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-84.01,97.50005 V 258.23" style="fill:#231f20;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" id="path54"></path><path d="m 3051.35,226.719 h -33 v 28.511 h 33.5 v 72.5 h 33.51 v -72.5 h 63 v -28.511 h -63 v -125 c 0,-59.0002 37.5,-66.5002 56.5,-66.5002 7,0 11.5,1 11.5,1 V 5.71875 c 0,0 -5.5,-1.00781 -14.5,-1.00781 -29,0 -87.51,9.49996 -87.51,93.50786 V 226.719" style="fill:#231f20;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" id="path56"></path><path d="m 3209.35,258.23 h 34 V 6.71094 h -34 z m -1,100.008 h 35.5 v -42.5 h -35.5 v 42.5" style="fill:#231f20;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" id="path58"></path><path d="m 3439.86,31.2188 c 54,0 98.01,44 98.01,102.5112 0,57 -44.01,99.5 -98.01,99.5 -54,0 -98,-42.5 -98,-99.5 0,-58.5112 44,-102.5112 98,-102.5112 z m 0,233.0112 c 73.5,0 133.01,-56 133.01,-130.5 0,-76.0112 -59.51,-133.01125 -133.01,-133.01125 -73.5,0 -133.01,57.00005 -133.01,133.01125 0,74.5 59.51,130.5 133.01,130.5" 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12,34 52,63.5 91,63.5 46.51,0 70.51,-21.5 78.01,-63 h 1 c 13.5,34 50.01,63 92.51,63 61,0 83.5,-35.5 83.5,-97.511 V 6.71094 h -34 V 158.23 c 0,40.989 -8.5,75 -54.5,75 -38.51,0 -70.01,-34.011 -79.51,-71.011 -3.5,-10.989 -4.5,-23 -4.5,-36.5 V 6.71094 h -34 V 158.23 c 0,38 -5.5,75 -53.01,75 -40.99,0 -72,-35.5 -82.5,-74.011 -2.5,-10.489 -3.5,-22 -3.5,-33.5 V 6.71094 h -34 V 258.23" style="fill:#231f20;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" id="path66"></path><path d="m 5288.51,31.2188 c 54.01,0 98.01,44 98.01,102.5112 0,57 -44,99.5 -98.01,99.5 -54,0 -98.01,-42.5 -98.01,-99.5 0,-58.5112 44.01,-102.5112 98.01,-102.5112 z m 0,233.0112 c 73.51,0 133.01,-56 133.01,-130.5 0,-76.0112 -59.5,-133.01125 -133.01,-133.01125 -73.5,0 -133.01,57.00005 -133.01,133.01125 0,74.5 59.51,130.5 133.01,130.5" style="fill:#231f20;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none" id="path68"></path><path d="m 5485.02,258.23 h 33.49 v -44.5 c 0,-11 -0.99,-20 -0.99,-20 h 0.99 c 12,37.989 40.01,67 79.51,67 7,0 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