This is a fork of
The RSTM field is in upstram master,
but today not part of an official release
The motorRecord state machine is sometimes hard to follow.
In order to make sure that we can follow all the transitions
(especially when the driver reports "DONE") there is a new logging
from inside the motorRecord itself.
A simplified version of a move triggered by writing to the .VAL field
of the PV "IOC:m1" looks like this:
2020/06/26 13:29:15.370 [ IOC:m1] doRetryOrDone dval=158.9 rdbd=0.1
2020/06/26 13:29:15.370 [ IOC:m1] mipSetBit 'Mo' old='' new='Mo'
2020/06/26 13:29:15.375 [ IOC:m1] msta.Bits.RA_DONE=0
2020/06/26 13:29:15.487 [ IOC:m1] msta.Bits.RA_MOVING=1
2020/06/26 13:29:18.119 [ IOC:m1] msta.Bits.RA_MOVING=0
2020/06/26 13:29:18.119 [ IOC:m1] msta.Bits.RA_DONE=1
2020/06/26 13:29:18.119 [ IOC:m1] motor has stopped drbv=158.970
2020/06/26 13:29:18.119 [ IOC:m1] maybeRetry: close enough; rdbd=0.1diff=-0.07 mip=0x20('Mo')
2020/06/26 13:29:18.119 [ IOC:m1] mipClrBit '...' old='Mo' new=''
If you don't want these printouts, set the .SPAM field to produce less loggings
When most (configuration) values can be read from the controller,
this was possible to push those values into the motorRecord fields.
(For example the default velocity was copied into VELO)
Remove all this logic from the record and asyn device support.
If needed, the driver can set up ai records which can be forwarded
into the record fields with help of ao records.
The only parameters that are left are the "read only softlimits".
They are needed to restrict DHLM and DLLM inside the working range
of the axis.
Make the enable/disable of printouts more fine-grained,
now we use a bit mask in the new introduced SPAM field:
1 STOP record stops motor, motor reports stopped
2 MIP changes, may be retry, doRetryOrDone, delayReq/Ack
3 Record init, UDF changes, values from controller
4 LVIO, recalcLVIO
5 postProcess
6 do_work()
7 special()
8 Process begin/end
The problem:
When a user changes the velocity by writing to the VELO field,
but forgets to write to the ACCL field, the acceleration will
change and may be too high.
(Note: Many users are not aware of this side-effect).
Introduce a field called ACCS, "Acceleration in seconds^2".
Once the field is written, the ACCL field is updated and the
acceleration is "locked".
It is locked for changes of VELO.
It can be be unlocked by writing to ACCL.
If the acceleration is locked (or not) is stored in the field ACCU,
which can be either "motorACCSused_Accl" or "motorACCSused_Accs".
And in this sense ACCU is not a lock, but just keeps track which
of the accelation fields ACCL or ACCS has been updated last, and
should be used in the next movement.
In any case an update to ACCS updated ACCL and the other way around.
Thanks to Mark Rivers for this nice idea.
Make it possible to forward movements (absolute/relative) from the
record into the model 3 driver:
- Add a new device support function, moveEGU
- Add it to the device suppport table for asyn motors, entry #9
- Use writeGenericPointer in asynMotorController to receive
the new command.
- Add moveEGU() in asynMotorAxis, this function can be overloaded
by a driver.
- Add moveVeloEGU() in asynMotorAxis, this function can be overloaded
by a driver.
Beside many bugfixes and improvements, here some high lights:
It was using the value of mr->[link]->value.constantStr
and mr->[link]->value.pv_link.pvname without checking the
link types. This was incorrect, and led to errors because
constantStr no longer has a defined value if the link type
is not CONSTANT. Changed so that it only accesses these
union fields if the link is the correct type.
- It did not check if pv_link.pvname was NULL before calling
CA functions, though now that we check the link type perhaps
this cannot occur.
- It did not lock the motor record before accessing the fields.
- Added Debug calls to show the link types and values."
