O'Reilly - free eBook
- Smooth CoffeeScript
- Reginald Braithwaite, CoffeeScript Ristretto, Leanpub - Functional Development with CS, very easy read. (for JavaScript see also 'JavaScript Allongé')
- Mark Bates, Programming in CoffeeScript - Addison-Wesley - Short and compact introduction to CoffeeScript and Testing, Node, Backbone with Coffeescript.
- Diskussion CoffeeScript und Zukunft - Maybe you should not use CoffeeScript after all?
- TypeScript - Transpiler
- LiveScript - Transpiler
- Dart Language - Relatively new Web-Language for Scalable Web App Engineering promoted Google
- Traceur - Compiles ES Next to 'JS now'