####How to build OpenCV for WinRT
- open the binWinRT folder
- build the opencv.sln using VS2013
####How to build OpenCV for Windows Phone 8.0
- open the binWP8 folder
- build the opencv.sln using VS2012 or VS2013
####How to setup CMake GUI to build the WinRT Projects
Since CMake cannot create WinRT project files directly, the following procedure is required if you want to make changes to the opencv projects using CMake options. The basic procedure is:
- Set up CMake with the correct parameters
- Configure, Generate and Build Win32 projects
- Set up CMake for WinRT
- Configure and Generate WinRT project files
- Build WinRT projects
#####1. Open CMake gui
#####2. Set the build paths
- Where is the source code: path to opencv
- Where to build the binaries: path to opencv/bin
#####3. Select ONLY the following Options
######Note: Make sure the ENABLE_WINRT_MODE
option is off. This step builds for Win32.
- BUILD_opencv_calib3d
- BUILD_opencv_contrib
- BUILD_opencv_core
- BUILD_opencv_features2d
- BUILD_opencv_flann
- BUILD_opencv_imgproc
- BUILD_opencv_legacy
- BUILD_opencv_ml
- BUILD_opencv_objdetect
- BUILD_opencv_photo
- BUILD_opencv_shape
- BUILD_opencv_stitching
- BUILD_opencv_video
- BUILD_opencv_videostab
#####4. Click on Configure #####5. Click on Generate
This will generate all of the files needed to build the Win32 open_cv projects in opencv\bin
. Open the opencv\bin
directory and open the OpenCV.sln
. Build all of the projects. They should build without errors.
#####6. Return to Cmake Gui and enable the following option:
- ENABLE_WINRT_MODE // Make sure this option is on
- Click on Configure
- Click on Generate
This will generate all of the files needed to build the open_cv projects in opencv\binWinRT
#####7. Open the opencv\binWinRT
directory and run the convertprojects.ps1
script. The script will create the WinRT projects in the opencv\binWinRT
directory. The WP8 projects will be in opencv\binWP8
open the binWinRT folder
build the opencv.sln using VS2013
open the binWP8 folder
build the opencv.sln using VS2012 or VS2013
- Homepage: http://opencv.org
- Docs: http://docs.opencv.org
- Q&A forum: http://answers.opencv.org
- Issue tracking: http://code.opencv.org
Please read before starting work on a pull request: http://code.opencv.org/projects/opencv/wiki/How_to_contribute
Summary of guidelines:
- One pull request per issue;
- Choose the right base branch;
- Include tests and documentation;
- Clean up "oops" commits before submitting;
- Follow the coding style guide.