It is the driver's responsiblity to stop a motor if the condition
that results in the RA_PROBLEM bit being set doesn't result
in the motor automatically stopping."
do not start a new target position move."
Rename SDBD into SPDB
When homing against a limit switch, we find the motor position
most often outside the valid soft limit range.
Make it possible to move the motor inside the allowed range,
by settting the "motorFlagsAdjAfterHomed_" parameter to 1.
When a limit switch is hit when traveling into the commanded direction,
the motorRecord sends a STOP.
There are cases, when this is not desired:
- The IOC is running while the motion controller is commissioned.
The motor is moved using an engineering tool,
The motorRecord does not have a valid "commanded direction".
The motion controller will stop the motor, when a limit switch is
hit, and this shouldbe tested manually.
- The motor is homed against a limit switch.
The controller will stop the motor, and then move it slowly away from
the switch.
Once the switch releases, the current position is latched.
Different controllers and use cases may need different behaviour(s),
so more commits and changes may come in the future.
Improve the situation when an IOC is started a long time before the
controller "goes online".
The basic idea is to keep the record in "UDF".
Different commits like
84d0d09b "devMotorAsyn: Keep record in longer in UDF if needed"
When the communication with an asyn motor has not be established when the
record is iniitialized, keep the record in UDF.
(The record processing can not wait here)
Modern controller use engineering units, so that the IOC uses e.g.
"mm" instead of "steps" when communicating positions.
The motorRecord insists somewhat to use steps.
As a result, both MRES must be set to some value, and then
the controller must have a "scale factor", "stepsPerUnit" or the like.
Note that there is still a need to set either MRES or SPDB to a useful
value, otherwise the motorRecord will refuse to move distances below
1.0 mm.
The model 1 and model 2 drivers can refuse to accept soft-limits.
The soft limits in the motorRecord stay always inside the physical
driving range of the axis.
Example: The controller has a driving range 0..175 mm
The user tries to set the DHLM field to 180mm.
The device support in the driver is allowed to refuse the change,
so that the DHLM field stays ar 175.
Similar for DLLM, and the user coordinate-ish LLH and LLM
This has never been implemented for model 3 drivers.
If available, the "read only softlimits" can be written
into the parameter library like this:
pAxis->setDoubleParam(motorHighLimitRO_, limitHigh);
pAxis->setDoubleParam(motorLowLimitRO_, limitLow);
And device support will forward them to the motorRecord.
The motorRecord assumes that there is a "home switch",
which needs to be activated.
The user must know, where the motor is, and decide if she wants
to use HOMF or HOMR to initiate the homing.
This does not work well if
- (a) The limit switch itself is the "home switch"
- (b) The homing sequence is like this
"go to the low limit switch, activate it, stop, reverse the
direction and search for the home switch.
In case of (a) will the motorRecord send a stop to the controller,
which may abort the homeing and leaves the axis in an unusable state.
In case of (b) the same problem occurs.
setIntegerParam(pC_->motorFlagsNoStopOnLS_, 1);
There is another, sometime annoying, thing:
When we have a controller, that can do a homing even when a limit
switch is active, the motorRecord will ignore HOMF when HLS set.
It silently ignores HOMR when LLS is active.
So again, the user must choose between HOMR/HOMF.
setIntegerParam(pC_->motorFlagsHomeOnLs_, 1);
There are 2 improvements in the new "auto power on mode 2"
The old auto power on had 0 (=off) and 1 (=on).
The new mode "2" has two more features:
- setting a power off timout < 0.0 will leave the axis
powered on.
- The fixed power on delay can be shortened, if the axis
reports "power on achieved" earlier.
A better documentation of this feature is needed.
The code in the motorRecord was full of DVAL/RVAL calculations,
dividing by MRES was needed everywhere.
This version uses dial coordinates in the
and let motorDevSup.c convert them into "raw" values.
Removed all compiler warnings in the motor module.
(Those that my compilers showed)